[SIDEPLOT] Moray / Aristren - One-sided Affections

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Arys Trovek

Feb 26, 2023, 4:22:18 AM2/26/23
to sb11...@googlegroups.com
((OOC: Thank you to Kris, the absolutely amazing writer of Hiro Jones for writing this JP with me, and for supporting while I figure out this sideplot!))

((Katalina and Yavir Moray's Quarters, Miranda VII))

The meeting with Alasafor had given Nestira much to think about, and the Rodulan noticed that she already craved his company minutes after having left it. Connecting to someone telepathically on such a level was something she hadn’t been able to do for decades, and now that she had it, she didn’t want to give it up.
And he was an ally - or at least not an enemy. After weeks on Miranda VII, where the xenophobic Terra Prime members had ceased control, she was grateful for someone who was ‘not an enemy’.

Her steps were silent as she stepped into the quarters she and the Moray’s occupied. She had hoped for Yavir and Katalina to both be asleep by now, but the gentle hum of someone’s surface thoughts told her otherwise. 

Aristren (Nyra): ::quietly:: I’m sorry I am back so late. ::she paused, and when no response came she added a :: Please don’t be mad.

He usually wasn’t mad, but he seemed to like her apologising and asking his forgiveness. 

Yavir: I’m just glad you’re home safe.

Nyra - Nestira - smiled at him as he approached, then lowered her gaze. 

Aristren (Nyra): I got lost in thought. 

Yavir: Anything I can help with?

Aristren (Nyra): ::shaking her head:: No, it’s… nothing.

They both knew there was something. Miranda VII was on lockdown for weeks, food and other supplies were scarce, and he feared an attack from Starfleet while she feared that they would come too late.

Yavir: Well, at least let me get you something to eat. Sit.

He didn’t wait for a response. Nyra had obviously had a hard day. He hated seeing her stretched so thin. One thing he never doubted was her ability to cope with things that would make pretty much anyone else he’d ever known quail to consider. Still, being incredibly strong did not make one invincible.

A moment later, he returned to the table with a plate of food in one hand and a bottle of wine and two glasses clutched precariously in the other.

Yavir: Now then. Eat, and tell me about your day.

One of the many benefits of being part of Naystrim’s inner circle - even if they too didn’t have the luxuries they would be able to afford elsewhere, they were not struggling like many others were.

Aristren (Nyra): We got new supplies. I think one of the … taskforces… downed a Kinrethian freighter. It’s good. We really needed them. 

Yavir: I imagine that made Kitty happy

She shook her head.

Aristren (Nyra): Kat was… well, not happy, but content enough.

A bit of humor there. Katalina was never really happy - or at least she didn’t outwardly show it. 

Yavir poured the wine. It was darker than he preferred, but the deep ruby liquid, almost a black currant color, was always a way to loosen Nyra’s tongue. If some part of her wanted to talk, this would give her an excuse.

Yavir: What about our side? Any casualties?

Aristren (Nyra): None that were brought back.

Which didn’t necessarily mean that there hadn’t been casualties - the Kinreth were most likely dead. But medical supplies were so scarce that she wouldn’t be surprised if Terra Prime had also left their injured behind.

People were disposable. Turning them into living bombs had proven that. 

He sipped his wine. It was good … just not what he was in the mood for. He really just wanted to bury his face in Nyra’s hair and drink her in. He had been surprised when he first realised could fall for someone so quickly, but the heart wants what it wants. Now, every time he saw her, he felt drunk. Setting his glass down, he walked around behind her - still talking, but now starting to rub her impossibly tense shoulders.

Yavir: I know this is important, but … have you given any more thought to what I suggested last week? Even a short holiday would do you worlds of good.

She sighed. It was ironic how Alasafor had said the same, but for entirely different reasons. Her telepathy was strained, dangerously so. She couldn’t remain here for much longer, but…

Aristren (Nyra): I have. And I like the idea, I just… ::she lowered her voice:: You know how I think about…some things. I am worried about what will happen if Naystrim doesn’t have you by her side. She needs your advice.

And Nestira needed him to advise against initiating project “El-Nar” which would be the death of Miranda VII’s civilian population.

Yavir: You think i’m all that stands between her and the apocalypse button?

He’d said it with a smirk. The “apocalypse button” had been a running joke in this house for a little over two months now, ever since Naystrim started getting … edgier. Anything seemed to set her off lately, but Yariv didn’t think she would blow up the galaxy if he took a week away. The tone in Nyra’s voice when she answered however, told him she wasn’t sharing in the joke right now. oO It must have been a really rough day. Oo

Aristren (Nyra): I suppose I just don’t want anyone to get hurt. I see the value in it but… I mean they are all humans. We already got rid of the aliens and hybrids.

Yavir: ::sighing:: You’re right. I know, I know - you’re always right. ::he kissed the top of her head:: Just promise me when things cool down, we’ll go somewhere quiet? Maybe with exotic fruity drinks?

Nestira smiled, though inwardly she attached no emotion to the gesture of affection. She didn’t dislike Yavir, but he wouldn’t be her choice of company if she were free to do as she chose.

She tried the food - a little spicy for her taste,  but sustenance she urgently needed - and once more thanked him for … well, making the effort. Being cared for was nice. Being loved was pleasant, even if she didn’t return the feeling.

Aristren (Nyra): That sounds great. ::she nodded:: And thank you for taking such good care of me. When I arrived here I really didn’t think I’d.. amount to anything.

But she had been clever about it. She had read Katalina’s surface thoughts and desires of a research-partner, and promptly been able to provide.
For Nestira Aristren, it was a task far below her skillset.
But Nyra Altman had failed her science education, and being given such a chance meant a lot for her. 

Yavir: Feels almost orchestrated - like it was meant to be.

Aristren (Nyra): I know. ::she shook her head:: If those aliens hadn’t-... well it doesn’t matter. I’m glad to be here with my own people. 

Yavir: ::smiling warmly at her verbal embrace:: And I’m glad you’re here too, Nyra. But are the off-worlders really so bad?

Aristren (Nyra): I guess they can stay on their own worlds. I don’t care about them there, but Earth is for humans. ::She argued:: 

Yavir: Don’t get me wrong - I don’t want to order a sandwich and end up with Gagh, but there are some things good about having nonhumans around for, right? Like … ::he thought for far too long:: I don’t know, variety?
She smiled, but only a little. Nestira liked his views, and they were one of the reasons it was so crucial to keep him around. Still, if he was too open about it, he would be getting himself into danger.

Aristren (Nyra): I agree. ::she nodded:: But let’s keep that quiet. You know how Kat is. 

He noted she hadn’t eaten much of the food. Maybe he’d made it too spicy … again. He had a tendency to do that. Or maybe she was just too tired to eat. He gave her shoulders one last good squeeze, and came around to the chair opposite her, tucking it up to the table.

Yavir: I can handle Kitty. Her meow is louder than her scratch. … that didn’t work so well. You know what I mean. ::a self-deprecating chuckle:: I think I’m gonna head to bed.

Aristren (Nyra): ::carefully:: Do you want me to join you?

She had spent several nights with him, but she did have her own room in their quarters, and she much preferred to remain there.

Yavir: I think you need a good night’s sleep. If a cuddle would help, you know where I am. If you need to punch some pillows … well, maybe my head shouldn’t be too close.

Aristren (Nyra): You are right ::she smiled, got up, and began helping him clean up the plates and rest of food:: What would I ever do without you?

Yavir: You, my dear, would eat very bland food.

[End Scene]

Lt. J.G. Nestira Aristren (posing as Nyra Altman)
Starbase 118 Ops


Yavir Moray
Simmed by Hiro Jones
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