((StarBase 118 – Ballroom))
After story time and as everyone was gathered, the music hit a pause and Sal moved to the front of the room, stepping up on the small stage to address the gathered. He pulled his mask off and smiled to the fantastic array of costumes gathered on the ballroom floor.
Taybrim: Welcome everyone! I want to thank you all for joining us this evening! This is a celebration of our crew and a chance for us to get to know our newest members as well as relax and enjoy ourselves.
He paused, letting everyone settle down before going on.
Taybrim: I’d like to give special thanks to Commander Deveau for planning this party! Everything looks fantastic Commander, you have done an amazing job!
DeVeau: ?
Any: ?
Taybrim: Yes, I promise you a dance after this! ::he winked, dark eyes sparkling.::
DeVeau: ?
With a grin Sal looked back to the gathered.
Taybrim: As is tradition, I would like to start by offering a formal welcome to our new and retuning crew, starting with Ensign Ashley Yael, one of our counselors who returns to StarBase 118 after several years of adventure! Ensign, I’m so happy to have you back with us!
He smiled broadly towards the Denobulan, full of hope and excitement to rekindle an old relationship and talk with an excellent counselor.
Yael: ?
Any: ?
Taybrim: Next I’d like to welcome back Lt. Commander Ishani Kasun, returning to her longtime position as our Chief of Security! I’m thrilled to have you back with us, Ishani!
There was the easy, happy tone to his voice, pleased to see good friends return, feeling like Ops was safer with Ishani in Security.
Kasun: ?
Any: ?
Taybrim: Also welcome Lieutenant Nalni, who transferred from one of our sister ships, the USS Constitution and joins us in Engineering!
He was curious to know more about Nalni, and knew she had already been active in helping them with the last mission.
Nalni: ?
Any: ?
Taybrim: And please everyone give your warmest welcomes to Ensign Ariana Amaase, a recent graduate of Starfleet Academy! Ensign, I am so happy you were able to join our crew and I look forward to working with you!
He smiled with excitement. Ensign Amaase had so much potential form her excellent work at the academy and each new crew was a shining star, a brilliant bundle of possibilities. He was excited to get to know her better and grow a new friendship.
Amaase: ?
Any: ?
Taybrim: Welcome all, and if you have not gotten to meet some of our new crew, please take the opportunity tonight to introduce yourself!
Any: ?
He waited for a few moments, letting the welcomes and conversation settle again, before he looked out, smiling with pride at his crew.
Taybrim: Tonight I’d like to recognize the job well done by this crew in a very dangerous situation. I know it was harrowing to face the Borg, but with your efforts we were able to save the crew of the Andromeda, destroy an ongoing threat in the Nimitz and even give some of the Nimitz drones a chance at a new life. None of that would be possible without your hard work and skillful decisions. Because we faced down a Borg threat and were able to neutralize it, every officer on this mission is recognized with the Borg Service Medal, marking you as part of an elite group of officers who have protected this galaxy from one of our greatest threats. ::he paused and added an earnest.:: Thank you.
He let that linger for a moment. It was not the last of the awards, but even though it was a blanket recognition it was also profound. Facing down the Borg was never easy, and never safe. They fact that they completed their mission with minimal loss of life and creating a long term solution to a problem that had plagued the Federation for over a decade was inspiring.
Taybrim: Ensign Talas Beck, for your quick witted flying that kept your companions safe in a stressful situation you are recognized with the Captain’s Commendation. ::He smiled at the Bajoran.:: Ensign, I am very proud of how you handled yourself under pressure and happy to have you at the helm!
Beck: ?
Any: ?
Taybrim: Thank you so much, Ensign. You have done great work.
As they were in costume, awards were delivered to each crew’s quarters this time, but it made the congratulations and honor no less real.
Taybrim: Lieutenant Blackwell, Marine Captain Luthas, both of you were gallant defenders of the Andromeda crew, making contact with Captain Sadger and helping ensure the evacuation was successful. For your brave work, I recognize you both with the Good Conduct Ribbon.
Blackwell/(Luthas, if present): ?
Any: ?
Taybrim: Thank you both for your quick thinking and careful action.
He let the congratulations swell and then calm back down before he looked up again.
Taybrim: Commander McLaren – your quick thinking and keen skills helped create multiple ways to delay and distract the Borg and gave us critical time to evacuate. I want to recognize your work with the Innovation ribbon. ::he smiled at the white haired woman.:: It was good having you on the bridge, Commander.
McLaren: ?
Any: ?
Taybrim: We could not have done so well without you. Thank you ::he said warmly.::
Again a pause to let the applause die down, he looked at the assembled.
Taybrim: Commander Nijil, Commander Maxwell – both of you were leaders, one on the shuttle, the other on the bridge, helping get messages through to other teams and facilitating the evacuation. We would not have been successful without your help. I recognize you both with the Captain’s Commendation, and thank you always for your continued support.
Nijil/Maxwell: ?
Any: ?
Again, as they conversation quieted, he looked to the remaining officers.
Taybrim: Lieutenant Nalni, you volunteered to pilot a dangerous mission to face the Nimitz, working to keep the Narendra safe. You helped your team’s mission succeed in the face of danger. I recognize your brave acts with the Good Conduct Ribbon.
Nalni: ?
Any: ?
Taybrim: Lieutenant, you jumped right in and showed this crew how much your cared before even getting a chance to meet many of us. Thank you again.
Another pause, another soft chance to regroup. Things were slowly building up.
Taybrim: Lieutenant Bailey, your hard work saved not only Federation civilians, but Starfleet crew member. Your skills and confidence under pressure have been an amazing boon for this crew and I am so happy to recognize your hard work with the Silver Lifesaving Ribbon.
Bailey: ?
Taybrim: Furthermore, Doctor, you growing leadership skills have not gone unnoticed. By the recommendation of Doctor Foster, for this point forward we recognize you as the Chief Medical Officer of StarBase 118. Doctor Foster will continue supporting you as your Chief Surgeon.
Sal grinned, proud of Sheila and how much she had accomplished since arriving on StarBase 118. She was an amazing officer and a good friend. He could not be happier.
Bailey: ?
Any: ?
Taybrim: Congratulations, Lieutenant! You have earned it!
Any: ?
Taybrim: Commander DeVeau, you, too have made an incredible impression on this crew in a short time. Your quick thinking helped us plan both offensive and defensive measures against the Nimitz and you were the leader of a final stand against the Borg. Your brave actions protected us all, and I recognize your keen work with the Silver Star.
DeVeau: ?
Taybrim: You also have a keen skill for leadership, Commander. As we allow one of our officers to take the time to heal, we need strong leaders like you. I would like to recognize you as the Chief Science Officer of StarBase 118.
DeVeau: ?
Any: ?
Taybrim: Congratulations, Commander! You do us proud!
Any: ?
Taybrim: Lieutenant Meeks, you also faced the Borg in hand to hand combat, taking action that directly protected the fellow members of your team as well as the crew of the Andromeda. You helped save lives by your bravery and for this I award you with the Silver Star.
Meeks: ?
Taybrim: Lieutenant, your leadership skills have not gone unnoticed, either. Commander Dal and Captain Luthas both feel you are a fine up and coming leader in the 292nd. As of today you are recognized as a first lieutenant, with all rights and responsibilities therein, and the second in command of the Iron Jaegers. You will remain as Delta Company CO… ::he smiled a bit:: But you may wish to start training up a replacement. ::he winked, a slight indication that should Meeks continue being as strong as he was soon he would take Luthas’ place and need a Delta CO of his own.::
Meeks: ?
Any: ?
Taybrim: I have every confidence on your skills, Lieutenant and I look forward to seeing the Iron Jaegers continue to be the finest team in the quadrant.
Any: ?
Taybrim: And last, but not least, Ensign Taelon you have worked tirelessly to save and de-assimilate the former drones of the Nimitz collective. You were critical to every step of the de-assimilation process and your techniques will pave the way for awesome advances in cybernetic medicine. For this I recognize your work with the Trauma Support Advocate Ribbon. You not only saved the lives of dozens, your work may save hundreds or thousands in the future,
Taelon: ?
Taybrim: And you have proven yourself as one of the most steadfast members of this crew. As of today you are recognized as Lieutenant junior grade with all rights and responsibilities therein.
Sal smiled gently. Taelon was getting back the rank he had once earned, and while it might on the surface seem less meaningful, Sal felt it was actually more profound. After so much sacrifice, to slowly step back to where one had been, older wiser and stronger was one of the most respectable things he could think of.
Taelon: ?
Any: ?
Taybrim: Thank you all so much for everything. You all did a fantastic job, and I am so proud to call each and every one of you my crew, my fellow officers and my friends.
Any: ?
Fleet Captain Sal Taybrim
Commanding officer
StarBase 118 Ops