Lt JG Ross - Burns, thermal as verbal

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Hannah S

Jul 2, 2024, 7:50:37 AM (3 days ago) Jul 2
((Science Labs, Central Biodome, Miri IVa))

The doctor had a way of evading uncomfortable topics - Ross' eyebrows raised slightly as he heard his snappy comments. McLaren seemed to have neither the energy nor the time to continue dealing with Rodrega's attitude, which was maybe a typical occupational disease for Intelligence officers.

McLaren: We'll continue this discussion later...

Ross turned back to Rustyy and the device in his hands.

Ross: Something coming in?

Hael: Yea’.... I’d be sayin’ so. :he looked to Sol.:: Hey Sol, year gonna wanna look at this…
McLaren: I take it this isn't a good sign?

Ross tilted his head in order to get a better look at the display.
Hael: Yer wavelength is gonna have’ta go all the way to the roots I be thinkin’.

Rodrega: It will have to, and throughout the colony all at once. What do you have in equipment that can do that?

McLaren looked to Rustyy and Ross was wise enough to keep his mouth shut. The expert was talking.

Hael: Maybe we can use this like a deflector, snedin’ ou’ a wide band to ge’ ev’rythin’ at once.

McLaren: That will be safe?

Ross: UV light can get quite damaging, no?

Rodrega: Do they even teach basic science in Starfleet? Everyone who will be exposed to the amount we need at this wavelength will be sunburned, but there should not be enough exposure to cause worse then that.

McLaren: They do... but not everyone needs that knowledge on a daily basis.

Ross: Most citizens have retreated into their houses anyways, didn't they? However, if there are protests in the streets we should be careful that those situations aren't aggravated further by people feeling like they are cooked alive.

He sent a worrying glance through their group. Causing a mass panic wasn't on his to do list today.

Hael: ?

Rodrega: Now, with a lot of scientific equipment damaged, what does the mighty Starfleet have that can help with this?

McLaren: We have a Starship in orbit with plenty of equipment, and one of the best engineers in the fleet to put it together into something we can use.

Ross: Do you think this device is sufficient? Or should we link it to the Narendra and come from above?

Hael: ?

Rodrega: Lets get to it, then.

McLaren: Yes... the sooner we can solve this situation the sooner we can figure out who caused it.

Ross: I'll link up with the Narendra, won't hurt to have some backup.

He pulled up his PADD and accessed their data storage, revisiting the files they had scanned earlier this day. While everyone was getting to the technical details, he was still pondering about the origin of the plants, searching through the encrypted request-files Taybrim had shared with them earlier. There hadn't been the time for him to take a proper look at them until now.

Hael: ?

McLaren: So then Doctor... what do we need to get to implement this plan of yours.

Hael/Rodrega: ?

Sol noedded.

McLaren: I think we can accomodate that.

Hael/Rodrega: ?

Ross: Doctor Rodrega, would you mind granting us access to data you retrieved from your UV experiment? We should keep our ship's systems ready with the technical details, just in case.

Actually, he was asking for another reason, but that one he hid carefully behind an unsuspicious smile.

Rodrega: ?

Ross: Appreciated.

He linked his PADD to the lab's console and downloaded the genetic code of the plant Rodrega had experimented on. While everyone around him was getting to work by setting the technical preparation, Ross compared the import request Taybrim had provided them with the signature of the plant. It was very telling. But he wanted to make sure, so he accessed their own data-storage in the Narendra and took a look at the results the other teams had gathered so far. Tito's science team had done numerous scans of the plants and their genetic codes, which was very helpful.

Rodrega/McLaren/Hael: ?

Ross took a step aside and gestured at McLaren.

Ross: Commander, may I speak to you for a second?

McLaren: ?

He handed her his PADD, showing the results. The requested imports from 8 months ago matched the nature of the plant that Rodrega had just experimented with. He spoke to her with a lowered voice.

Ross: We can focus on this later, but I think the biological source material has been imported without official clearance eight months ago. The science team around Tito also scanned plant signatures that match a Romulan biotech profile.

McLaren: ?

He nodded. Right now they had to focus on a solution, so he turned back to Rustyy.

Ross: Anything I can help with?

McLaren/Hael/Rodrega: ?


Lieutenant JG Evan Ross
Intelligence Officer
StarBase 118 Ops

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