Commander Gogigobo Fairhug - A Plan of Fire and Ice

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Jun 27, 2024, 10:44:10 PM (7 days ago) Jun 27

((Distribution Station, Biodome 2B, Miri IVa))

With the call from Sal concluded, Gogi closed the line and turned back to Myran and Willow. As he did so, his eyes fell on Myran’s shoulder. With everything that had gone on, he had somehow missed the fact that the Deltan had been injured at some point.

Fairhug: Adjunct, are you okay?

Myran: It’s not life-threatening.

Fairhug: Perhaps your medic ::nodding in the direction of Ressur:: can take a look at you?

Myran: That would be fine. Once he’s finished tending to your Ensign.

Willow: The injury isn’t life threatening, however that bandage doesn’t look clean. ::hmmm:: Sooner rather than later. 

Fairhug: ::to Myran:: You mentioned that you have been burning the plant. What have you been using to do that?

Willow: Yes. 

Myran: We’ve been using torch sticks. It’s a long thin tube. At one end a gas is ignited which scorches the plant. On the other end there’s a handle with a trigger. That way we don’t have to constantly on our knees trying fighting with the plant.  

Fairhug: I’m not sure if we have much choice, with the rate those vines are growing, but I’m open to any other ideas.

Willow: I have several ideas, though I’ll need more information before proceeding. Anything we can provide for you Myran, in the meantime?  

Myran: If we gave you the specs, could you replicate more of them for us? We have a limited supply, but with an exponential amount of these devices, we may stand - pardon the pun - a fighting chance.

Willow: ::Speaking to Fairhug:: What you say, Commander? That possible? 

Fairhug: We should be able to replicate those on the Narendra and have them beamed down, yes.

Willow: ::To Myran:: Anything else you notice about the plant, vines, in particular? Something out of the ordinary? 

The Adjunct nodded her head towards the market that was now nearly completely deserted.

Myran: I noticed something when I was waiting for you to come back, Commander. The plants don’t seek out or react to inanimate objects. They only react to living beings - or heat. I’m wondering if that could be used against them.  

That was interesting and surely any new information about the plant would help them in some way. Myran was right, they should be able to use it to their advantage somehow.

Willow: What if instead of heat, we freeze the vines? 

Gogi looked at Haukea with interest, his weathered brow knitting into a frown out of curiosity.

Myran: Response 

Fairhug: What are you thinking, Lieutenant?

Willow: The burning might be triggering the plants we have yet to attend to, so if we freeze them..We might see a completely different reaction. What you say? Thoughts? 

Unconsciously, the Bardeezan reached up and began scratching at his forked beard, in thought. 

It was a good idea. A *very* good idea. It also gave rise to a theory of his own.

Fairhug: I like it. ::turning to Myran:: Adjunct, perhaps burning the plants has actually been having the opposite effect to what you had intended - releasing toxic gases from the plant.

Myran: Response 

At that moment, T’Reyna rejoined the group, with the medic and security deputy in tow.

Willow: ::Turning towards T’Reyna:: You back with us Ensign? 

T’Reyna: Response

Myran: Response

Gogi cast a glance over T’Reyna’s shoulder, at the Caitian medic.

Ressur: The medication will last for about four hours. After that, it will wear off and won’t work again. She will need further treatment in a medical facility.

Fairhug: Understood. Thank you again for your help.

Ressur now glanced at Myran, concern etched on her feline features.

Ressur: Adjunct Myran, let me see to your wound.

Myran: Response

Fairhug: I have a plan. What if we were to use the heat of the torch sticks to draw the vines towards us and then freeze them?

Willow/T’Reyna/Myran: Responses

Fairhug: It would take a few minutes to replicate the torch sticks and have some modified to freeze instead of burn and then beam them down. Your medic could treat your wound while we wait.

Myran: Response

Willow/T’Reyna: Responses

With a nod, Gogi pressed his combadge and pulled a PADD out from a pocket on his uniform, his thick, stubby fingers tapping away furiously as he spoke.

Fairhug: =/\= Fairhug to Narendra, I’m sending you some specs. We need some torch sticks made to the original specifications and some modified with the suggestions I’m also sending. As soon as they’re ready, beam them down to my location. =/\=

Narendra: =/\= Aye, Sir, we’ll get right on it. =/\=

Closing the comline, he turned back to the group.

Fairhug: Any other thoughts or suggestions in the meantime?

Willow/T’Reyna/Myran: Responses

(OOC: Feel free to move things along with the torch sticks being beamed down, Myran’s wound being treated, or anything else you want to add. :))



Commander Gogigobo Fairhug
First Officer
Starbase 118 Ops
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