Lt. JG. Haukea-Willow: Personal Protective Equipment.

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Aly Drolet

Jun 29, 2024, 5:32:03 PM (6 days ago) Jun 29

((Distribution Station, Biodome 2B, Miri IVa))

The Adjunct nodded her head towards the market that was now nearly completely deserted. She seemed to have a theory, concerning, though potentially a breakthrough, Haukea waiting patiently. Said breakthrough turned out to involve heat detection by the plant invasion, leading way to a suggestion of freezing, rather than burning. 

T’Reyna, on the other hand, being given a restorative hypospray, was still, it was clear, feeling the effects of the plant, cheeks flushed with fever. Her violet eyes still flitted around from person to person, unsure, nearly unaware. Equally, she still had a minor tremor in her hands. 

Haukea herself, out of the kindness of her heart, would have given anything to restore the Vulcan to full health, yet, with trouble still afoot, she settled instead for a few comforting words. 

Willow: ::Turning towards T’Reyna:: You back with us Ensign?

T’Reyna:...Lieutenant, it is a relief to see you. For now...Yes…I am…Here.

Her words implied, or rather confirmed, that she had been elsewhere moments ago, allowing Haukea to breathe a sigh of relief at her metaphorical return. 

Myran: Response 

Ressur: Catching Commander Fairhugs gaze from over T’Reyna’s shoulder:: The medication will last for about four hours. After that, it will wear off and won’t work again. She will need further treatment in a medical facility.

Four hours was a relatively good time frame, all things considered. Though it yet may not be long enough. 

Fairhug: Understood. Thank you again for your help.

Ressur: ::Ressur now glanced at Myran, concern etched on her feline features:: Adjunct Myran, let me see to your wound.

Myran: Response 

Fairhug: I have a plan. What if we were to use the heat of the torch sticks to draw the vines towards us and then freeze them?

T'Reyna: Freeze... them, Commander?

Commander Fairhug’s double edged suggestion of using the heat of a flame to draw out the vines before freezing them had some merit. Even so, several pros and cons arose from the proposal. 

Pros: It could make the work quicker. 

Cons: The vines appeared highly venomous in personality, a danger of becoming infected and the plants becoming wise to their efforts. 

Willow: While your proposal has merit, we must consider the danger it poses. Though I do believe it is worth the risk. 

Myran: Response 

Fairhug: It would take a few minutes to replicate the torch sticks and have some modified to freeze instead of burn and then beam them down. Your medic could treat your wound while we wait.

Willow: That’s an offer you really can’t refuse. 

Myran: Response 

T’Reyna: It seems…ideal for…close-quarter combat… ::she admitted, putting a hand against the side of her head as she found herself dehydrated::

With a nod, Gogi pressed his combadge and pulled a PADD out from a pocket on his uniform, his thick, stubby fingers tapping away furiously as he spoke.

Fairhug: =/\= Fairhug to Narendra, I’m sending you some specs. We need some torch sticks made to the original specifications and some modified with the suggestions I’m also sending. As soon as they’re ready, beam them down to my location. =/\=

Narendra: =/\= Aye, Sir, we’ll get right on it. =/\=

Fairhug: ::Closing the comline, he turned back to the group:: Any other thoughts or suggestions in the meantime?

T'Reyna: Indeed, Commander. Might I suggest a Frost-Thrower?

A Frost-Thrower did not use a tank of gasoline or oil to scorch. Rather, instead, it used a vacuum of liquid nitrogen to blast jets of freezing mist. Ineffective in the majority of combat situations, however, ideal for their current troubles.   

Myran/Fairhug: Response 

Willow: ::A questioning edge of concern in her voice:: It sounds extremely plausible, yet concerning. Proper safety has to be taken into consideration. 

T'Reyna: …To mitigate freezing ourselves…we must stand…together and-... ::She stopped to cough, still suffering some ill-effects.::

Willow: T’Reyna? Are you sure you’re alright? 

Myran/Fairhug: Response 

T'Reyna: I am…Fine…Let us freeze these plants...

Willow: Good. Let us know if you start feeling worse. 

Myran/Fairhug/T’Reyna: Response 

Willow: Now, while we wait for the necessary equipment to be manufactured, let’s consider protective equipment. We’ll be next to extreme fluctuating temperatures; hot and cold. 

Myran/Fairhug/T’Reyna: Response 

Willow: I suggest protective jackets, for hot and cold weather, and masks. Anything else? 

Myran/Fairhug/T’Reyna: Response 

Lt. JG Haukea-Willow

Security - Crisis Response

Starbase 118 Ops


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