Ensign T'Reyna - Ice Ice Baby

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Jun 28, 2024, 2:26:21 PM (7 days ago) Jun 28
to sb11...@googlegroups.com

((Distribution Station, Biodome 2B, Miri IVa))

Ressur: Okay, here we go. This won’t hurt at all.

Hyposprays were. Right in the neck, straight into her veins, flushing through her like a breeze. The boiling, burning blood swept away in a coolant.

Now the engine wouldn't overheat. Yet an engine still running exploded in combustion fury.

T'Reyna: I am... good to get back... to dealing with these damned plants...

The Caitian paused, looking at the woman in surprise.

Ressur: I would advise you to rest, ma’am. You’re still injured.

T’Reyna: Your Adjunct was shot- a wound more pressing.

Once again, Ressur looked to Eoin, who offered a shocked shrug in response.

Ressur: ::closing her medkit:: Okay. Well, we will remain nearby, just in case.

T’Reyna: Very well.

With that, the Vulcan stood and made her way back to the others. Ressur and Eoin followed behind.


This was not her war.

Miri-IV is like Earth. It has a similar moon, now with these colonies. An alien plant lifeform rapidly evolving to combat them... it was not the same as the battle on Harlow-III at all. T'Reyna's head pounded in a thumping headache as she found it quite embarrassing that, only moments prior, she hallucinated that they were one in the same.

The feeling is real. The war is over, yet the war within is not, soldier.

A mission is a mission. They knew the risks as Starfleet personnel.
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

With the medication now flowing through her body, she still felt... emotional. The poison was still within, making her dizzy and, worst of all, sweaty. It was clear to the others when she rejoined the group that, despite being more sane than moments prior, her head was still pouring with fever. Her violet eyes still snapped from one person to another, target to target, alert and aware. Whilst she was no longer shaking rapidly from the agony, her hands still lightly shook with the shellshocks of her mind.

Willow: ::Turning towards T’Reyna:: You back with us Ensign?

T’Reyna: ..Lieutenant, it is a relief to see you. For now... Yes.... I am... Here.

Implying -- or rather, confirming-- that she was elsewhere moments ago.

Myran: ?

Gogi cast a glance over T’Reyna’s shoulder, at the Caitian medic.

Ressur: The medication will last for about four hours. After that, it will wear off and won’t work again. She will need further treatment in a medical facility.

Fairhug: Understood. Thank you again for your help.

Four hours.
That means, as of right now, she has three-hours, fifty-six minutes and forty-two seconds to make use of her sanity before the venom in her veins made her believe falsehoods. She has very little time to help her crewmates resolve this hostility of flora.

Ressur now glanced at Myran, concern etched on her feline features.

Ressur: Adjunct Myran, let me see to your wound.

Myran: ?

Fairhug: I have a plan. What if we were to use the heat of the torch sticks to draw the vines towards us and then freeze them?

Having missed the previous conversation, T'Reyna tilted her head slightly at that idea. She was unaware of the 'torch sticks,' but being told that heat draws them makes since.
She did, after all, phaser one-- and their bodies were stupidly thermal.

T'Reyna: Freeze... them, Commander?

Willow//Myran: ?

Fairhug: It would take a few minutes to replicate the torch sticks and have some modified to freeze instead of burn and then beam them down. Your medic could treat your wound while we wait.

Myran: ?

Willow: ?

T’Reyna: It seems... ideal for... close-quarter combat...  ::she admitted, putting a hand against the side of her head as she found herself dehydrated.::

With a nod, Gogi pressed his combadge and pulled a PADD out from a pocket on his uniform, his thick, stubby fingers tapping away furiously as he spoke.

Fairhug: =/\= Fairhug to Narendra, I’m sending you some specs. We need some torch sticks made to the original specifications and some modified with the suggestions I’m also sending. As soon as they’re ready, beam them down to my location. =/\=

Narendra: =/\= Aye, Sir, we’ll get right on it. =/\=

Closing the comline, he turned back to the group.

Fairhug: Any other thoughts or suggestions in the meantime?

T'Reyna: Indeed, Commander. Might I suggest a Frost-Thrower?

Frost-Thrower is the uncreative name of the opposite of a flamethrower.
Fire and flame worked wonders as a dangerous primitive weapon of mass pain infliction across the early-atom eras of history, but a Frost-Thrower does not use tanks of gasoline or oil to scorch. Instead, it uses tanks of vacuum to contain extreme frozen liquid nitrogen to blast jets of freezing mist.

As a weapon, it is banned in warfare and terribly ineffective in open battle compared to any other weapons, including, perhaps, spears.
But it can freeze something. A freeze-ray, it has been called, although inaccurate.

It could absolutely freeze a plant from afar. Better than tapping it with a stick...

Willow/Myran/Fairhug: ?

T'Reyna: ..to mitigate freezing ourselves... we must stand.... together and-...  ::She stopped to cough, still suffering some ill-effects.::

Willow/Myran/Fairhug: ?

T'Reyna: I am... Fine... Let us freeze these plants...

Fine for another three fours, fifty-five minutes and two seconds, she reflected.
It wasn't exactly 'burning the plants' as she had hoped. Maybe freezing them would be equally satisfactory.

Willow/Myran/Fairhug: ?

Ensign T'Reyna
Starbase 118 Ops
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