Commander Gogigobo Fairhug - Extreme Gardening

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Jul 3, 2024, 10:43:36 PM (2 days ago) Jul 3
((Distribution Station, Biodome 2B, Miri IVa))

Turning to face the plaza and the vines that had continued to spread throughout it, he began walking slowly in that direction, gesturing for the others to follow.

Fairhug: Okay, let’s see if this works.

After a few more feet, he stopped and raised his torch stick.

Fairhug: We’ll give it a prolonged blast and draw the vines towards us, then stop and let Adjunct Myran hit them with the frost-thrower. Agreed?

T'Reyna: Ready, Commander.

Willow: On your mark. 

Fairhug: Okay, on three. One, two, three!

The three torch sticks lit up the otherwise darkened plaza and Gogi had to hold back a triumphant laugh as the vines almost seemed to turn towards them and begin creeping in their direction.

Fairhug: Stop!

With that, the torch sticks went out and he stepped back to allow Myran to take over.

Just as he did, his combadge chirped. He tapped it as the Deltan began to get to work.

Tito: =/\= Tito to Taybrim and Fairhug. We have good news. Doctors Wethern and Marsh manage to find a cure.

With the success they were having with their own plan and then being told a cure had been found for the plant’s effects, Gogi had to stop himself from full-on whooping! Finally the tables were starting to turn their way.

Fairhug: =/\= That is excellent news, Mister Tito. =/\=

Taybrim: =/\= ?

Tito: =/\= We might have to figure out a way to provide a quick distribution. But I will leave those details with Lieutenants Wethern and Marsh.

Fairhug: =/\= We’re executing a plan to stop the spread of the vines in biodome 2B, but it’s going to be a slow process. If there’s a quicker way to bring this plant under control, I’d be glad to hear it. =/\=

Tito: =/\= I think that is something that you might need to ask Doctor Rodrega. Although I don't know how helpful he will be.

Taybrim: =/\= Response =/\=

Fairhug: =/\= Aye, standing by. =/\=

Tito: =/\= We will work on producing the serum then. Tito out.

As the line closed, Gogi looked at his team, a wide smile crossing his face. For a while, the situation had seemed chaotic and more than a little worrying, but he felt like they were pulling through now. Not just here in the plaza, but all of the teams spread around the colony.

Fairhug: I think it’s working. Shall we go again?

Myran: By all means.

T'Reyna: This efficiency is unmatched.

Willow: No use stopping now. 

For a split-second, Gogi thought he saw a smile on T’Reyna’s lips. But then…surely not?

Fairhug: Okay, let’s light it up again. On three…one…two…three!

As the torch sticks burst into life once again, the others continued to chat, raising their voices slightly to be heard over the noise.

Myran: It won’t be long before we’ve cleared this market space.

T'Reyna: How does the Frost-Thrower feel to use? Few have had the honour.

Fairhug: True! It’s not our most popular piece of weaponry.

Myran: Response 

Willow: I’m sure you could give others lessons. 

Raising a hand to indicate a stop, Gogi released the trigger on his torch stick, allowing Myran to take over with the frost-thrower, before they stepped in with the axes to shatter the plant into harmless pieces on the plaza floor.

T'Reyna: Perhaps it is…the poison in my blood…Yet one must admit, this is…satisfying.

They lit up again, drawing more vines towards them.

Willow: ::Continuing to light the flame:: No need to dwell on that. A cure has been found. All we need to do is prevent it from being necessary in the future. 

Gogi turned his head to look at Adjunct Myran, while continuing to fire his torch stick.

Fairhug: I have a feeling the people in charge here will make sure of that.

Myran/T’Reyna: Response 

Willow: If only it was that easy. History has a way of repeating itself. 

That, certainly, was true enough and seemed to be a common thread throughout the galaxy.

This time, Gogi replied only with a sober nod of the head.

Myran/T’Reyna: Response 

Willow: Too right you are. 

Myran/T’Reyna: Response 

Holding up a hand again, the Bardeezan called out to the others.

Fairhug: Stop! ::lowering his torch stick and gesturing to Myran:: Adjunct…

The Deltan once again took advantage of the proximity of the vines, freezing them in place, before they all stepped in with their small axes and shattered the tendrils like glass.

They had now cleared the plaza and as Gogi looked around, he saw the medic and security officer from earlier tending to some of those who had been wounded by the plant.

One of them was Hargruff - the Tellarite who had been stunned by T'Reyna earlier.

The man was now sitting up, shaking his head, as if trying to blow away cobwebs.

Turning to look at the anti-grav trolleys that were being looted earlier, Gogi noticed that there was a lot of food, drink and other supplies still scattered around.

He looked back again at Myran and spoke directly to her.

Fairhug: There's still a lot of this plant to remove, Adjunct, but I have faith that my colleagues are close to finding a more efficient way of doing that. In the meantime, what do you say we help your people to help themselves?

Myran: Response

Willow/T'Reyna: Responses

Fairhug: The people in this plaza have seen what we've done, plus your medic has been able to administer the same drug to them as she did to Ensign T’Reyna. If they still don't realise that we're here to help, then I don't know what more we can do.

Myran: Response

Willow/T'Reyna: Responses

Fairhug: ::pointing to the trolleys and rations scattered around:: I reckon we can get things tidied up around here and start distributing this aid again…this time in a more orderly fashion.

Willow/T'Reyna/Myran: Responses



Commander Gogigobo Fairhug
First Officer
Starbase 118 Ops
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