Lt Jg Korras - When lightning strikes

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Jul 2, 2024, 5:45:16 PM (3 days ago) Jul 2

((OOC: somehow, I missed a post, it did not show up in spam, either. My apologies!))


((Outside of the Trojan Yacht Sawh’re))

As Foster was speaking, they saw several people from the crowd stop heading toward the others.  They seemed curious as to what they were doing. 

Foster: They’re under the influence of some sort of … drug?
Korras: Perhaps this is the result of the illness that we have been warned about?

Kreshkova:  ::gesturing to the returning portion of the group.:: Sir, I zhink some of zhem are coming back.

And they were.  Probably about fifteen of them didn’t follow the others.  

Samzh: I already told you to get outta here.  Now you gonna die, Federations!

Foster:  Nobody’s gonna die here…. ::He put his hands up, looking non-threatening::
Korras: We can adjust the shields to act as forcefield, and extend it a bit. It will allow us to set up, but it will not last for a very long time that way.
There would not be enough time, he saw, and changed plans.

Korras: We can use the time to set up the replicators, and show them we are genuinely trying to help them.

A Brekkian and two of his friends charged at the group.  The largest of the group swung at the three.  Sasch barely had time to roll to the side, scarcely dodging the rake.  Then Korras was attacked by the same man, with a punch filled with electricity to his stomach. He doubled over and fell to one knee, stunned momentarily. Before he got his feet back underneath him, the person followed with a punch to his face, this time with no electricity being deposited. It rocked him back somewhat, but the Brekkian had apparently not taken into account that a Klingons face was far tougher then a regular humanoid. And while he could feel one of his hearts, the one nearest to where he was punched initially, was not beating as entirely as it should, he did have two, and the second was now working overtime.


He got back on his feet as the Brekkian nursed his hand, however briefly.


Korras: 'oy'qu' Qay'wI'wIj! ((Litterally: My little toe aches a lot. Idiom for: I'm very angry))


He punched his attacker in the face, and he folded in on himself like a puppet who’s strings had been cut. He had not hit hard enough to break his face, but he would most likely end up with a concussion.

Foster: stand down or we will fire on you!

Kreshkova: If you stop chasing me, We can get you more.  More food, more supplies.  But we can’t do that if we’re injured or dead.


He looked around briefly to get his bearing. Foster was ducking the swing of one person, and Kreshkova had just fired her phaser at the ground near another. He was nearest to the one startled by the phaser fired at his feet, and the Klingon picked him up with ease, one hand near his neck, the other grabbing the belt on his jeans. With a grunt, he threw him into the person trying to beat Foster, causing both attackers to end up in a pile of limbs on the ground.


Korras: Mevyap! Stop! Enough! We are here to help, but we will defend ourselves.


Foster/Kreshkova: ?


He picked up the pipe that one of the colonists had tried to use, and pointed it at the two colonists who were trying to untangle themselves. He had no wish to actually use it, but he could feel his stamina being leeched by his one heart not beating properly, and knew he would not be able to keep up fighting them indefinitely. In short, he just used it as a bluff.


Korras: Stand down. We will help you, but we need your help to do it. We have enough supplies, and we will be transporting even more. More than enough for everyone, and not just the rations, those I really do not prefer, either.


He saw them think briefly, and then one of them gave a short nod. Apparently, they had no wish of going another round against them.


Foster/Kreshkova: ?


Korras: Good choice. Ensign, can you set up the last transport enhancer? ::He turned to look at the commander, and pointed to his chest, where the burn mark from the electric surge was:: Doctor, I may need your help as well.


Foster/Kreshkova: ?





Lieutenant Junior Grade Korras
Ops Officer
Starbase 118 Ops




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