Lieutenant JG Madison Marsh - "Marvel's Vitor Tito, The Hero of Miri"

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Madison Marsh

Jun 28, 2024, 6:24:53 PM (7 days ago) Jun 28
(Science Labs, Miri IV-A))

Madison placed a hand on Tito's shoulder and spoke in a calm reassuring voice. She wanted to ensure that he was as comfortable as possible and feel her empathy for his situation. That was something that she learned in the Counseling program at Starfleet Academy. The importance of having empathy and being understanding toward others who needed her support. 

Marsh: Take calm breathes, everything is going to be alright throughout the process. 

Corey applied the hypo to Tito's neck and then reclaimed the tricorder. 

Tito: So far so good?

Wethern: Vitals are with baseline function. Everything is in the green. 

She set her hand back at her side and provided him with an inquisitive look. Madison was a scientist first and foremost meaning that she asked many questions. Questions to find out the root of problems, prove theories to be true, and have an understanding of patient symptoms. She was a true view having training in the fields of counseling, science, and medicine. 

Marsh: How are you feeling? Any symptoms?

Tito: Just a little heartbeat acceleration. Might be the stress. ::He tipped his head to the side and his smile was gone for a moment.:: I had a history of substance abuse years ago. ::he tapped his forehead with his finger.:: Probably just old ghosts still stuck in here. Aside from that I am good

Wethern: I did note it on your medical record. It did also note your recovery process. Please be assured you are protected by medical confidentiality this will not go any further. Additionally, there is nothing in the serum which is a known addictive substance. 

A smirk was evident on her lips as she made a comment meant to be humorous and put Tito a little bit more at easy. Patients typically had elevated heart rates when under the care of their physician and even when they are initially given vaccines. 

Marsh: The slightly elevated heat rate is likely teal coat syndrome. 

Tito nodded and stood up. He waved his arms around and took a few steps, trying to see if there was something wrong with him. 

Tito: Scan me as much as you wish. I don’t feel anything different. ::He smiled at them.:: Balance, movement and coordination are all in the same setting.

Wethern: We will continue to see whether there are any I'll effects. ::Corey smiled:: Unfortunately, you haven't turned green or developed an extra head either. 

She chuckled in response to Corey's humor and decided to add to it a little bit. Her ex-boyfriend was into the super heros of Earth and indoctrinated her into watching the ancient classic films with him. 

Marsh: Are you developing superhuman strength by chance? 

Tito: ?

Wethern: If we have done everything right the plants should almost ignore you rather than attacking. It is a little bit like making you taste unappealing to them equally the venom should be nullified.

Madison read the results on the computer while Corey kept scanning passively. The two of them made quite the team of medical doctors. In her opinion, they were a fantastic pairing and she hoped that he felt the same. 

Marsh: Everything is looking great systematically so far, we're just waiting for the computer to compile the final test results and areas to improve the vaccine. 

Tito: ?

Wethern: I suppose the proof is in the pudding we should probably see whether the plant wants a snack. Although I'd suggest we stay ready with a phaser. 

She shot a glance at Wethern recalling her heroics earlier against the demon plant. 

Marsh: I have a solid shot, you know, Commander Fairhug taught me well. I felt like the Black Widow for a brief moment, it was kind of exhilarating. 

Tito/Wethern: ?

Madison pondered in thought about the ancient Marvel heroes that she watched in the past. Her goal was to explain it better to the group in case they had no idea about her reference. After all, those films were centuries old. 

Marsh: Black Widow is a fictional character who was one of Earth's mightiest superheroes. She had a really great shot and was a token character in the Marvel universe. Come to think of it, Lieutenant Tito, you are now the hero of Miri. You saved an enormous amount of lives with your bravery. The test results are within optimal parameters with a few miniscule changes to the dosage, but nothing out of the ordinary when deriving a vaccine. 

Tito/Wethern: ?

She perked an eyebrow as she glanced at Lieutenant Tito.

Marsh: Perhaps we should inform Commodore Taybrim that we developed a vaccine, tested it, and it works. Did you want to do the honors?

Tito/Wethern: ?


Lieutenant JG Madison Marsh
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
Starbase 118 Ops
ID: O240006MM1

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