Ensign Sasch Kreshkova - Did She Dare

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Karen Morris

Jul 1, 2024, 1:35:30 AM (4 days ago) Jul 1
to sb11...@googlegroups.com
((OOC:  Please check over your parts.  I had to knit two previous versions together.))

((Outside of the Trojan Yacht Sawh’re))

Foster: I think were clear to go outside…

Korras: ::checking the sensor readings:: The crowd has moved to the square. We are clear. If each of us take one of the enhancers, we can set those up first.

Foster: Let’s get prepped and go.  The faster we get this set up, the better.

Korras put on the rebreather mask. He never liked the things, but he knew that with an extra lung, he would be even more suspectable to whatever is in the air. Picking up one of the enhancers, he checked if everyone else had their mask on, and pressed the button to open the rear hatch. Immediately, they could hear the sounds of the crowd, now far away enough for them to get out safely.
Korras: Time to get started.

The helmswoman quietly pursed her lips and grabbed her rebreather, donning it and readying herself to go outside.  The young woman hoped against all hope that they wouldn’t have to use their phasers.  She walked over and grabbed the second pattern enhancer.  

Foster: Agreed.  ::he checked to see that Ensign Kreshkova had her equipment ready.  He had his equipment ready, everyone was ready.::  alright Lieutenant, please lead the way.

Korras stepped out, and walked over to a clear spot to place the transport enhancer, and set it up, which took only moments.
Korras: This one is ready. The green-haired young woman easily spit the legs of the tripod open, locking them into place and initializing the enhancer.

Kreshkova:  Zhe second vone is done

Foster: Alright let’s get the third--

But as Foster was speaking, they saw several people from the crowd stop heading toward the others.  They seemed curious as to what they were doing.  Sasch wondered if they thought that Starfleet was trying to trick them and that the good stuff would be here and not where they were sent.

Foster: They’re under the influence of some sort of … drug?
Korras: ?

Kreshkova:  ::gesturing to the returning portion of the group.:: Sir, I zhink some of zhem are coming back.

And they were.  Probably about fifteen of them didn’t follow the others.  

Samzh: I already told you to get outta here.  Now you gonna die, Federations!

Foster:  Nobody’s gonna die here…. ::He put his hands up, looking non-threatening::
Korras: We can adjust the shields to act as forcefield, and extend it a bit. It will allow us to set up, but it will not last for a very long time that way.
Sasch took a slight step back.  This was the first time she had been face to face with an angry mob.  Her eyes widened - which were made to look even more exaggerated by the rebreather that covered much of her face.  Her voice said nothing, but her eyes said it all.
Korras: We can use the time to set up the replicators, and show them we are genuinely trying to help them.

A Brekkian and two of his friends charged at the group.  The largest of the group swung at the three.  Sasch barely had time to roll to the side, scarcely dodging the rake.  Then Korras was lambasted by the same man, leaving petite Sacsh to face off against one of the burly men.  The only reason she had passed her hand-to-hand combat class at the Academy was because she was small and quickly able to out manuever most of her opponents.  This hulk of a creature lumbered toward her, she backpedaled, and picked up a rock chucking it at her attacker.

Foster: stand down or we will fire on you!

Despite the fact that she was the one who has suggested that they carry phasers, she didn’t want to use them at all.  Out of her periphery, Sasch caught Foster dodge the Brekkian’s swing.  But she wasn’t quite so lucky.  Her attacker swiped her feet out from underneath her, sending her tumbling sideways.  While she was laying on her back on the ground, he came at her with a large pipe. Did she dare?  She drew her phaser, but aimed just beside the man’s foot.  It was just enough to startle him, so she could once again roll to her feet. She yelled at the man.  

Foster/Korras: ?

Kreshkova: If you stop chasing me, We can get you more.  More food, more supplies.  But we can’t do that if we’re injured or dead.

Foster/Korras: ?

Ens. Sasch Kreshkova
SB 118 OPS
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