((Lumie Family Home - Betazoid))
She had been right.
Sometimes being right was a good thing. It could mean that one validated ones position. It could mean that it emphasized knowledge on a particular subject. I could also indicate a proper moral standing.
In that case, it indicated that a woman who had inserted herself in Alora’s life had been murdered.
Alora hated being right.
DeVeau: So it wasn’t just one thing, but multiple.
Little things, all clustered together and yet individually they were benign. The autopsy hadn’t revealed anything because by themselves, they were nothing to be concerned over. Together, even in the small amounts that were registered, however…
Landin: Together they had a toxic effect on the lymphatic system which caused what appeared to be a completely natural shut down of the whole immune system, so she was susceptible to the common Ytarva virus.
The quiet, studious brother had agreed to be the triple-check for the data, as this was his area of speciality and he spoke in concise, confident scientific tones. His confidence drained away, however when the conversation turned to the social aspects.
Brenna: And while most of the ingredients are common, and controlled by Lumie Enzada, these elements ::she pointed out trace elements:: are not. And if she knew she had been exposed she would have gotten treatment. So it is highly unlikely that she exposed herself.
Which indicated foul play.
DeVeau: But who? And why?
There were the questions. She was the last of the fifth house, at least as far as anyone had known. Her marriage to Kalin hadn’t exactly been advertised, and she was one of very few people who had been told. Even her own family….
She was going to have to tell them now. Reaching up, Alora ran a hand along her temple. That was going to be an interesting conversation. For the moment, however, there were more important matters to focus on.
Brenna took a step forward and placed a motherly hand on her shoulder.
Brenna: Slow down. Just let your mind think.
Meanwhile Landin looked uncomfortable with the topic and delved back into his studies of the data.
DeVeau: But no one really stood to gain anything from the dissolution of the house as far as I know.
As far as she knew. Was there something she *didn’t* know?
Brenna: From your point of view, on a Starbase halfway around the galaxy. ::It was not an admonishment:: Things are much more complicated here on the ground.
Things were always more complicated than they should be. Not that inheriting the house and Lumie’s estate had been particularly simple, but this went into an intricate web that wound its way beyond the confines of a single house. Did this involve another house? Someone not of the nobility?
DeVeau: This couldn’t happen without leaving some sort of trail. The question is, can we find it and follow?
She drew in a breath and settled back, thinking.
Brenna: That depends on how deeply you want to dig. My husband is a politician with connections. I have social connections. My family has social connections. ::she drew in a breath:: And as much as it is hard for me to wrap my head around my son is a flag officer in Starfleet, which gives him a newfound mobility through the uppermost echelons of Betazoid noble society.
Options were directly available. Each of them getting the players involved in an ever more complicated web of intrigue.
Alora’s lips quirked upward in a smile, one that possessed a little more cynicism than normal. She knew very well with Sal’s position allowed, but the other connections hadn’t been known to her until Brenna had revealed them. Her own? Limited...and yet, not quite so limited as one might think. She had her own friend in the Betazoid nobility. Perhaps he’d be willing to help. Regardless, she wouldn’t say no to any offers from Brenna or her family.
DeVeau: In digging for the truth, no depth is too deep.
Brenna: Just know that the more you dig, the more you are bound to this course.
A JP By:
Dr. Brenna Taybrim
Simmed by: Commodore Sal Taybrim
Commanding Officer
StarBase 118 Ops