Lieutenant Commander Lael Rosek, Lieutenant Kawakame Shin, & Crewman Borq: A Price to Pay Part I

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Harrison Morgan

Jan 12, 2019, 6:32:15 PM1/12/19
to UFOP: StarBase 118: USS Montreal

((Rosek’s Office, USS Montreal))

::Lael stared at the PADD in her hands, hardly able to believe what she was reading. She’d been first officer of the Montreal for two months. What was more disappointing was the fact that a senior officer was involved. Shin was supposed to be setting an example for the rest of the crew. What in the universe had he been thinking?::

::She massaged the bridge of her nose and sighed. It seemed like there was going to be no shortage of learning opportunities for her in her new role. The sound of the doorchime interrupted her thoughts and she looked up.::

Rosek: Enter.

:: Shin entered the room and stopped in front of the commander. He had no idea what she was about to say to him, but he certainly knew what it was going to be about. He had messed up big this time.::

Shin: Ma’am, reporting as ordered.

::Borq followed the tactical man soon after into the room. She was showing a confident, but also intimidating expression that was painted onto her face. When she approached the Commanders desk next to Shin, her eyes narrowed at the woman.

Borq: ::grimaces:: You requested for me, commander?

::Lael rose from her chair, fighting to keep her expression neutral as she circled around the desk and leaned back against it, her arms folded across her chest. Her eyebrows were raised so high that they nearly disappeared into her hairline as she stared unblinking at first Borq and then Shin. She said nothing for a long moment, letting the two absorb the situation.::

Rosek: Would either of you care to explain to me why I have a report from Dr. Skyfire detailing injuries for both of you AND a recording from the brig that shows the two of you engaged in rather violent sexual acts while you, Mr. Kawakame, were supposed to be on duty?

::The Klingon woman glanced at Shin and gave a toothy grin and then turned back to the woman. The man wasn’t speaking up so she decided to talk first mimicking the stance Lael had as if she were mocking the officer.::

Borq: ::grimaces:: I’m a Klingon woman. We have these urges. And when we’re provoked in such a manner. We get a little handsy. ::smirks::

:: Shin stood before the two women and didn’t know what to do or say. He had never expected he would be in trouble for such a thing, and he wasn't sure if what had happened meant anything or not which made it harder for him to figure out. He had not considered much in the heat of the moment let alone the fact that the brig was likely being recorded. He was sure he was in for a demotion, and if he wasn’t he was very lucky.::

Shin: It’s my fault ma’am, I allowed emotions to get the better of us in there.

::Her gaze shifted to Shin and she studied him for a long moment. What would Captain Rahman say if she were here right now? It was beyond tempting to give both a lecture the likes of which they’d never heard before. But that wouldn’t change what had happened. Mustering the little bit of calm she still possessed, she looked Shin straight in the eye.::

Rosek: You are a Starfleet officer, Mr. Kawakame and you’re well aware of the expectations governing your performance when you put on that uniform. It is your duty to put your personal feelings aside and fulfill the duties you were selected to perform. ::to Borq:: Crewman Borq. Neither your gender nor your species excuse your behavior. You are a member of Starfleet and are expected to carry yourself in an honorable and dignified fashion. The lack of self-control you displayed in the brig was anything but honorable. ::to Shin:: I’m deeply disappointed in both of you.

:: Shin did feel ashamed at his behavior as the commander spoke to them. Once she was done however he happened to glance at Borq and could not help but to crack a cocky grin her direction.::

Rosek: ::arches an eyebrow:: Does this amuse you, Lieutenant?

:: Shin did not find his situation amusing at all, he simply could not look at Borq without feeling a sense of amusement and satisfaction. Before he could try to explain himself though the crewman spoke up again.::

::The woman was right. Borq shouldn’t use her gender as an an excuse. She was stronger than that. There was a history on Terra that Borq had studied about women where they weren’t considered as equals. She stood there thoughtful for a moment over how her actions earlier weren’t honorable at all. She ran on hormones instead of brainpower.::

Borq: It was my fault, Commander. I approached the Lieutenant aggressively.

::She studied Borq for a long moment. Lael wasn’t the type to take advantage of the fact that she had authority over someone for her own satisfaction. While it had its positives, she also was familiar with the drawbacks. Though she expected no less of an individual who had enlisted in Starfleet, she respected the woman taking responsibility for what was clearly an irresponsible and dishonorable choice. Borq might not be any too pleased with Lael or the situation at the moment, but she at least had the common sense to not let that get in the way of her professionalism.::

Rosek: Crewman Borq, pending a discussion with Commander Mei’konda, you are relieved of duty and are not to, under any circumstances, enter the security offices or the brig until this matter has been resolved. Any attempts to do so will be seen as insubordination and violation of a direct order with equivalent consequences.

::Borq wanted to argue with the woman, but she held her tongue. She almost stiffened as the First Officer explained her those orders, but she remained neutral. She had wondered what the House of Martok would say to her in the same situation.::

Borq: ::straightens her posture:: Yes, Commander.

Rosek: ::nods:: Dismissed, crewman.

::Borq nodded back and turned towards the door, but not before giving Shin a hint of a smirk as if telling him to meet in his or her quarters later for a more private rendezvous. She walked towards the entrance still with her head held high and left the room.::

::Lael’s gaze shifted to Shin, her expression softening. She shifted her stance, making a conscious effort to appear less intimidating. Borq had ultimately cooperated, leaving Lael to focus on Shin. Though Borq had instigated the incident, Shin was the higher ranking individual. She expected him to have more restraint. It raised the question of how he'd react in a life or death situation with his team depending on his objectivity and leadership. .::


Lieutenant Commander Lael Rosek

Executive Officer

USS Montreal



First Class Crewman Borq

Science Administrative Assistant

USS Montreal



Lieutenant JG Kawakame Shin

Security/Tactical Officer

USS Montreal NCC-64297


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