Capt. Shayne: Look At Me. I'm The Captain Now.

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Randal Shayne

May 7, 2024, 12:57:42 PMMay 7

((Deep Space 33))

Hayley: She alright?

Waters: I must apologize for her behavior. She knows everyone is upset. ::beat:: Given the situation, will Mandy be embarking the Khitomer with me? Or will someone be looking after her on the station, sir?

Shayne liked dogs. Sure, he wasn’t a dog person per se; they were drooly and freely flatulent and left hair everywhere, but they were generally affectionate creatures, and unlike most pets, could serve a specific purpose outside of being mildly interesting to look at. He had an especially fond outlook on Mandy in particular; in four years of command, he’d never once received a report of poor behavior from the golden retriever, and his experience with the helpful pooch left his blood pressure lower almost without fail. 

All that said, he was human, and with that humanity came a complete disinterest in Mandy in the moment. She was a dog! She already understood that something poor was happening, and that she couldn’t be the center of attention. She’d be fine here! Or on the ship! It didn’t matter to Shayne in the slightest. He wanted his ship back! 

Hayley: That's up to your CO. 

He calmed his fuming frustrations, aimed at no one in particular. The question might have seemed off topic, but this was an unusual situation, where customs and permissions and social convention had to be obeyed, or someone’s toes would get stepped on. 

He shook his head deferentially toward Hayley. 

Shayne: Captain Hayley has final say, but if she is amenable, we’ll bring Her Fluffiness aboard. 

He extended his hand almost unconsciously toward Mandy, then withdrew it quickly, suddenly remembering that she’d been growling discontentedly not moments before. 

Waters: Response?

Hayley: The previous crew had a number of pets I'm told. It wouldn't be new to the ship.

Shayne nodded in a clear indication of satisfaction, and impatience. 

Shayne: Very well, let’s board and we’ll get Mandy what she needs from Arrow when we find her. 

Waters: Response?

The three of them broke up, and embarked the Khitomer in their own time. 

((Timeskip, Deck 1, Captain’s Ready Room, USS Khitomer)) 

Shayne: Yes, I- it’s good that we discuss. By no means do I intend to interfere with your command; not any more than I have already. Though I readily confess to an awkwardness I am not accustomed to.

Hayley chuckled to herself softly, dismissing the notion of awkwardness with a paw of her hand. Out of all the captains Shayne could have been stuck working with, Hayley seemed a unique stroke of luck; competent as all Starfleet commanders had to be, and yet not terribly worried about… well, anything, really. 

Hayley: Computer, transfer command and all command functions to Captain Randal Shayne, effective immediately, authorization Hayley echo one three three seven.

Shayne didn’t even have time to react before the computer acknowledged the instruction. Eyebrows rose and fell like waves on the ocean, and hands slowly made their way upwards, as if to ask, “what?”

Shayne: Wait, I don’t understand. 

Hayley referred to the chair on the other side of the table, and there was a gentle, dignified wistfulness about her. 

Hayley: Office is yours. My crew and I will remain as supplements where you need us. They are awaiting orders.

Shayne: Captain, please! Wait a moment; why are you giving me command? This is your ship! 

Annoyance at his own imprudence surged through his hands and fingers; obviously it no longer was, as demonstrated by the fact that the computer now recognized Shayne as the CO. But the why still remained unanswered, and both curiosity and suspicion clouded the moment. 

Hayley: Response 

The male captain found himself deflating at her words slightly. Arrow… wasn’t going to… he wouldn’t…?

Shayne: Are you telling me that if these thieves had waited another hour it wouldn’t be my problem? 

That was, quite possibly, the least relevant or angering aspect of this situation, and yet, it was the most galling. 

Hayley: Response 

Shayne leaned on the table and hung his head for a moment. He’d been so close. He’d been so close to getting Arrow through her twilight years with dignity and purpose and grace, and at the last second, the very final interval, that beautiful setting sun of service and duty had been snatched away from both of them. He looked at Hayley, and his foul mood was only belayed by his calm voice. 

Shayne: I’m going to need your help to get familiar with yo… my ship. Join me on the bridge? 

Hayley: Response 

Shayne quickly exited, and made his way onto the bridge. 

Hobart: For now coordinate clearance, on an open channel. Once you have MacKenna's list, we're going to request to switch to secure, but we're going to ::finger quotes:: “forget” to switch. That's when we bluff and see where the transmissions go. Maybe Security will have a bead on which transport to monitor by then.

Campbell / Bridge: Response 

Before anyone could acknowledge his presence, Shayne turned to Campbell. 

Shayne: Mr. Campbell, when you’ve carried out your current orders, open a shipwide channel. 

Campbell/Hobart/Any: Response 

Shayne waited a moment before the bloop of confirmation echoed. 

Shayne: =/\= Shayne to all hands. In accordance with instructions this date, I have taken command of the Khitomer, effective immediately. Duty officer, please note the time in the ship’s log. Carry on. =/\=

He tapped his commbadge to close the channel and spared a glance around the bridge. 

Hobart/Campbell/Any: Response 


Captain Randal Shayne

Commanding Officer

USS Arrow

NCC 69829

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