LCDR Nolen Hobart — Every Farmhouse, Henhouse, Outhouse, and Doghouse

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Nolen Hobart

Apr 28, 2024, 1:31:43 PMApr 28

((Arboretum, Deep Space 33))

Hobart: Yes! Carpenter! ::muttering:: Probably a fake name, but we gotta start somewhere.

Something in Shayne’s head caught Nolen’s attention. He gave the Captain a quizzical look, as if to invite explanation without demanding one. If he wasn't sure, he didn't want to force Shayne into open speculation. And if he was sure, he didn't want to force Shayne to reveal anything he didn't want to reveal just yet.

Unsure, Zenno proceeded.

Zenno: We must inform Starfleet immediately. A starship not under positive Starfleet control is a clear and present political danger.     oO A single phaser blast from the Arrow in the wrong part of space, and the entire quadrant could be at war. So far, it’s a great first day as the Security Chief. Oo

Shayne: Lieutenant, speak with Commander Stergis. Have a widebeam transmission broadcast to any ships or colonies within twenty light years of here informing them of the situation. 

Nolen winced. The Captain knew best, but a part of him didn't want to let the galaxy know that the Federation’s holdings in the Alpha Isles were defended by one fewer warship. Zenno and Shayne had a point that they needed to protect people from being taken advantage by whoever had taken Arrow. But the cutthroat strategist in him knew that the Lattice Alliance were making plans on how to neutralize DS33, if the Federation couldn't stave off a war, and that those plans could be accelerated at any sign of weakness.

He placed a steadying hand on Zenno's upper arm.

Hobart: Be clear enough to warn folks, but vague enough that nobody gets it in their head that now’s the time to lay siege to the Starbase.

Stergis didn't need the three of them to tell her that, but Nolen felt better saying it out loud, just the same. He looked to Shayne, searching for disapproval.

Zenno: I will see to it. I also remind you and all the Senior Staff to change our Security Codes. They could be compromised. oO Hilariously, I am now one of those ‘Senior Staff’ for the next few minutes until the Captain rightfully ejects me into the Sun. I hope they send my Water Sculptures to my sister. She’d appreciate them. Oo

Shayne nodded sternly at Zenno.

Shayne: We’ll change those codes momentarily. 

And then he turned his attention to Hobart.

Shayne: Gather the troops, briefing in five minutes. What we know, what we need, next steps. I’m gonna see if we can snag a ride.

Hobart produced a PADD from his pocket and rapidly tapped and scrolled.

Hobart: Looks like… Conference Room three-delta, sir. See you there.

With nods shared, the trio broke from their huddle. Zenno headed to Starbase Operations to coordinate with the station, the Captain went to go smooth talk his way into commandeering a starship, and Nolen began searching the crowd until he'd found every senior officer on the ship and directed them where to meet.

((Timeskip, Conference Room 3-D, Deck 3, Deep Space 33))

As the last stragglers (not counting the Captain) strode in Lieutenant Commander Hobart stood a little straighter. He'd never given a briefing like this before. Then again, few probably had. A briefing like this didn't involve a holo-display of their destination, because they didn't have any certain. A briefing like this didn't involve an adversary overview, because they weren't yet sure who their adversary was. It wasn't so much a briefing as a brainstorming.

Hobart: Alright, good. ::sigh:: You're all here.

It was an observation, more than a prerequisite. Hobart wasn't sure what he was supposed to do. He looked around to the various officers in the room. Five minutes ago he'd told them to be here. Five minutes before that their ship had warped off without them. Five minutes before that, he'd been promoted to Lieutenant Commander, and who knew what he'd be five minutes from now?

Hobart: Let's go over what we know. First, the Arrow is gone. ::beat:: And that's the list. Captain should be here shortly, but now’s the part when we figure out what we need to know: who stole the ship, how they did it, why they did it, and what they're planning to do.

The black eyes of the ship's (former?) First Officer scanned the room as it churned with the smoky scent of invisible thought. Wheels were turning and ideas were forming.

Hobart held up a hand. Their sharp minds were already hard at work, but perhaps not all in the same direction. This was going to have to be more organized. He looked to Lieutenant Commander Waters.

Hobart: Commander, you're on “who.” Our best lead is the Decontamination Team. Work with Zenno and Zerva to get whatever files you need from DS33. Anyone else you think might have had means, motive, and opportunity?

Waters/Zenno/Zerva: Response 

Nolen nodded, and looked to Lieutenant Commander Dewitt.

Hobart: Connor, you're on “how.” Figure out how they pulled it off, whether we can pull the same trick to get our ship back. And if not, we’ll need a plan for when we do find them.

Dewitt/Senak: Response

Finally he turned to Commander MacKenna, quiet in her corner.

Hobart: Commander, double duty for you, ma’am. We need to figure out why someone would take Arrow, specifically, and what they plan to do with it. And we need to figure out what we can do to stop them. Lieutenants Jacin and Ohnari can assist.

MacKenna/Jacin/Ohnari: Response

The doors opened behind Hobart, and he sensed the Captain’s familiar presence. He didn't need to look. Shayne's seemed to Nolen to be on firmer emotional footing than when he left the Arboretum, and Nolen was glad for that. The crew needed a confident leader, and all Hobart could give them for now was an analytical framework.

Hobart: Commander Stergis has placed all non-essential Arrow personnel on lockdown, as a precaution. In case we're compromised. So this is it, this is our team. Any questions?

"Any questions," was, of course a farcical thing to ask in this situation. Questions were about all they had.

Shayne/Any: Response 



Lt. Commander Nolen Hobart

Executive Officer

USS Khitomer (NCC-62400)


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