Forza: Well met Ensign Lacy. What department are you with?
Lacy: ::thwap-thud:: Engineering. And you?
Forza: Tactical. Hey, I don’t suppose you happen to Petty Officer Sparks do you?
Lacy stopped for a moment, almost unsure if she should answer him. Though Marcus couldn’t help but notice that this young woman seemed to have plenty of pent up frustration and aggression. Not that he could blame her. Marcus attempted an Engineering course at the academy and it did not go well. Needless to say, he couldn’t fault her if Engineering was the sole source of her frustration.
Lacy: Yes, I know her. Why do you ask?
Forza: Oh no particular reason. I had lunch with her the other week and worked with her some time prior. Was just curious.
Marcus was confused by the look he was given by this newly-met ensign. Had he stepped on yet another land mine?
Lacy: She’s highly competent, and she knows this ship better than anyone else aboard. And she’s enlisted, Ensign. ::thump, thwack:: Be careful about… ::thump:: fraternization.
Forza: ::taking a drink from his water:: I don’t need a reminder of the regulations Mr. Lacy, I’m well aware of them. Spent a lot of time studying them.
Marcus was a tad thrown off by Lacy’s comment. What did she mean by that? Of course he was aware of the rule between enlisted and officers. That didn’t mean he couldn’t be curious about someone. Back in the academy, whenever he didn't really want to socialize with people, he would spend hours reading through the Starfleet regulations. Sure he had a couple favorites, who didn't.
Lacy: Response?
Forza: True. And wouldn’t you agree that regulations prevent more problems than they cause?
Lacy: Response?
Marcus got off the bench, stretching his arms and taking another drink. Placing it down he looked back at Lacy, and suddenly a thought had occurred to him. What better way to get some real practice than with another person.
Forza: ::walking up to the bag:: Wanna spar?
Lacy: Response?
Marcus chuckled. He knew this was probably a bad idea, given the fact that he had just spent plenty of time working up a sweat. But he figured it would even out given how heavy Lacy already seemed to be breathing. Should be an even match.
Forza: I could use some work on my endurance. And evidently, so could you. ::walking over to grab some boxing gloves:: Come on Lacy! ::smiling:: Not like it’s against regulations for two ensigns to spar? Friendly match?
Lacy: Response?
Forza: That's the spirit.
Marcus climbed into the ring, adjusting his gloves. He forgot just how heavy they could be. If Lacy was so willing to spar with him, and she quoted regulations so quickly, maybe he and her could get along. Assuming his ego wouldn't be bruised should he lose to her.
--- --- ---
Ensign Marcus Forza
Tactical Officer
USS Khitomer (NCC-62400)