Commander Ash MacKenna - A List

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Marissa Jeffrey

May 8, 2024, 12:04:51 PMMay 8
((Astrometrics, USS Khitomer))

The information had no sooner populated on the screens around them than the chime of a call rang out into the almost silent room. It echoed back to them as she watched the Arrow departing the area on repeat.

Hobart: =/\= Bridge to Astrometrics. =/\=

Her emerald eyes glazed over as she watched the event yet again and let herself settle into a thoughtful trance. Nearby, the doctor answered the call.

Ohnari: =/\= You've got us, go ahead Sir. =/\=

In turn, the new first officer wasted no time in getting to the point.

Hobart: =/\= Nevermind the who or why for now, I've got an idea about the where. Given the Arrow’s departure vector, identify the ten nearest places to hide a starship. Natural inference, or whatnot, beyond the reach of long range sensors. =/\=

Holtz / Jacin: =/\= Response =/\=?

Ash raised an eyebrow as her eyes focused ever so slightly and she moved towards the console.

Ohnari: =/\= You're thinking there is a secondary interested party? Like, a rendezvous point to exchange the Arrow? =/\=

MacKenna: =/\= Or just somewhere to hide out until we get tired of looking. =/\=

The thought was just as much to herself as it was to anyone.

Hobart: =/\= Right, long or short doesn't matter. As long as it's a list. =/\=

Holtz / Jacin / MacKenna=/\= Response =/\=?

MacKenna: =/\= We will get it to you. =/\=

She might have added 'soon' or something to that end, but honestly she figured they were all working on the 'need it yesterday' type timeframe. Still, as first officer, he probably needed to define that. Was she like that as a first officer? It had been so long ago, and she'd hated the experience enough for her not to remember much.

Hobart: =/\= Soon as you can, send it to the Ops station on the Bridge. Hobart out. =/\=

Once again the room was quiet and Ash poked around at the console building parameters for the newest set of searching.

Ohnari: Can we get an overlay of the most recent readings from the last sensor scans? I am sure with the regular monitoring of the nearest nebula, we might be able to see if there would be some time of particle trail should they have passed through it...? They couldn't have ventured through anything we haven't, given the limitations of the ship.

Something odd struck her just then. The Arrow had Intel on it, having been found adrift and then the crew having found former members of the crew imprisoned. There had been chatter on Blacknet back when it was found, and at the request of her digging, likely before. The names of the decontamination team scrolled by on the screen to her right and one of them caught her eye.

MacKenna: Unless...

Holtz/Jacin Response?

Shayne: =/\= Shayne to all hands. In accordance with instructions this date, I have taken command of the Khitomer, effective immediately. Duty officer, please note the time in the ship’s log. Carry on. =/\=

Both of Ash's eyebrows rose towards the ceiling as she looked towards the others.

Ohnari: ::stunned:: it normal for a Captain being in the area to hand over command to the visiting crew....?

The answer to that was a little complicated, so she opted for the easiest path.

MacKenna: Sometimes, sure, to consolidate the chain of command.

Was that it, or was there news of Arrow?

Holtz/Jacin Response?

It didn't matter either way. Ash turned her attention to the console knowing that there would be time later to figure out what exactly was going on with the command of the ship. 

MacKenna: Let's assume it's that. Now, given their known speed, here's a list of places that fit what Commander Hobart was saying.

The nearest holoscreen listed locations and coordinates while the massive room around them shifted to a static view of nearby space with highlights of each of the areas on the map. She tapped a few more commands.

MacKenna: Narrowing that to their last known heading.

The screens shifted a little.

Holtz/Jacin/Ohnari: Responses?

For a moment, she simply sat and watched, considering each of the places.

MacKenna: I'm going to guess wherever they went is someplace with a lot of interference. 

Someplace where it would be easy to hide an entire starship.

Holtz/Jacin/Ohnari: Responses?

The list got ever shorter...


Commander Ash MacKenna
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Arrow

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