[Artifact] Lieutenant Falt: Trust in the team

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Tom Cholewa

Feb 26, 2022, 9:03:43 AM2/26/22
to sb118-...@googlegroups.com

((Main Engineering, Deck 16, USS Juneau))

It only took the engineers a few minutes to prepare the power cell, using the scans of the artefact as a reference. Tomas had used that time to confirm the exact position the artefact had been in when the Hopper’s away team had found it.


Deveaux: It appears to be ready, sir, but there are still no guarantees here.


Kettick: Readiness confirmed. On your order, sir.


Falt: Good. I’ve already relayed the co-ordinates to the Transporter Chief.


He tapped his combadge: =/\= Falt to Transporter Room 2. Energise when ready. =/\=


A moment later the power cell dematerialised. The transport would only take a few brief seconds but Tomas was so full of anxious energy he had to stop himself tapping his foot impatiently.


oO I really hope this works Oo


Transporter Chief: =/\= Transport complete, sir. =/\=


Almost instantly the readings on his console changed, the lab was powering up.


Falt: ::smiling:: It seems the power systems are indeed compatible. Excellent work, both of you. Let’s get a data link established and see what we can find out.

Deveaux: On it, sir.

Tomas entered the commands to establish the datalink. The task was considerably easier than it would have been now there was a maintenance drone in the lab, an inspired decision by Ensign Kettick. After only a few moments he was able to start the data transfer. 


Deveaux: I cannot understand what I am seeing, sir. With your permission, I want to just download this entire section of data. I did find what appeared to be a schematic of the device, so I am sure we are in the right area.

It felt odd to Tomas that someone would ask his permission to do something, especially an experienced Lieutenant JG like Deveraux. His second full pip wasn’t even a day old yet.

Falt: Agreed, I trust your judgement Lieutenant.

Kettick: Would you like me to prepare an air-gapped computer, Lieutenant? Ensign Sera has also retrieved a code package from a Ring structure during a recent exploration mission. It is not yet in our database for security reasons, but we can compare and try to assemble a partial translation matrix.

Deveaux: Yes, we can isolate it from our own computer memory so it’s not at risk, and then we can set the translation algorithms to translating it. Once that is done, we can have a better picture of what we’re dealing with.

Falt: Great. I’ll update the Captain on our progress. I assume it will take a while before we have any useful data but keep me updated.

Kettick: On it, sir.

Deveaux: Response

TAG / END for Act 1

Lieutenant Tomas Falt

Science Officer

USS Juneau, NX-99801



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