((Market Town - Denali Station))
Dekas: Which one should we explore first?
Sera walked behind the flamboyantly colored Aurelian as they made their way through an old market near their new ‘home.’ She had been rather quiet thus far in their outing, silently focusing on their surroundings and taking mental notes. When Dekas had asked her to accompany him, Sera accepted his offer readily. It was a way to strengthen interpersonal bonds and satisfy her innate curiosity.
Sera: It would be most logical to explore closest to the administrative center and then work out way further out. ::motioning to the stalls around him:: I foresee this area to be re-developed next given it’s previous use and proximity.
Those who knew Sera at all knew she was merely offering her opinion as requested.
Falt/any: Response
Dekas: Alright, let’s do that. But obviously, ah, be careful.
Sera: Aye Lieutenant. I shall endeavor to be a paragon of safety.
The statement was given in a deadpanned manner only a Vulcan could pull off, however to those who had gotten to know her would see the subtle shift in expression denoting her version of humor.
Dekas/ Falt / any: Response
It was at that moment that Lieutenant Commander Quentin, one of the visiting officers for Fleet Captain Oddas’ promotion ceremony, emerged from shadows, waving at the trio.
Collins: Um, hello? Alms for a miserable Science officer?
Sera: ::unconsciously straightening: Lieutenant Commander.
Dekas/Falt: RESPONSE
Collins: I'm uh afraid I am rather lost. I truly have no idea where I'm going, but this place is GORGEOUS. Truly. I'm rather jealous you all get to work here now, to be honest.
Sera: Considering this ring holds numerous lifetimes of scientific exploration, you could always request a transfer.
Dekas / Falt / Collins: RESPONSE
As their collective conversation got going so to speak, a woman with fiery red hair rounded the corner from another side street that fed into the main market area.
Sera studied the woman as her stance faltered a little bit, but then picked back up into a stride that denoted an inner confidence and willingness to see things through.
Leix: Lieutenant Dekas! What a pleasant surprise.
Dekas: Response
Sera: It would appear that others were of the same mind, Lt. Dekas. None of us are immune to innate curiosity.
Falt / Collins / Leix / Dekas / Any: Responses
Leix: ::lifts her bags:: Just a bit of shopping. My quarters are looking sparse, so I thought it could use a few more personal touches. I’d hoped to find some interesting artifacts but haven’t really found anything that stands out to me just yet.
Dekas: Response
Sera: That is truly a…fascinating idea, Major Leix. How do you determine suitability? ::asked in all sincerity::
It was truly an interesting strategy. Sera herself had almost no personal effects, and she had seen the size of her new quarters and knew that to create a space conducive to successful meditation that it would require personal items of some kind.
Leix/ Falt / Collins / Any: Responses
Sera’s ears picked up a sound, akin to something being dropped and breaking and jerked her head quickly in the direction that it originated from. She quickly pulled out her tricorder from one of the many hidden pockets she was fond of utilizing and flipped it open to scan the area. Perhaps it was a small animal?
Dekas: Response
Sera: I heard something. ::motioning with her tricorder:: That direction. My tricorder is not picking up anything of significance, however. Shall we investigate?
Dekas/ Leix / Falt / Collins / Any: Responses
Ensign Sera
Engineering Officer
USS Juneau, NX-99801