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[A1-SOL] Commander Kelrod: Tension is in the air

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Marcus Dickens

Nov 22, 2016, 12:59:19 AM11/22/16

(OOC: Just catching up some tags)


( IC ):



Kelrod: Hello both. Congratulations are in order.


Deveau: Why thank you.


Jolara: Thank you.


Kelrod: I'll just say that your run on that shuttle was kind of a crazy thing to do, but it worked out.


:: An eyebrow raised, Rune had to pause and take a breath. ::


Deveau: I’m glad that it did.  Would have hated to lose a fine officer.


Jolara: Thank you, Alora. I am glad it worked out as well.


Kelrod: Just thinking that it'd have been better someone like me with no responsibilities over my lap than you. You've suffered enough, it's time to aim for brighter future.


:: Despite the syntehol effects, he picked up the tension in Rune, but could not discerning exactly the emotion. ::


Jolara: Someone like you… ::Her jaw tightened and her head tilted.:: Too bad. I am not sorry it was me and I would do it again. As for my future, that is up to me to decide.


Kelrod: If I'm intruding in personal matters, I'm sorry, just being worried for you. Might come from someone else too ::tips his head with his forefinger:: Alora, I'll miss you too. May the future holds you a safe and interesting journey.


Deveau: Thank you.  May your travels be the same.


::Rune should have just walked away but that would have been rude to Alora.::


DeVeau: Do you know where you’re going?


Kelrod: I have some plans, that will require a leave. I might explain you if we meet again.


DeVeau: What about you, Jolara?


Jolara: ::quietly:: I will be putting in for an extended leave.


DeVeau: Looks like I’m headed staying at A1. I’m going to miss being on a ship, but it should be interesting none-the-less.


Kelrod: Well, Rune I hope you get what you’re looking for.


Jolara: I wish you both the best. If you will excuse me…


:: He looked at her doubtful about what her future will be, but if it was hard guess someone’s future sober and in his full capacities, today it’ll be impossible. ::

Commander Kelrod
Security Officer (SAR Leader)
USS Invicta
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