Lt. Commander Ayiana Sevo - Flying High

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Aaron Schimmel

Jun 23, 2024, 2:24:25 AM (7 days ago) Jun 23
to SB118 Gorkon (IC)

((Astrometrics, Deck 17, USS Gorkon))

Ayiana had to get out of her quarters; she had been stuck reading endless PADDs on the Borg. While the ship had no plan of action yet, she needed to do *something.* She thought maybe Astrometrics may have catalogued some data about the surrounding space to get a glimpse of changes. 

She stopped by the Brew Continuum on the way down; a cup of coffee now simmering in the trademarked cup in her hands as Ayiana approached Astrometrics. The door control indicated it was already occupied, which was a bit of a surprise; there was no one listed on the duty schedule. She mentally shrugged and approached the doors; they opened for her to reveal two science-coloured people chatting.

As Ayiana crossed the threshold, she suddenly felt her weight decrease significantly. It looked like the two were floating in the middle of the room. Someone had turned down the gravity. Seeing the woman with a powered medical exoskeleton and distinct forehead formation (seriously, why did so many races have variations of the forehead?), Ayiana realized the woman was probably an Elaysian who grew up in a very low-gravity environment.

It was far from her first time working and maneuvering in low gravity. Without tripping up, Ayiana gently pushed off the deck plate with her feet and glided towards the pair who were in discussion.

Taelon: Oh, I’m, um, also new here. Not to Starfleet, I mean, to the, um, the ship. This is my first day here…

Pace: Response

Taelon: It’s only upwards from here, right?

Sevo: Trust me, you’re in for a wild ride.

Pace: Response

Ayiana pressed her foot against a console as she passed it, gently stopping her in the air near the two. The coffee in her mug barely sloshed with the limited inertia.

Sevo: Sorry for intruding, I didn’t know anyone would be here. 

Taelon / Pace: Response


Lt. Commander Ayiana Sevo
Mission Specialist

U.S.S. Gorkon

Image Collective

Wiki Ops



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