Ensign Miaxdiso Avoi - Such Dazzling Delights

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Doz Finch

May 26, 2023, 9:55:25 AM5/26/23
to sb118-...@googlegroups.com, Doz Finch

((Transport Shuttle Akari, en route to the USS Gorkon))

Avoi: Isn’t this exciting!

Miaxdiso Avoi breathlessly primped at the precisely positioned crescents of her hair with one hand, while her other hand carefully held up a small mirror through which she could see her wide and bright smile looking back at her. The mirror, conveniently compact for such a confined trip, glinted along its contours in glistering shades of turquoise, casting jittering specks of light upon anyone and anything around it. In it, not only did she repeatedly and obsessively scrutinise every inch of the curls upon her skull, but also the exactness of her make-up, from the brightness of her eyes, to the rosiness of her cheeks and lips. And, of course, she had to scrupulously examine the current state of her teeth, checking and quadruple checking them, on the off chance that they had randomly fallen out of her head and given way to giant tusks instead, which would have been quite the inconvenience.

The transport shuttle wasn’t particularly spacious—not like the lavish astrodomes of Idridi, or the jamboree boats of the Opal Sea. The inside of it was quite quaint and rustic. A row of seats were lined along the inner hull, positioned below long windows through which the shimmering stars magnificently passed by, teasing them for what thrilling encounters lay ahead. Toward the front of the cabin was a pressurised corridor that adjoined the cockpit, visible through two sets of small windows that she had already tried knocking on a few times in search of a more accurate time of arrival. Timekeeping was of utmost importance to Avoi, along with keeping an orderly schedule, looking one's best, and having a social aptitude as detail-oriented and as flamboyant as the vibrant sequined dresses she so fondly wore to events.

Avoi: It’s a flagship, so naturally the Gorkon has twenty four decks, but you wouldn’t expect anything less than that with a crew complement of over six hundred and five, and that doesn’t even take into consideration any guests it has onboard!

Her voice was lilted, almost musical, and full of random inflections and the occasional gleeful breath, filling every corner of the shuttlecraft as it had done since the moment they had all climbed into it. As she continued on with her spiel in which she gave out random facts regarding the ship they were being transferred to, she continued to make adjustments to herself. A fixing of the tunic here, a wiping of the top of her skirt there. The whirring of the engines purred around them, as she twittered on.

Avoi: It even has six transporter rooms, perfect for delegations, or ambassadorial visits, or even the occasional political gala. ::grinning toward the others:: Of course, only the best for the ship that watches over the Tyrellian commonwealth. Now they’re a species with some *fascinating* customs.

Ylvor/Cain: Response

Avoi: They have a monarchy, but of course it has no executive power in modern day Tyrellia. ::her eyes widened and flicked between the others and her small mirror:: But their relevance is not to be understated. The Kādari is still very much revered—not to mention the parties, and the outfits. Just divine!

Ylvor/Cain: Response

Avoi: I see you’re both wearing gold. Quite dashing!

Ylvor/Cain: Response


Ens. Miaxdiso Avoi

Diplomatic Officer

USS Gorkon


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