Lt. Gnaxac - Ch-Ch-Chaaaaanges

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Genkos Adea

Jun 25, 2024, 7:22:39 AM (4 days ago) Jun 25

((Main Engineering, Deck 16))

Gnaxac chortled again and then pointed to his own console. He recalled a story from their little tour aboard the Njörðr - in which gravity had been subverted by a nebula, and down became up.

Gnaxac: There was one time I woke up upside d-d-down in a loo…

zh’Tisav: Woah!  Nevermind!  No toilet stories, I spend enough time changing diapers...

Finch: Oi, I wanted to hear where that was going! Unless you’ve got a better one yourself.

Gnaxac gave Doz a cheeky wink that said “I’ll tell you the story later” - and he would, right down to the steady dripping coming from the inverted toilet. It had fallen on his face, and was what had woken him up.

zh’Tisav: Mmmm, I don’t really have many stories…  Andorians don’t tell many personal stories, it’s usually legends of the old heroes like Lor’Vela, Ghalev, or Krotus the Conquerer.  I could tell you one of those but I don’t think stories of Andorian wars would go over too well right now.

Finch: I seriously enjoyed our time at the Lor’Vela museum. What a cracking exhibition, and a fantastic insight into Andorian culture that was. We’ll have to see about visiting Ferenginar next time. Soak in a bit of your culture instead, Mister Gnaxac.

Gnaxac winced but said nothing - the idea of the Ferengi having any kind of “culture” was anathema to him. He’d left that planet and its values far behind when he joined Starfleet. He watched as Vylaa brought up a holographic representation of their ship.

zh’Tisav: I think we’ll have to look into extending the range of the sensor components themselves.  We can remove some of the limiters for a start.

Finch: Internally or externally? I don’t mind taking one of the workbees out. Can even take a team with me.

Gnaxac gave Doz a little look - the idea of leaving the (relative) safety of the Gorkon to go outside (outside was where the Borg were) was quite, quite terrifying to him. Normally he might have indulged Doz and gone along for a bit og tag-team worker bee fun, but in this situation he thought that safety lied in numbers.

Gnaxac: C-c-couldn’t we send out a d-d-drone?

zh’Tisav: Response

Finch: We could start by removing the limiters one by one, see how the sensors respond, and then reinforce them in whatever capacity we think necessary. Heat sinks, ventilators, a fresh lick of our best sealant around the couplings.

Gnaxac nodded enthusiastically.

Gnaxac: Yes, that s-s-sounds g-g-good.

zh’Tisav: Response

Finch: How many workbees are in operation at the moment? Is it still four?

She nodded with pursed lips, whilst Gnaxac furrowed his brow. The hologram zoomed in on Main Engineering, and the Ferengi found he was a little disappointed that there wasn’t a little holo-Gnaxac, holo-Doz and holo-Vylaa in the simulation.

Gnaxac: I think it’s three, b-b-but the flyb-b-boys d-d-don’t always tell us if they b-b-break one.

zh’Tisav: Response

Finch: Mind you, we’d have to keep an eye on the flux capacitance. There’s no sign of obvious damage now, but we start removing limiters and you never know what might start spiking. It’s an easy thing to forget.

Gnaxac raised a brow - that was a really good point. He thought about it for a moment.

Gnaxac: We c-c-can always ask the ship to monitor any c-c-changes in levels and rep-p-port back if there are any c-c-c-changes.

zh’Tisav/Finch: Response

As the idea of being in a worker bee when a Borg sphere drone flashed across his mind, Gnaxac piped up.

Gnaxac: Or, I c-c-can stay here and k-k-keep an eye on it manually.

zh’Tisav/Finch: Response


Lieutenant Gnaxac


USS Gorkon


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