[Backsim] K'Turk - Motive

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Jona ch'Ranni

Jan 5, 2021, 5:29:56 PM1/5/21
to sb118-...@googlegroups.com
((Spacedock 44, Palanon))

K'Turk sat heavily on the cargo container, chewing the last bites of his ration bar. His gray-green T4-Class Klingon transport, the Horey'So, sat behind him. Its hulking form framed his own impressive stature but did little than provide a backdrop to his melancholy attitude.

Seven weeks. He had been on this forsaken planet for seven weeks. If he ever got his hands on that sniveling Ferengi, Mir, who'd cheated him on his ship's repairs...

The aging Klingon looked up from his endless stare at the deck to see a curious blue-skin approaching. She wore an eyepatch and was lugging an impressive toolbag toward his ship. He stood up tall as she stopped in front of him.

sh'Shar: Evening. K'Turk, right?

K'Turk: I am K'Turk, son of Bevag.

She put down her toolbox, extending a blue hand to shake.

sh'Shar: I'm Mikali sh'Shar. We spoke briefly over comms. I'm here to fix up your ship. Or at least try.

Her hand, though probably appropriately sized for her body, was almost child-like in his meaty palm. He gave it a careful shake so as to not injure her.

K'Turk: ::gruffly:: You are late! I have been waiting!

sh'Shar: Sorry it took so long for me to get to it. ::She tapped her eyepatch.:: Old war wound was acting up.

K'Turk: ::eyes squinting in inspection:: That is ... an acceptable reason for delay.

sh'Shar: I actually am not sure what the problem is. Tan was not specific, and I haven't actually spoken to ch'Ranni yet. But I'm here, so let's take a look around, shall we?

K'Turk: The other blue-skin and spotted one believed you would be able to complete the repairs to the  Horey'So.

They walked together along the length of the transport. Its long fuselage was broken only by the twin warp engines tucked close to the body. A compartment on the exterior stood open with a mass of wires stringing out of it. K'Turk had tried to understand what that p'tak Ferengi was talking about when he walked off the job but the technical jargon he used had only confused the cargo runner. And K'Turk didn't like to be confused.

sh'Shar: So, my understanding is that half of the repairs have been completed, and half are yet to be complete... is that correct?

K'Turk: That is correct. I cannot get the engines to fire up. They seem to be receiving power but will not fully initialize.

sh'Shar: Response

K'Turk: ::grumbling:: How long will it take? I am not a patient man.

sh'Shar: Response

The Klingon gritted his teeth and thought about the lack of alternatives. The woman seemed willing to help, though he still questioned why she would. She owed him nothing. And the concept of charity was a bit alien to him.

K'Turk: Very well. But, first, you must tell me why you are doing this. Have you lost a bet?

sh'Shar: Response

Stranded Cargo Runner

as simmed by

Lt. Jona ch'Ranni
Chief of Operations
USS Gorkon (NCC-82293)
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