Serren Tan & Mikali sh'Shar - Andorian Blues: The Deal, Part VIII

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David Adams

Oct 10, 2020, 11:29:25 PM10/10/20
to Gorkon
(( Sto'Vo'Kor, USS Gorkon ))

So now he knew. sh'Shar needed his signature to begin some kind of rehabilitation program so she could get her job back.

He very much doubted it would work. Quinn wasn't just going to let someone like Mikali sh'Shar waltz back onto the ship like nothing had happened. But then again, what was the purpose of those programs if they didn't provide an avenue for people to at least try to overcome their problems? Despite some misgivings, Serren couldn't help but feel sympathetic to her aims.

Tan: Okay. So... I'm hearing you want to get your commission back. And you're willing to do this program to get to that point. But why? You've never been the kind to tie yourself to your job like this. It was never your life. What's changed?

sh'Shar: I need it b-because I need a good, honourable job. A job that shows stability. It shows that I'm clean. It'll prove to the judge that I'm okay to have custody. And...

Custody. Judge. Suddenly he knew. He knew exactly why Mikali sh'Shar wanted what she did and why she wanted it.

It wasn't really about the job at all.

sh'Shar: And I know I'm a screw-up, I know I'm worthless space trash, but you know I will work hard, harder than I've ever worked because if I don't get this letter, then... then it doesn't matter where I live or what I do with my life, because I will never see my daughter again. And I want that more than I've ever wanted anything in my entire life. Even more than living. I'd do... anything to see her again. Even scrub the hull with a toothbrush.

Mikali cried. Big ole' fat tears running down her blue cheeks, creating dark blue rivers on her face, dribbling down to her chin and dripping into her pancakes.

sh'Shar: To get custody I have to prove that I'm in a stable place fit for a kid. A working position on a Starfleet vessel is the best chance I have at doing that. Because just being a civilian is... Benna deserves better than that. She deserves a mother she can look up to. So I want to work. I want to contribute to the ship and help Benna avoid the mistakes I made in my life. I want to stop her from getting curious about the galaxy and running away and becoming another useless sh'Shar clogging up the galaxy. To get to that point, I will do anything I have to. I swear to you on my life. On everything I have.

She took a deep, ragged breath, fighting the tears in a futile battle to keep her composure.

sh'Shar: Please don't turn me away.

Tan: Blue...

Such a direct plea hit him like a phaser set to stun. Despite his history with her, for some reason -- some stupid, idiotic, empty-headed reason -- he believed her. He actually believed Mikali sh'Shar was doing this for her kid. Tan balled his hands tightly, then slowly relaxed them.

Tan: I'm listening. What... exactly do you need from me? What does this sponsorship entail?

sh'Shar: Just a signature and the occasional check-in. That's all. I'll be doing all the work on my own.

Tan: You know the needs of the service might make that kind of commitment difficult. I might not be able to drop in as much as needed. If the Gorkon has to go away, I have to go with it. This ship spent a whole year in another dimension... and it's regularly pulled away on other assignments. If that happens again, I won't be able to keep my obligation to you.

Hopefully, it wouldn't for other reasons too. He didn't want to potentially spend another year unconscious.

sh'Shar: The word of a Starfleet officer, even an Ensign, is worth a lot. A subspace message is fine. Really. ::she clasped her hands together:: Please do this for me.

Serren considered the situation carefully.



USS Gorkon


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