Mikali sh'Shar - Clean and White, Part II

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David Adams

Sep 18, 2020, 4:09:00 AM9/18/20
to Gorkon
(( Spaceport restroom, Yarista, Palanon, Tyrellian system ))


The dark grey inhaler contrasted with the stark white flooring, practically glowing as it sat there, unattended, its unconscious owner so out of it, they could never stop her. All Mikali sh'Shar had to do was bend down, pick it up, and then she would have it.

It was right there. Ripe for the taking.


The Andorian zhen slumped off the lavatory, sliding down to the white tiles with a soft groan. Practically inviting Mikali to claim her prize. 

sh'Shar acted almost subconsciously. She knelt down on the tiles, reached out and grasped the inhaler with a trembling hand. As she touched it, a little White trickled out the nozzle, scattering over the floor like sand. Barely able to touch the thing, as though it were red hot, she lifted the lavatory lid with her other hand, threw the inhaler in as hard as she could, and hammered her fist on the flush.

Water filled the bowl. The grey device swirled around the rim, tumbling over and over, its expensive white powder washing out as water flooded it, then the whole thing disappeared with a gurgle.


And yet the white powder on the tiles remained. Mikali tore the sleeve off her shirt, dipped it in the lavatory's bowl, and then began to scrub, frantically cleaning up as much of the stray white dust as possible, soaking the floor of the cubicle in toilet water. She caught every single stray grain, throwing them into the bowl and going back to work, scrubbing furiously anywhere there could be even a little of the stuff.

When her arms burned and there was nothing to be seen, she threw the tattered rag that was once her sleeve into the lavatory and flushed it too. Once. Twice. Three times, just to make sure every bit of it was all gone.

Panting and wild-eyed, Mikali grabbed the zhen's legs, twisting her roughly until she was in a side-on recovery position. Checked airway. Pulse. All strong. The stranger would be okay.

She hated what she had to do next.

Picking herself up off the floor, missing a sleeve and with soaked knees, Mikali shuffled out of the restroom, heading back to the information desk she had passed on the way in. Where the well-dressed Tyrellian was waiting.

Tyrellian: Good evening and welcome to the Yarista spaceport! YanCo, for all your conglomerate needs. How can YanCo help you today?

Mikali folded her arms in front of her, her antenna drooping down over her head. When she spoke, she mumbled, avoiding eye contact.

sh'Shar: There's, um, an unconscious person in the restroom back there. I don't know what happened.

The Tyrellian nodded understandingly, his voice professional and understanding.

Tyrellian: Do you think they require medical assistance? We have a fully staffed medical department.

sh'Shar just nodded.

The Tyrellian tapped a few keys on his desk, smiling a customer-service smile, and Mikali waited until it was done.

Tyrellian: No worries, ma'am. Thank you for reporting it, we're getting someone on the way there to help them. They'll be totally fine.

sh'Shar: Mmf.

Mikali went to leave, but the man spoke up again, concerned this time.

Tyrellian: What happened to your shirt? Did the person attack you?

sh'Shar: Oh. Um, no.

Mikali managed her best, fake, shaky smile.

sh'Shar: It's... do you like it? Hah. It's new. Going for a kind of... lopsided fashion statement. I'm calling it "Neo Romulan". It's fashion.

The guy relaxed, nodding in understanding.

Tyrellian: Neo-Romulan. I like it, yeah.

The guy relaxed for a moment, the customer service mask slipping.

Tyrellian: Don't worry about that poor person. We'll make sure they get the help they need.

The help they needed...

So pitiful, his tone. Gilded in smugness and the knowledge it could never be me. So self-righteous. The guy was practically a carbon copy of every staffer at the rehabilitation facility. Wanting to help, but secretly above it all. Better than.

He was being super polite, and friendly, but all Mikali sh'Shar could hear from him was, junkie scum.

Mikali sneered and turned her back on the guy, stomping away, flicking her hand to get rid of the last bit of water.

She had a spaceflight to catch.



simmed by


USS Gorkon


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