[JP] Miaxdiso Avoi, Xandria Cain & Torvi Ylvor - Such Sweet Sorrow

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Doz Finch

Feb 14, 2024, 6:53:27 PMFeb 14
to sb118-...@googlegroups.com, Doz Finch

((Miaxdiso’s Quarters, USS Gorkon))

Avoi: Just a few more steps!

Miaxdiso Avoi’s hands were entwined in front of her friend Torvi’s eyes as she guided the woman through one of the ship's corridors, in the direction of her own quarters. Quarters that she’d spent the best part of the afternoon decorating with Xandria, and all in celebration, and slight mourning, of their friends imminent transfer to her new posting at Amity Outpost—a station that Miaxdiso knew one or two things about, incidentally, thanks to it having a rather famous Ambassador onboard, the subject of occasional Betazoid tabloid magazines.

Green carpet gently flattening underfoot, they awkwardly reached the doors to her boudoir, and with a giggle from Miaxdiso, they flew open with a swoosh, followed ceremoniously by her hands. The sight before them was practically polychromatic. Bejewelled streamers reached from one end of the room to the other, between which prismatic balloons floated with dangling ribbons, a Caitians paradise. Shining confetti had been popped over each bit of furniture, and adding to the vibe was bombinating music that she’d been informed was from “a beloved Trill band”.

Torvi had been literally in the dark about this, and squinted as her eyes were suddenly exposed to light once again. It took her a moment to focus and she slowly looked around the room, a mix of a smile and confusion apparent on her face. She turned to Miaxdiso who was clearly impressed with herself, and rightly so. 

Ylvor: Max what is all this? I uhh…

Cain: Surprise!

Miaxdiso beamed brightly, satisfied that it had so far all gone to plan.

Ylvor: You didn’t have to do all this. ::She put her hands on her heart, then turned around to Max:: It’s wonderful, but I suspect this is just what your quarters look like all the time. ::She turned to Cain:: Did you know about this?

Xandria grinned at her Trill friend and pulled the woman into a firm hug. 

Cain: I can neither confirm nor deny.

Avoi: What sort of friends would we be if allowed you to wander off without a leaving party!

Ylvor: I am honoured you guys. ::She put her arms out wide around the two of them:: I am going to miss you both. Truly. 

Cain: Not as much as I’ll miss you. ::She threw a playful wink at Miax.:: I can’t believe you’re abandoning me to be the sole victim of the Princess’s fashion experiments.

Miaxdiso shot Xandria a look of mock disapproval, before swirling her way inside to demonstrate all of the different decorative elements at play.

Avoi: But isn’t it so beautiful!? Look at the streamers! I had them imported directly from the surface, and I glued the stones onto them myself. ::She grinned.:: Over there in that corner is a little charcuterie board full of all of your favourite snacks. Oh, and the balloons! I had to get permission for those from Operations. It was a whole thing! Quite annoying, actually.

Torvi wandered into the room, transfixed at all the effort that had gone into it. She would have been happy with a few drinks before she left, but it did truly mean the world to her. She couldn’t wipe the smile off her face, and a tear started to well up. 

Ylvor: Ugh ::She wiped away the tear:: By the symbiote ponds.. 

Xandria noticed the look on her friend’s face, and the smile fell from her own. The human crossed her arms, face set and stern—she’d never been very good at sympathetic, despite her best efforts. And right now…well, she didn’t want to be sad, she wanted to be happy for Torvi’s new adventure.

Cain: I hope that was a happy tear, Torvi Ylvor.

Avoi: I believe it *is* a happy tear. ::She said, gripping Xandria by the hand.:: And with very good reason. It is *quite* the adventure you’re about to go on.

Ylvor: I don’t know if I’m making a mistake, the Delta Quadrant is galaxies away.. 

Avoi: But that’s what makes it so exciting!

Cain: Starfleet is all about exploring strange new worlds, Torvi. That’s what the Delta Quadrant is! ::She smirked.:: So if you have made a mistake, at least it’ll be an interesting one.

Although Miaxdiso wasn’t fond of the idea of making mistakes, and even less fond of encouraging them, Xandria’s sentiment seemed to ameliorate some of the uncertainty lingering in the room. They *were* Starfleet, and Starfleet *was* all about exploring strange new worlds. The Delta Quadrant was most certainly one of the next and most thrilling frontiers, even if it was incredibly dangersome.

Ylvor: Yeah I know, I’m excited about the prospect of exploration, just don’t want to lose you guys. 

Xandria grabbed a tray of drinks in spherical glasses—vibrant purple and blue, swirling with edible glitter that almost made them look like they were glowing. There was one for each of them, replicated according to a recipe Xandria had picked up on DS9 last shore leave. She offered the tray to her friends with a flourish and a smile before taking one for herself. 

Cain: Bajoran Wormhole, anyone? 

Avoi: Ooh, the colours!

Ylvor: Yes please! Is that like a Celestial Temple?

Miaxdiso reached for hers first, giving the delightfully spherical glass an elegant sip, and letting its spangling contents trickle down her throat and into her stomach with quite the relief. They each quietly sipped, perhaps savouring the moment and to really let it sink in that their wonderful friend was moving on, a reality that felt heavy in her breastbone.

Ylvor: Ooh that is good, ::Taking another drink:: Oddly, nothing like a temple. 

Cain: It’s strange to think we all arrived together, and now you’re headed off on your own. ::She wrapped an arm around Miaxdiso’s shoulders, leaning into the elegant Betazoid and exaggerating some emotional sniffling.:: They grow up so fast!

Avoi: Yes they do, ::she said with a softer than usual wry smile,:: I am so, so proud of you Torvi. And I hope you’re proud of yourself, too. You’re so brave.

Ylvor: ::Mocking voice:: Thank’s moms. You know it isn’t too late to come with me! ::Torvi joked::

Torvi hated to deflect with a joke, but it’s what she was prone to do in more serious situations.

Ylvor: I am so glad to have met you both, and I will surely treasure your friendship. You both mean the world to me. 

Avoi: Who would have thought that from within that strange little shuttle a friendship like ours would have formed. Me with my glamour and my knowledge and my organisation skills, and the both of you with your youness.

The Shuttlecraft Akira, in many ways, birthed their friendship before they had even arrived at the Gorkon. Setting the scene for what would become a trio Miaxdiso could never forget. For hours on end, they shared stories, played games, talked about their futures. Later on they’d go on shopping sprees and jollies, winding up in situations she never imagined she would end up in. And now a crucial piece of the puzzle was leaving.

Torvi had to laugh, as initially she wasn’t overly fond of Miaxdiso, and was happy to be proven wrong, Xandria and she though, had much more in common. The bonds they had formed was one of Torvi’s favourite memories and would not soon be forgotten. 

Ylvor: You forgot modesty in that list Max.

Xandria laughed.

Avoi: I suppose I’ve come to depend on our friendship, in a way. And…::Her bottom lip quivered a touch, eyelashes slightly wet and batting,:: I’m going to miss you so very much.

Ylvor: Oh Max. ::Torvi’s face changed to that of one about to cry:: 

Torvi went in for another hug, squeezing Miaxdiso and not wanting to let go. Then, letting out a sigh of relief from the emotions she was feeling, she wiped her eyes.

Ylvor: Another round of Bajoran Wormholes! 

Cain: Yes ma’am!

((Later on - Transporter Room, USS Gorkon))

The trio stood in the Transporter room, the last time they would be together for the foreseeable future, it was a mix of emotions and Torvi felt a little numb. Hopefully she would convalesce on the trip. 

Avoi: Before you go, Torvi, I have a gift for you.

She held out a velvet plum bag, within which a selection of shimmering clothes lay folded, coruscating attractively and waiting to be worn to all manner of Amity soirees and events. In silvers, lime, teal, deep pinks and more, they each held a piece of her heart, and although they had been tailored to suit her own frame, she knew that on a station as large as the one her Trill friend was going to, there would surely be someone skilled enough to make any adjustments she may need.

Ylvor: Oh Max, aren’t these.. 

Avoi: Some of my favourite pieces. They were made in Idridi, and are completely one of a kind. Just like you.

Miaxdiso wasn’t sure whether or not Torvi would make any use of them, but she hoped that it meant something to her friend. Torvi felt another wave of emotion take her over, she tried not to cry, she was however honoured to be thought of in that way. 

Ylvor: ::Shaking her head:: I can't take these.. 

Avoi: They’re yours now.

Ylvor: I will treasure them.. Thank you. ::She held the bag close to her chest:: Ugh ::sighing:: it makes the gift I got you look like gagh.. 

Torvi placed Miaxdiso’s gift to the side, exchanging with her a device, one that Miaxdiso examined with a certain alien curiosity.

Ylvor: It’s a holographic wardrobe, it tracks you and overlays a selected outfit. That way you can see if and how the clothes fit you before getting it. Only has a short range of a few metres, so you can't exactly use it at galas. 

Avoi: By the four deities! That is something I can make very good use out of. ::She said with a nod.:: Thank you, Torvi.

Ylvor: I haven't forgotten about you Xan ::Torvi handed over a block of isolinear chips.:: It’s a decent selection of holodeck programs, training, combat and some fun ones ::she shrugged:: Hope you enjoy them. 

Xandria grinned, her smile bright enough to light up the room, and hugged her friend.

Cain: I’ll think of you every time. ::She took the bundle of isolinear chips and took a step back.:: And I haven’t forgotten you, either. Couldn’t if I tried. 

Xandria grinned, setting Torvi’s gift to her down on a console for safekeeping, before offering the Trill a long rectangular box. It was plain, unadorned, but the contents would more than make up for the unassuming exterior, she was sure. 

Cain: Your very own d’k tahg, fashioned in the style of House Khedri, my godmother’s house. I’m not sure how much use you’ll get out of it on a fancy space station, but… Better safe than sorry, yeah?

Torvi looked at the stunning weapon, one she would be honoured to have in her possession, her mouth agape, she looked back to Xandria. 

Ylvor: You honour me. ::She paused, remembering a saying::  'etlh QorghHa'lu'chugh ragh 'etlh nIvqu' 'ej jejHa'choH.¹ And I will care for this blade. 

Torvi took out a holo imager, and looked to the others.

Ylvor: One for the road?

Cain: Of course!

Avoi: Hold on!

Whipping out a small handheld mirror, glinting along its contours in glistering shades of turquoise—the very same one she had obsessively scrutinised her looks in during their first moments getting to know one another—she quickly batted her watery eyes, ensuring everything was exactly as it should be. Eyelashes lifted with the back of a finger, and with a quick shake and exhale, she turned back to the other two, beaming brightly.

Avoi: Okay! Big smile, ladies. On one, two, three!

With a smooth shutter sound, their friendship was captured forever. Three ensigns smiling back at them, serving as a reminder that what they had gained would never truly be lost. Separated perhaps by stars and nebulas and everything else mysterious they would each come to discover on their journey through space, but linked for life through their fond memories and love of one another.


¹ Klingon: Even the best blade will rust and grow dull unless it is cared for.

Ensign Miaxdiso Avoi

Diplomatic Officer

USS Gorkon NCC-82293


Ensign Xandria Cain

Security & Tactical Officer

USS Gorkon (NCC-82293)


Ensign Torvi Ylvor

Security/Tactical Officer

USS Gorkon


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