Serren Tan & Mikali sh'Shar - Andorian Blues: The Deal, Part II

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David Adams

Oct 10, 2020, 11:27:20 PM10/10/20
to Gorkon
(( Shuttlebay, USS Gorkon ))

An Andorian shen stood in the back of the shuttle, casting an awkward, unsure look around the shuttlebay, looking for someone.

Serren Tan could barely believe it. Was it really her?

They locked eyes and then he knew for sure. Mikali sh'Shar. Looking barely looking a day older than he'd previously seen her. A little stockier, maybe, and her jawline was a little softer, but it was her. She looked healthier than he'd ever seen her, her hair neatly arranged, her skin clean, practically glowing a rich blue. She was much more alive than he remembered. And smiling.

She laughed giddily, backpack bouncing as she ran unsteadily down the ramp toward him. Serren could only laugh too. The two met roughly halfway between crowd and shuttle; Tan scooped her up in a joyous hug, spinning her around in the air before setting her down, drawing her to him in an eager squeeze.

Tan: Fire gods alight, it really is you! Ha-hah! Wow!

sh'Shar: In the flesh. ::she leaned in against him:: I wasn't sure if it was really you in there.

The two stood there, just laughing and sharing in a wonderful, joyous moment, hugging in the middle of the shuttle bay.

Tan: Now my friends are all here, and also sh'Shar is here as well.

sh'Shar: Phht!

Like some kind of blue lamprey, sh'Shar wrapped her arms back around him once more. Her eyes brimmed with happiness.

sh'Shar: Wow, so. You are tall now.

Seemed to be the first thing everyone noticed. Serren laughed and resumed the snug hold, rocking back and forth on the deck, just so pleased to hold his oldest friend.

Tan: Yeah. I am tall now.

Mikali glanced around the shuttle bay, seemingly quite curious about the place. Serren gave her a fond, appreciative squeeze, then released his hold, the socially acceptable signal that the hug was done.

A brief, yet palpable, lingering occurred. That weird social awkwardness where one member signals that the hug is done and the other doesn't quite let go.

Mercifully, after only a second's pause, sh'Shar leaned back, sliding away from him. He was so happy he didn't care about all the weirdness.

Tan: It's so good to see you again, Blue.

sh'Shar: Hah. I'd be happy to see me again too, Spots.

The two shared a big laugh. Tan threw his arm around her shoulder, guiding her away from the parked shuttle and into the secondary hull of the Gorkon.

sh'Shar: Okay, so. I guess I should ask first... how the hell have you been? ::she elbowed him playfully:: Died yet?

Serren snorted happily, rolling his eyes.

Tan: Hey, not yet. But I did nearly go splat in an orbital drop recently. Turns out this host can't get enough adrenaline either.

sh'Shar: So, give it time is what you're telling me. ::she grinned cheesily::

Tan: Give it some time, yeah. Came a bit close on my last mission though. Chased by monsters, envenomed, chased some more. Standard Starfleet stuff. Oh! I got bitten on the butt.

Mikali laughed uproariously, swing a hand around and grabbing his backside. It was mostly taken care of due to the various medical treatments he'd gotten, but it was sore from the running.

sh'Shar: You got my property damaged! I told you: after that thing on DS-17, this belongs to me. I don't care what host it's attached to. ::she squeezed again:: Oh hey, this one is pretty good...

Tan peeled her hand away from his still-recovering posterior.

Tan: You know, Trill culture says you can't shift debts between hosts. My butt is my own once more.

sh'Shar: So? I'm not a Trill. I don't recognise your claim. ::she clicked her tongue:: So what else has happened?

Tan: I went deaf. And blind.

sh'Shar: You play with your symbiont too much, that's what happens. How's your eyeballs and earballs now?

Tan: The Triumphant medical crew patched us up. You know Trills can't permanently die. We're like weeds.

It was a bit more complicated than that, of course, but Tan was just so glad to see her he didn't care.

Tan: Not a bad life, really. You get to try new things all the time.

sh'Shar: Like getting chased by monsters, huh.

Tan: Yep. Hey, if you want to tangle with the Dsna’druth, you can come down with us next time. I'm sure they'd love to have you.

sh'Shar: ::her eyes widened, murmuring a brief prayer almost instinctively:: May the gods grant us protection from the Dsna'druth and save all that it preys upon.

Tan: Mmm. Wish you were there for that, Blue. We could have really used an axe-crazy Andorian to dangle in front of the monster as bait. Bonus: I wouldn't have to outrun the T-Rex because I can outrun you any day of the week.

sh'Shar: Hell no, you'll never catch me going into that place. I'm not screwing with any Dsna’druth. I'd rather go back to that Bajoran prison. ::she smiled:: I'm glad you didn't get eaten though. Pretty sure that worm in your gut can't survive digestion.

Tan: Hah, nooo, it cannot.

sh'Shar smiled warmly, leaning into him and resting her head on his shoulder.

sh'Shar: You know, I really like you being this high. You get taller every time. Pretty soon you'll be taller than that Klingon.

Serren just smiled.

Tan: I'll note that down. Next host is going to be Vaala sized. Then again, I've been thinking I might try being "travel-sized" again, just like you.

Mikali giggled and poked him in the ribs.

sh'Shar: Okay, so. Nonsense talk aside... who's a girl gotta dismember to get a drink around this place?

The phrasing of it, innocent enough and full of jovial banter, set off minor alarm bells in his mind. Mikali wasn't supposed to be drinking.

But not all drinks were alcoholic, and the way she was acting around him, having just met him, couldn't possibly be held against her. She was just playing, meeting an old friend, and there was nothing to be worried about.

Tan: Come on. I'll show you around.



USS Gorkon


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