Ensign Lina Dahlquist - Worried

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Jun 25, 2024, 4:47:19 AM (5 days ago) Jun 25
to sb118-...@googlegroups.com
((Chief Security/Tactical Office - Deck 8))
Dahlquist: If there is no Federation here and no Starfleet, the only way I can think of here to find out is to get the information from the Borg.
Lina was glad to have addressed what had not only been on her mind the whole time, but was somehow also weighing heavily on her chest. This whole situation just seemed unsolvable to her, even though she kept emphasising to the outside world that she was optimistic and didn't let anything get to her - like her former 15-year-old self, who didn't want to show her father how hurt and lonely she was.
Farvor: Besides sensors, what are you proposing?
Bowers: Response
Aegam: It’ll be a risk to take, yes. Our first data will come from the ship’s sensor readings. ::He took a deep breath.:: And we’ll receive more information after a close encounter with them.
Lina nodded and thought about it. They would definitely not be able to avoid a confrontation - that seemed as clear to her as a sunrise on Risa. And what if they were actually unsuccessful? A Borg drone for the rest of her life, if you could still call it that? No, she definitely wouldn't want that. She would make sure that didn't happen before it did. She bit her lips lightly as she had just made an important decision for herself.
Bowers: Response
Farvor: I concur.
Aegam: The ship is now en route to that nebula where Depot 39 was hiding. Once I hear what our plan of action is from Command, we’ll be able to plan our own next moves.
Bowers: Response
Farvor: That sounds wise, sir.
Aegam: From now on I want security not only at key positions on the ship, but spread out on every deck. Your task will not only be to keep an eye out for possible intruders. But also for your own crewmembers. Be there for each other. And when tensions rise, try to diffuse the situation without making it worse.
Dahlquist: Yes, Sir.
It was definitely her job now, not only to ensure safety, but also to convey the feeling of safety to the other crew members. Lina understood how important that was, even if it was only an illusion to some extent. She thought of Doz Finsh's reassuring hand on her arm in the library. But the young security officer wasn't sure how far she could go in projecting that calm and security without realising that it was probably just a mask. On the other hand, she had been able to pretend to be confident with her father in the past, even though it looked very different inside.
Bowers: Response
Farvor: Ready, sir.
Somehow they were all under pressure. The Chief seemed the most relaxed. He radiated calmness and composure, but she had noticed him fiddling with the PADD at the beginning.
Lina couldn't really judge her new volcanic-looking colleague. What she had said earlier about her inner turmoil had made Lina sit up and take notice. A Vulcan, or at least an officer of Vulcan descent, who was perhaps struggling to keep her emotions under control, didn't really have a calming effect on her.
Bowers, on the other hand, seemed almost too relaxed in her eyes. Especially when he had pointed out that the whole thing could even be fun, she had given him a sceptical look. She liked the big man and his ambition to do everything well and as perfectly as possible. But she was worried about how he was handling the situation under what she thought was a false front. She remembered what he had told her about Olivia when they had been in a bar on Andoria. It seemed like light years ago, like from another life. It had to be affecting him.
Dahlquist: Would it be all right if I went round the ship with Bowers?
Her eyes went to Bowers, but also to her chief. Lina wanted to try to talk to Bowers personally.
Aegam / Bowers / Farvor: Response
Ensign Lina Dahlquist

Sec/Tac Officer

USS Gorkon


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