Lt. Commander Samira Neathler - Keeping busy

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Samira Neathler

Jun 25, 2024, 2:49:43 PM (4 days ago) Jun 25
((Bridge - USS Gorkon))

While Quinn had asked Jo to join her in the admiral’s ready room, Samira was having a conversation with Cory about their current situation. With his knowledge about what the ship had gone through during their time Over There, the man should have plenty ideas and information on how they would get through the next weeks or even months. And in the meantime it gave her something to do, without having to think of the losses and other consequences the changed timeline had brought with it. With her glass of milk in hand, Samira turned around and looked at the others on the bridge before she addressed Cory again, liking his idea of organizing some activities for the crew in a form of competition

Neathler: What’s your take on competitions but leaving out the interdepartmental thing? I mean those working in the same department see each other a lot already. I’d think they’d benefit more if they’d mingle with other departments during off hours.

Or maybe people tend to stick to their department either way because they knew each other best.

Stoyer: We can do that.  Let them sign up with who they want.  Could be folks from the same department or friends from anywhere.

Neathler: Exactly.

Stoyer:  If you want, when I get off watch, I can type up a request for the competitions and send it to you.  You can do your XO thing and send it to the skipper for approval.

Neathler: That’s an excellent idea, Cory.

Just like herself, it appeared that Cory was looking to keep busy so he wouldn’t have to think about the consequences of their current situation. She knew he had family back on Earth. Would Earth look similar like New Cyndriel, a dull green and artificial planet? And what about all the people there? Samira took a deep breath, pushing the thoughts away, again, as she took another sip of her glass.

Neathler: Actually, would you mind taking up another project?

Stoyer: Response

Before she could reply, she heard a beep coming from the first officer’s chair, walked over and checked an incoming message from Makkor. She frowned briefly as she got up and crossed the short distance to the helm, mentally adding another thing on her list of things to do. Although she’d have to add this at the top of said list.

Neathler: I’d like all shuttles to be checked, so they’re ready whenever we need them.

Whether it would be for an evacuation or something else, she left it in the middle. The last thing the crew needed was to find out that a shuttle had its innards open because of some maintenance when they needed a quick transport because of an emergency.

Stoyer: Response

Neathler: I’ll clear it with Commander Marshall, once the opportunity arrives. And maybe ask engineering to give you a hand too.

Stoyer: Response

Executive Officer
USS Gorkon
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