Ensign Miaxdiso Avoi - What We Do Best

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Doz Finch

Jun 23, 2024, 10:38:00 PM (6 days ago) Jun 23
to sb118-...@googlegroups.com, Doz Finch (Doz)

((Miaxdiso Avoi’s Quarters, USS Gorkon))

Twinkling dresses lay sprawled across an embellished armchair in the corner of the room, despondent if they could be through lack of careful and organised display. Miaxdiso had thrown them there during somewhat of a meltdown over what she’d seen through a viewport—the sight of New Cyndriel made lifeless by the Borg—and had started to pack her things in quite the emotional stir.

But Xandria, rather ironically, had started to have a bit of a calming effect on her. And it was ironic because the other blonde usually tended to tease Miax, harmlessly relishing a little in the Betazoid’s easily triggered frustration. So ideas, albeit small to begin with, had started forming in her mind. Of possibilities other than Borgification.

Avoi: I could go through the archives. Search through our historical records. Look at their behaviour and…and…draw some comparisons. ::She said, lifting an orange jacket slowly from its hanging position.:: Maybe they’re more civilised here. More *prone* to an open forum.

As she pictured herself reasoning with a conglomerate of drones and their bigwig queen, an image slightly marred by the reality that it was probably quite like poking a wasps nest, Xandria started to straighten the clothes strewn across the chair in the corner, finding and holding one up into the air; the dress a gorgeous glittering silver with emerald elements woven into it, a graduation gift from Miax's sister Reidaxmi.

Cain: Look, I think this dress screams “don’t assimilate, negotiate,” don’t you?

Avoi: ::Placing the orange jacket back onto the rack, she turned to her friend with a strained smile.:: You have quite a keen eye, Xandria. I do so love this dress! But…I have a feeling that beauty has no place here.

And it occurred to her then that it was possible that her collection of gowns and tailored garments were all the material beauty left in the universe. That there existed no such creations elsewhere. No astrodomes or jamboree boats. No exclusive soirees or galas or extravagant shindigs. No City of Idridi and…oh, Deities. Her sister! Her wonderful and confident sister, Reidaxmi…was she gone forever?

Cain: Princess, if anyone can negotiate with the Borg, it’s you. And if you can’t…you will not be assimilated. I won’t let that happen. I give you my word, and— ::She reached for the d’k tahg stashed in her boot to offer Miax as some sort of physical reassurance, but very quickly changed her mind.:: Actually, just my word.

Miax’s watery eyes turned from the sparkly dress and watched as Xandria made for the d’k tahg stashed in her boot, with a weak laugh escaping her painted lips as the Human changed her mind.

Avoi: I suppose you’re right. ::A sniff.:: We are a team after all, you and I. ::A small smile.:: Perhaps there isn’t any beauty here now but that does not mean we can’t bring some of our own.

Cain: Response

Miax inhaled and then slowly exhaled, letting the anxiety of the situation slip out of her body, just for one little moment. She gracefully took the silver dress from Xandria’s grip and moved into the living area of her quarters, examining it against her frame in one of her floor length mirrors, Torvi’s little wardrobe projector just in her peripheral vision.

The dress lowered to her side, specks of its reflecting material dancing slowly across the room. Small green squares lingering over purple tapestries, portraits of herself, fancy ornaments and decorations and the few bits of original wall between them.

Avoi: Xandria…do you think that Torvi is, ::swallowing,:: one of them here, too?

Cain: Response

Her manicured fingers squeezed hard on the dress.

Avoi: No, you’re quite right. ::A breath.:: What has happened, has happened. Even if it is incredibly scary and way beyond my comprehension. I have to accept it! We all have to accept it. ::A lifting of her eyelashes in the mirror.:: And do what we do best!

Cain: Response


Ensign Miaxdiso Avoi

Diplomatic Officer

USS Gorkon NCC-82293

Simmed by

Lieutenant Doz Finch

Assistant Chief Engineer

USS Gorkon NCC-82293

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