(( OOC: This sim contains references to verbal clicks! If anyone's curious about what they sound like, you can check out this video which explains it well with examples:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXcnxNOeGjs&ab_channel=BenDuMonde ))
(( OOC: The only relevant thing for this sim is ǂ sounds a bit like the noise when you go, "tsk tsk tsk", and ʘ is basically a kissing noise. ))
(( YanCo Employee Domicile 14, Iana Station, Day 1 of 365 ))
Her meeting with Tasha over, Mikali showered, replicated some YanCo employee work garb and changed into it. She then presented in front of the mirror, tugging on the collar of her uncomfortable, scratchy, ugly uniform.
The civilian workers attire was chocolate brown with black highlights, form-fitting and tight, and on her chest, a combadge shaped in the logo of YanCo, a gold letter Y flanked by two silver strokes. Clearly modelled on the Starfleet issue, it was familiar and easy to wear and tied into the station's systems on a similar level, but subtly different in frustrating ways.
It was similar enough to remind her of what she didn't have.
The style looked terrible on her, but she wasn't here to win fashion awards, she was here to work, and the uniform would serve perfectly in that role. It was clothes. Nothing else mattered.
sh'Shar: "The Eternal Party", huh.
She put on her best smile. Fake it until you make it.
This program wasn't going to be a party for her, but someone had to do some work around the place. Might as well be her.
She glanced around the small, cramped quarters. There were bunkbeds and the bathroom had two sets of vanities, but there was no sign of anyone else or their possessions. A mystery that would, no doubt, be solved in time.
Without further ado, Mikali left for her duty post: Auxiliary Craft Maintenance.
(( Drydock, Iana Station, 0740 hours ))
The great cavernous central docking port was a vast, hollowed-out space. An Intrepid-class starship could easily fit through the door, two in a pinch and a Sovereign-class could probably squeeze through, so wide was the door. It was secured by a triple forcefield, and beyond, the stars and black, with occasional glimpses of the Tyrelian system planets.
A beautiful view, but she tried not to dwell on it, and headed over to the small, functional set of offices squirrelled off to one side. Her contact at the workplace was one Musa Darweshi, a Human enlisted officer who had volunteered for the program. His role was simply listed as "supervisor". Room 319.
(( OOC:
Musa Darweshi is an NPC and anyone can write for them if they so desire! ))
She pushed the chime outside of his door and waited, her back to the starfield and space beyond.
Darweshi: Come in.
The door wooshed open and she stepped in.
Musa Darweshi sat behind his desk, in front of which two chairs were parked. He was precariously balancing a pair of PADDs, one in each arm, reading from them alternatively. He smiled affably as she entered.
Darweshi: Ahh, good morning. You must be...::he looked down at his PADDs, then back up:: Mikali sh'Shar.
She took a seat opposite him, sliding one hand into her lap, reaching the other across the table.
sh'Shar: Yes, I'm Mikali sh'Shar. I'm with the ReachOut program.
He took that hand in his, giving it a firm shake.
Darweshi: My name is Petty Officer First Class Musa Darweshi, but everyone calls me One-Joke.
That caused a raised white eyebrow. Her hand joined its twin in her lap.
sh'Shar: "One-Joke"?
Smiling an odd smile — perhaps glad that someone had not heard this "one joke" before — and leaned forward in his chair.
Darweshi: Because I was born on Earth, Kenya believe it?
His face split like a half-moon.
It was a little funny. Mikali tittered. Very well, One-Joke it was.
sh'Shar: It's a pleasure to meet you, One-Joke.
One-Joke: Likewise. ::he smiled warmly:: You're a little early, by the way. I'm not quite ready yet.
She was a lot early but she didn't question the point.
sh'Shar: I'm sorry. I can scoot outside if you want?
One-Joke: No, that's okay. It was just reading and preparing. I think I have everything I need. Just waiting on your partner.
That one was new to her.
sh'Shar: Partner?
One-Joke frowned slightly in confusion.
One-Joke: Yes, we work in pairs or trios in this program. Just so you have a peer, a friend from day one. But she should have met you in your shared quarters, was she not there?
That explained the bunk beds and twin vanities.
sh'Shar: Uhh, no. There was nobody there when I went there this morning, and no sign anyone had been staying there.
One-Joke considered.
One-Joke: Well, that's not unheard of. Sometimes we have no-shows. If they don't show up this morning, I'll arrange for a new partner for you.
Not a good start. But it was totally out of sh'Shar's control.
They waited, until 0800, making idle chatter. 0805. 0810. The minutes ticked away.
sh'Shar: Sorry, O-J. I don't think they're going to show.
One-Joke nodded understandingly, without judgement, although she detected a hint of sadness hidden under the stoic mask of his face.
sh'Shar managed a smile.
sh'Shar: But hey. Don't let it get to you. I'm sure you were—
The door chime rang.
One-Joke: Come in.
Mikali twisted around in her seat to see. A Caitian, lithe and thin, with grey-blue fur and golden eyes, a broad, cheeky smile slurped on a bent straw sticking out of some kind of milky beverage, her long, narrow tail swaying behind her as she slipped into the room like a shadow. Eyes practically glowing from behind her dark fur.
Caitain: ::slurping:: Sorry I'm a bit late.
One-Joke inclined his head at the "bit" bit. His eyes flicked to Mikali's and a silent, unspoken communication happened between them.
Uh oh.
One-Joke: You must be... ::he stopped, frowning, reading the PADD in front of him:: ... uhh... I'm sorry, I'll do my best. You must be... Vexa... Vexa, uhh...
The Caitian stuck out her hand to Mikali.
Catscratch: I'm Vexaǂprymmalʘyersevva. But everyone calls me "Catscratch" because they have no choice as every other attempt to properly pronounce my name for the uninitiated is a failure. Unless you can do bilabial and palatal clicks that is. ::slurp:: I'm going to be your roommate apparently.
(( OOC:
Catscratch is an NPC and anyone can write for them if they so desire! ))
She didn't even know what those were, so imagined that she could not. Mikali took the hand in hers, squeezing gently.
sh'Shar: "Catscratch" it is. ::she shook that hand:: I'm Mikali sh'Shar. Pleased to meet you.
Catscratch: Neat.
Catscratch slipped into a chair, putting her feet up on One-Joke's desk, which caused a pair of raised eyebrows from the two already present, but no comment.
One-Joke: I'm Petty Officer First Class Musa Darweshi, but most people call me "One-Joke".
Catscratch inclined her head.
Catscratch: Why's that, love?
One-Joke: Because I was born on Earth, Kenya believe it?
He grinned exactly the same way as he did before.
Mikali groaned, reaching up and holding her antenna. It was going to be a long year.
Catscratch just took a long, slow, unimpressed slurp of her drink, locking eyes with One-Joke and holding it as she drank.
One-Joke: Anyway. Welcome to Iana Station, the pair of you. Now. Let's go through some of the basic things before we get started...