Lt. Gabriel Osuna: Homemade Hasperat

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Robin Hopper

Feb 19, 2023, 4:18:22 AM2/19/23
to USS Excalibur

((Captain’s Ready Room, Deck 1, USS Artemis))

The door slid open and Gabriel stepped forward, managing ‘attention’ as well as he could with a jar of homemade hasperat still in his hands.

MacKenzie: Welcome to the Artemis, Lieutenant Osuna.

The Captain of the Artemis, Commander MacKenzie, looked back at him over her desk cooly – neither fulfilling the image of stoic reserve one might expect from an older Captain, nor the plucky enthusiasm of a young upstart overeager for the burden of command. She struck him as calm, collected, and confident. All good signs.

Osuna: Glad to be here. The Artemis seems like a fine ship – and with the collective experience being brought on board before her maiden voyage, I anticipate a smooth start.

She nodded as if she agreed, but the hesitation in her movement conveyed a cautious hesitation.

MacKenzie: We could be so lucky. Captain Rainier gave you a glowing recommendation. Tell me a little about your service.

oO So that was it… Oo  Gabriel had been wondering why he, among all the other potential candidates aboard DS224 had been offered this assignment. It was, admittedly, a little out of his wheelhouse. But he was sure one didn’t attain the rank of Fleet Captain without developing a good judge of character – or potential. If Rainier had saw fit to recommend him, who was he to argue?

Osuna: My prior Starfleet experience is entirely aboard Space Stations, ma’am. Three years aboard Deep Space 224 – and five aboard DS9 before that.  ::A brief pause::  Before that I worked as a civilian security consultant for the Diplomatic Corps. I like to think that I adapt quickly.

He wondered if it was his handling of the Ngorteg brothers’ Kal'Hyah situation that had earned him the Captain’s recommendation.  oO It was… memorable. Oo

MacKenzie: Well, adaptation is important in the Borderlands. This is a particularly unstable region of space with a lot of powers vying for… attention. I assume that with your service on 224 that you’re up to speed on the latest reports?

Drawn back into the conversation by the question, he set aside his wondering and nodded.

Osuna: Of course, ma’am.

MacKenzie: Very good. On the Artemis, the security and tactical departments will operate independently. I know it’s a bit unorthodox for a ship this size, but I’ve got some very talented officers in both positions ::she nodded in his direction, referencing him as one of the aforementioned:: and I don’t want to overburden either of your duties.

He couldn’t help but tilt his head slightly. Perhaps it was unorthodox – but then, he was used to the security and tactical detail of a station holding over five thousand personnel. He was used to compartmentalization of duties.

Osuna: Given our campaign region, I’m sure we’ll both have our hands full. I also understand the Artemis has been assigned Strat Ops and Intel Officers...  ::A reserved smile::  Not taking any chances.  ::Nodding::  I approve.

MacKenzie: If you want to get up to speed with matters of internal security on the Artemis, Lieutenant Talos Dakora, our Intelligence Chief, might be a good place to start.

oO Dakora… Why does that name ring a bell? Oo  He wondered if the Lieutenant had ever ruffled anyone on the station enough to warrant a report.

Osuna: Noted. I’ll be sure to track him down once I’ve found my quarters and checked into the security facilities…

The large jar, which contained the rolled hasperat, was beginning to slip in his hand and he adjusted it. He might have been right on time, but he had not anticipated the parting gift from his wife. If he had, he might have arranged to drop it off at his quarters prior to this check-in briefing.

From her glance, it was clear the Captain had also noticed it, so he made no effort to conceal it, holding it out in front of him for her to inspect clearly. 

Osuna: It’s… Hasperat, ma’am.

She pointed at it.

MacKenzie: Are you trying to bribe your boss on your first day, Lieutenant?

Osuna: ::Chuckling::  My wife’s Bajoran. She surprised me with lunch for the road.  ::Rubbing the back of his neck with a growing sheepish smile::  Most people can’t handle it. 

She waved both her hands and shook her head.

MacKenzie: No, but I do have a particular affinity for hasperat, so next time you show up at my door with a jar, you’d better have enough to share with the class.

Osuna: ::Nodding::  Understood.

He looked around the room again briefly, then raised the jar again for emphasis.

Osuna: Though if I open this jar in here, it could set off the fire suppression system. Sinya doesn’t skimp on the spices. She’ll be starting on DS224, by the way. That’s why I requested individual quarters on my transfer form… In case you wondered. 

MacKenzie: Response

Osuna: Our daughter is in grade seven. We didn’t think it was a good idea to try and relocate her, take her away from her friends. And besides, families on starships can introduce all sorts of ‘challenges’.

He picked the term diplomatically. The truth was, they’d spent a significant amount of time discussing it and he’d been firm that, even if the space could accommodate them, the risks were too great.

MacKenzie: Response

Osuna: Do you have any family, ma’am? I hope you don’t mind me asking. I don’t mean to get overly personal — I just find it’s helpful to know my crew. 

MacKenzie: Response



Lt. Gabriel Osuna (he/him)
Chief Security Officer, USS Artemis-A


Lt. Robin Hopper (she/they)
Chief Science Officer, Amity Outpost
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