PNPC Lt. Daniels - Looks Better In Red

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Feb 16, 2023, 4:11:01 PM2/16/23
((The Round Table - Excalibur-A))

Colt had run into Ashli at the bar after the awards ceremony and she'd caught him up on the not-too-exciting events of the night. Then he'd bored her with talking about where he was from and his childhood.

Daniels: Well, anyway. ::He chinned towards the set of large observation windows.::  Got any big plans for shore leave?

Sydin: I am going to try to ingratiate myself with the senior staff. I already made a horrible impression on the counselor, but really that's her problem, not mine. I think she's a little scared of me.

He hadn't yet met the Counselor, but he remembered her name... Lieutenant Zeta... or something like that. He laughed at her anecdote all the same.

Daniels: Hard to imagine a Starfleet Counselor bein' scared of anything. ::He shook his head.:: With all the crazy stories they hear.

She grinned.

Sydin: I kind of... stole her place on the bridge. I was so eager to prove myself that I wasn't exactly playing fair.

Colt recalled her sort of injecting herself into the situation on the bridge when things had gone sideways. It seemed that she had made a habit out of that.
He sipped his drink some more and replied.

Daniels: You stole her place!? ::He stared in mild disbelief.:: And how in the heck did you manage that?

Sydin: It's a diplomacy thing. Political careers are tricky, and one of the many things that happen quickly is that you see competition everywhere. ::she shrugged:: Vipers. Like I said.

He frowned slightly and stared down into the golden brown abyss of his drink.

Daniels: Vipers? Sounds like my last job...

Sydin: Why, been a diplomatic officer yourself? You don't exactly look the part.

Colt laughed audibly at this. It was an accurate observation though; he'd never seen a diplomat quite his size, except maybe a Klingon.

Daniels: Other side of the same coin. ::He mimed flipping a coin for dramatic effect.:: Just came off a decade at Starfleet Intel HQ. Lots of backstabbing and ass-covering. Lots of people would do anything to claw their way to the next rung on the ladder.

Sydin: Response?

He raised a curious eyebrow at the redheaded diplomat.

Daniels: Don't tell me my new friend Ashli is one of them? 

Sydin: Response?

He tugged at the red collar of his duty uniform demonstrably. He'd not been in his most recent position long, but his first mission aboard Excalibur had been a particularly eventful one.

Daniels: I'm a Mission Specialist. ::He shrugged.:: Which is a fancy name for someone who can kind of fill in for most positions in pretty much any situation. At least, that's what it's been for me so far.

Sydin: Response?

Colt found the bottom of his drink and shot Ashli a sidelong glance.

Daniels: Riight. Every position except diplomat. ::He grinned mischievously.:: You ever get tired of bein' a viper, I think you'd look good in Mission Specialist red.

Sydin: Response?


Lt. Colt Daniels
Mission Specialist
USS Excalibur-A

As Simmed by:

Lt. Talos Dakora
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Excalibur-A

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke
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