Lieutenant Hallia Yellir - A Bittersweet Goodbye

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Ryan Fender

Feb 16, 2023, 10:55:35 PM2/16/23


((Molly Malone’s, Deep Space 224))


Nicholotti: A lot has happened here over the years.


Hallia nodded, with a reminiscent grin. The fond memories were met with a slightly bitter sting. Knowing it wouldn’t be long until they were moving ships again. At least this time the Excalibur would still be in one piece— and it would be left to serve another crew as well as it served them.


Silveira: It’s one of those spots where everybody knows your name. And they're always glad you came. 


A waiter approached with that questioning look.


Nicholotti: I'll have the same. ::Looking to her companions.:: What will you be drinking tonight?


Silveira: Get me a beer, please. 


Hallia took a moment to answer. Before settling on an order


Yellir: Hm.. could I get an Irish coffee? Halve the whisky, if you could. 


There was a nod before the man left.


Nicholotti: Hallia, I just want you to know how much I appreciate your flexibility and willingness to step up and out of your comfort zone. That kind of thinking will take you places.


Somewhat caught off guard, she didn’t know what to say in reply. She grinned in response before any words left her lips.


Yellir: I really couldn’t have done it without any of you present. If anything— this crew really inspired me to work outside my comfort zone. And work even harder at that


The waiter arrived with their orders, and Hallia mouthed a quiet ‘thank you’ as she grabbed her drink. Not really caring too much if it was even acknowledged, the sentiment was still there. As the glass was in the Yelikan’s hand, she couldn’t help but hold it to her eye level, somewhat in fascination at the coffee-like texture of the beverage. It had been a while since Hallia had touched anything like this— remembering her first time drinking it she thought it was an actual coffee. 


Silveira: Let me take the chance to raise my glass to both of you. Two of the finest officers I had the pleasure to serve with. 


Yellir: To the Excalibur! The pleasure of working with two of the most inspiring officers this side of the Delta Quadrant.


Having not yet even put her drink down, she raised the glass 


Nicholotti: Response?


There was a notable clink before Hallia pulled the drink to her lips. She took a long sip from her drink, sipping the bitter caffeine intermingled with whisky through the floating layer of foam. The Yelikan set down her drink and rested her head in her palms. 


Silveira: Excuse me. It's been a few years since I had one of these. 


Yellir: ::Hallia raised an eyebrow:: Now, don’t tell us you’re getting soft already, Lieutenant. 


Nicholotti: Response?


Silveira: As they say, it's the mileage not the years. 


Yellir: I’ll drink to that. 


Nicholotti: Response?


It was a bittersweet ending to a wonderful journey. Truly— where did all the time go? If there was even a moment where she could keep everything as it was, Hallia would take that opportunity in a heartbeat. No matter how bad things got, no matter how dire the odds were, they could always rely on each other. It was a home to go back to at the end of the day. 


But all good things must come to an end eventually. After all, if it weren’t for the endings, would we even know to enjoy things as they are? There was a sense of melancholy, wishing and hoping for just another day, a week, a month— anything. Hallia wished it didn’t have to end like this. 


The Yelikan stayed with the two other officers as long as she could. Savouring every possible moment, knowing that there would be a good long while before they saw one another again. But she eventually vanished into her quarters, taking one last good look at the place she took to calling home. Knowing it wouldn’t be long until she would have to depart. 


But maybe, just maybe, their paths could cross again. 


Oddly enough, it felt fitting for their journey on the Excalibur to end in Molly Malone’s.  



Lieutenant Hallia Yellir 

Chief Engineer

USS Excalibur-A



Ryan Fender

Feb 16, 2023, 11:08:00 PM2/16/23

((OOC: Absolutely on me, I thought I sent this through last night, but I may have shut off my computer prematurely.))

Unnoticed to Hallia, a newcomer had joined the trio— someone she was utterly unfamiliar with. He himself hadn’t yet come with his own drink. But soon enough they’ll be able to fix that.


Daniels: You know, you and I really have to work on our timing. One of us, usually me, is always coming or going.


Nicholotti:  Response?


Silveira: Response?


Yellir: Maybe sometime soon we’ll have a ship with both of you staying ::grinning.::


Another drink quickly arrived, and the newcomer quickly began medicating with the rest of the crew. Part of Hallia asked “what would their medical department think?” — but another part felt they’d be somehow okay with it.


Daniels: I've been thinking about that. I feel like Commander MacKenzie's got a full house as it is with the whole senior staff. The last thing she needs is some old Mission Specialist teaching her Officers bad habits.


Nicholotti:  Response?


Silveira: Response?


Yellir: Best to get the bad habits out of the way earlier in your career, i’d say.


He shrugged and draped an arm across her shoulders in a friendly embrace. 


Daniels: You lead, I follow.


Nicholotti:  Response?


Silveira: Response?


Yellir: Space is much smaller than we’d expect— sooner than we know it we could all be back here.


Obviously, Hallia didn’t have the nostalgia those three shared with this ship, but she’d shared enough memories to know that moving to the Artemis won’t be as simple as the move to the Excalibur. In some sense, with the Resolution’s destruction, it was easier knowing the Resolution was no longer there. But she did her best not to dwell on that too much.


Daniels/Nicholotti/Silveira:  Response?


Yellir: Till then. I suppose we’ll just have to make do in the meantime. The Excalibur, and her CO will be sorely missed.


Daniels/Nicholotti/Silveira:  Response?

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