Lt. Seta Jinean - Learn In Time

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Arys Trovek

Feb 17, 2023, 2:59:59 PM2/17/23
((Counsellor’s Office, Excalibur-A))

Jovenan had approached Jinean to speak about her emotional response in difficult situations. The Ensign was concerned that being scared meant that she wasn't Starfleet material, but the Counsellor disagreed with this assessment.

Seta: I think the question of 'am I normal' is something many people encounter. And the answer, in your case, is yes. It's normal to be scared. So what we need are, perhaps, ways to handle being scared when we are. What do you think?

Jovenan: Maybe I am normal, just inexperienced in handling being scared…

Jinean offered a soft smile.

Seta: That's a good way to look at it ::she nodded::

Jovenan: Are there… Are there ways to learn it? To manage with fear? How do you do it?

Now, that was a difficult question. Jinean had usually focussed on the task at hand and had dedicated time to being scared when they were no longer in danger. But 'put it in a box' wasn't exactly good advice to give.

Seta: I think you need to be patient with yourself. You will learn in time.

Jovenan: I see… Bu- But what if I never learn it? What if I really am not suitable for Starfleet?

Seta: Then... ::she sighed:: That's not the end of the world. There are plenty of ways to see strange new planets and encounter new species. Not everyone needs to be in Starfleet. Not everyone stays in Starfleet for the rest of their life. I know how difficult it seems to stray from a career path you invested in, but there are always options.

Jovenan: Th- thank you, Counsellor. I will have to think about things.

Seta: Allow yourself some time, Ensign. I promise it will get better.

Jovenan stood up and prepared to leave.

Jovenan: Maybe we could talk about some other things later. I – I think I will book another appointment some day in the future, if that’s okay.

Gin smiled. Despite the Ensign still being clearly uncomfortable, she was willing to work on what was bothering her. And that was worth a lot.
Seta: Absolutely.

With that, she gave the Counsellor a shy wave good-bye, and left.

[End Scene]

Lt. Seta Jinean

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