Ens Hiro Jones - A River Flows, Changing the Banks

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Feb 17, 2023, 11:42:44 AM2/17/23
to USS Excalibur-A – StarBase 118 Star Trek PBEM RPG

((Docking Umbilical, between DS-224 and the USS Artemis-A))

Hiro walked down the temporary corridor of the docking umbilical from the station. He hadn't been on the Excalibur very long, but even in that short while, it had started to feel like home. Now he was moving. Again. Stopping mid-way, they looked through one of the small viewports, where he could see the silhouette of the Excalibur against the field of stars. Searching his feelings, he tried to determine whether what he was feeling was loss, nostalgia somehow, or something else. Eventually, he figured the feeling was merely the awareness of the transient nature of life.

Jones: ::to the Excalibur and Nicholotti:: Be safe. Do great things.

He then walked on. Life was like water. He felt keenly aware at the moment of how forces he couldn't see from his vantage point could effect the predicted course. Right now, the course he thought lay in front of him: a stint of some length aboard the Excalibur, new friends there, getting to know the ship - her library, astrometrics, the Round Table, and other spots - shifted. Some of the aspects remained (the friends and service) while others either evolved or fell away altogether. It wasn't bad. It wasn't good. It just was. I was change, and of all the things that couldn't be relied on completely, change ironically enough was a constant.

He set foot on the floor of the Artemis, looking around. Time to learn a whole new normal. At least this time he wouldn't be the only one wandering the halls, getting his bearings.

((Deck 4, Room 0602, Hiro's Quarters, 10 minutes later))

Berth 1: Jones, Hiro, Ensign, MD - Medical
Berth 2: Kahwa'Ra-De/Kawarda, Ensign - Science

The display next to the door confirmed the living quarters assignment he'd received shortly after the transfer orders. He'd done a little research on his new roomie, and realized he was the same Vulcan Hiro had seen while visiting Jovenan in Astrometrics. They hadn't spoken then, and his file hadn't told Hiro much about Kawarda, so he'd remained largely a mystery. oO Well, time to change that. Let's see if you're in. Oo

He pressed the access plate, and heard the computer prompting:

Computer: =/\= Please identify to complete quarters registration =/\=

Jones: Jones, Hiro. Authorization Jones Eta Iota 4-3-5.

There was a confirming beep, the computer acknowledged the quarters, and the door slid open. Inside, the room was dark. Either Kawarda hadn't moved his stuff in yet or he was a fan of the minimalist school of design. Hiro walked to the sitting area and set down the duffle he'd been carrying.

Jones: Computer, lights to 70%

The room was standard, but nice. He wondered only briefly what it would be like to have a room-mate again. He'd lucked out on the Excalibur - due to the size of the ship, he'd had the double berthing all to himself. Not that he minded sharing, but another person to consider added a whole list of factors to anything he might want to plan for the space from decorating to entertaining.

He didn't have long to ponder however, because within a couple minutes of unzipping the duffle, pulling out the few leather-bound books he'd brought from home, lifting the lily from the stasis carrier, and putting the new uniforms (a whole new design from those worn on the Excalibur) in one of the sets of drawers, the door slid open again, revealing the Vulcan male Hiro had seen before.

Kawarda assessed the room quickly. Clearly the other occupant had already arrived. The space was sufficient for two. He walked to the second set of drawers, setting his own bag on the floor in front for more efficient unpacking momentarily before turning to the Terran Ensign who had been watching him since his entrance.

Kawarda: You are Doctor Ensign Hiro Jones. I am Kahwa'Ra-De, but you may find it more efficient to call me Kawarda.

Jones: Pleased to meet you, Kawarda! ::he inclined his head in greeting:: Please, call me Hiro.

Kawarda: As you wish, Hiro.

Jones: I haven't made any decisions about decor. I figured I'd wait until you got here, and we could make those choices together.

Kawarda: My personal needs are minimal. I require enough space to sleep and perform my meditations. Any other needs can be seen to elsewhere.

Jones: Oh! I practice meditation as well. If you'd be willing, we could dedicate ::looking around, then indicating a corner of the room:: that area for a meditation space? I promise I won't interfere with your practice.

Kawarda: ::Looking at the indicated space:: That will do.

Kawarda stepped to the drawers and began removing the few items he had from the black, nondescript bag, and placing them in their new places. He spoke without turning back to the other Ensign.

Kawarda: Tell me, Hiro, what activities do you pursue when you are off-duty?

Jones: oO Small talk from a Vulcan? This could be a very interesting living situation! Oo Me? Well, I ::pause to consider:: I like to tend plants, I study two forms of Terran martial arts: one's called "boxing" and the other is "Kali Arnis," and I enjoy old Earth movies and fantasy holonovels. How about you?

Kawarda: I have found it useful to interact with non-Vulcans in a variety of situations. The experiences enable me to function more effectively while on-duty and build a sense of "comaraderie" that increases overall efficiency.

Jones: In other words ... you like to hang out with friends? oO This is too good to be true. Oo

Kawarda: ::considering the aptness of the paraphrase:: Correct.

Jones: ::smiling broadly:: Well I think we'll get along just fine.

Kawarda: I was unaware that was a prerequisite for adhering to the quarters assignment, but as it seems to hold value for you, I am "happy to hear it."

End Scene

Ensign Hiro Jones, MD / Ensign Kawarda
USS Artemis-A, Medical / Science Officer
"Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one." - Marcus Aurelius

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