Lt. Gabriel Osuna: Out The Door

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Robin Hopper

Feb 17, 2023, 2:30:14 PM2/17/23

((OOC -- Apologies for a duplicate email; My first attempt went to the OOC Group by accident.))

((Osuna Quarters – Deep Space 224))

Gabe brushed his hand over the decorative blanket, his fingertips lightly catching on the droplet-shaped openings that revealed hints of the sofa underneath. Sinya’s grandmother, Elappa, had knit it for them as a wedding present. He’d always found the old woman deeply irritating – one of those unspoken tensions that just lingered between people required, by social obligation, to ‘get along’. But he loved that blanket, like he loved Elappa’s granddaughter. He was going to miss it.

Sinya: If you don’t stop touching all the furniture, you’re going to be late, chesei. You don’t want to keep the new Captain waiting.

He smiled, turning to face her as she shoved a jar into his hand.

Sinya: That’s lunch for today.

Osuna: ::Smiling:: You’re really pushing me out the door, hmm?

Sinya: ::Placing a hand on his cheek::  I know you hate replicators.

He shrugged. Hate was a strong word – but replicated food had always seemed flat and tasteless to him – like someone trying to describe a meal to you. He supposed he did hate them.

Osuna: Thank you. I’m going to miss your cooking. Are you going to miss mine?

Sinya: If you call making lumpia for every meal cooking… Yes. I’ll miss it. Now, come on. You’ve had weeks to get sentimental – right now isn’t the time.

Osuna: It was hard saying goodbye to her this morning.

His wife sighed. Their daughter, Angelita, was at school. When she’d left, Gabe had struggled to let go of her. The Artemis wasn’t going to be far away, but even that little bit of distance was going to weigh on all of them in the coming weeks. They’d planned for it. Scheduled plenty of calls. They were prepared. It still wasn’t going to be easy.

Sinya: If you don’t get down to that ship right now, you won’t have to say goodbye. Because you’ll get fired. You can pet the couch when you’re back here on shore leave.

She started pushing him towards the door, using her strong arms as much as her harsh words. He let her push him, sliding across the floor.

Osuna: ::Chuckling::  Okay, okay… I’m going.  ::Back pressed up against the front door::  I’ll go where duty takes me, but I’m leaving my love here.

Sinya: Damn right.

They rested their foreheads against each other for a moment. Then the door slid open behind him, Sinya’s finger on the button, and he stepped out backwards to catch himself from falling.

((Twenty minutes later – Deck 1, Captain’s Ready Room – USS Artemis-A))

The walk down to the station’s Docking Ring had been quick. Three years as a Security Officer aboard 224 had given Osuna plenty of opportunities to familiarize himself with the various passages and shortcuts that cut time off of one’s commute. As much as his wife enjoyed hassling him (and he enjoyed being hassled by her), Gabriel Osuna was not one to be late if he could help it. In fact, he took considerable pride in adherence to routine and protocol, when the situation allowed it.

Similarly, his navigation from the airlock to the Captain’s Ready Room had been swift. Despite never setting foot aboard the Artemis, he’d considered it his duty to study and memorize the floorplans. In fact, he’d started dreaming about the Luna Class ship, walking her halls, patrolling the dreamscape and assessing for risk. It felt almost like being in the Academy again – an experience that was now nearly a decade behind him.

Osuna: ::Pressing the door chime::  Lieutenant Osuna reporting as ordered.

MacKenzie: Response

The door slid open and Gabriel stepped forward, managing ‘attention’ as well as he could with a jar of homemade hasperat still in his hands. The Captain of the Artemis, Commander MacKenzie, looked back at him over her desk cooly – neither fulfilling the image of stoic reserve one might expect from an older Captain, nor the plucky enthusiasm of a young upstart overeager for the burden of command. She struck him as calm, collected, and confident. All good signs.

Osuna: Glad to be here. The Artemis seems like a fine ship – and with the collective experience being brought on board before her maiden voyage, I anticipate a  oO Relatively Oo  smooth start.

He glanced around the room quickly. The room remained fairly spartan – though whether that reflected her personal style or just a lack of time to decorate as yet, he couldn’t be sure.

MacKenzie: Response

Osuna: My prior Starfleet experience is entirely aboard Space Stations, ma’am. Three years aboard Deep Space 224, ma’am – and five aboard DS9 before that.  ::A brief pause::  Before that I worked as a civilian security consultant for the Diplomatic Corps. I like to think that I adapt quickly.

MacKenzie: Response



Lt. Gabriel Osuna (he/him)
Chief Security Officer, USS Artemis-A
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