Lieutenant Ben Garcia - Been served?

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Ben Garcia

Apr 18, 2020, 2:53:59 PM4/18/20

(( Celebrating the Laudean’s provisional membership of the Federation in the Embassy’s Ballroom. ))


Kells: Lieutenant Garcia? I'm Captain Kells.


Ben’s eyes widened in acknowledgment as he turned to face the voice of his new Captain. In two rushed chews, Ben finished off the slither of cucumber sandwich he’d snuck off the finger buffet cart. While chewing, Ben placed his glass of whisky on the cart before clasping Kells’ hand between both his own with a hearty shake.


Garcia: Great to be serving with you, sir.


Kells: Good to meet you. I'd been wanting to speak to you, but with one thing and another...


Ben picked his whisky up and took a shallow sip as the captain searched the room for his thoughts.


Kells: ...I haven't had the chance. So, hello. I understand you're also the point man for conn and ops?


Garcia: That I am. Anything you need, I’d be happy to go over it. :: A crease traced its way across Ben’s brows. :: Latest reports are filed and on the system, including the mission prep updates for the Thor.


The captain seemed satisfied enough, and at the mention of the Thor dug a bit deeper.


Kells: And what do you think of the Thor?


Ben’s eyes widened as he took a breath and nodded a warm smile.


Garcia: We’ve lucked out there, sir. She’s sharp, canny and nimble. A courageous vessel. :: Ben bit his lip in afterthought. :: Well spec’ed too – engines, firing power, sensors. 


Kells: :: Eagerly. :: One of the finest ships, you'd say? Anything else?


Garcia: Gremlin free. Propulsion systems are flushed and calibrated; you get a clear A off the warp core with a tuning fork. :: Ben smiled mischievously. :: We have Commander Pandorn and Ensign Sirok to thank for that.


Kells: Then I'm sure they'll be up to keeping us running, no matter where we go. :: Beat. :: What about the crew, Lieutenant?


Garcia: A mixed bag. :: Ben touched the back of his neck. :: For a good chunk, like me, it’ll be their first reassignment. On the flip side, there’s a couple who are on the nth assignment of their career.


Kells: :: Slight nod. :: I've been there myself. I'm still there, thanks to this move. But if there's one thing we know how to do as Starfleet officers, it's keep up with change, right?


Garcia: Change … :: Ben stressed the next word. :: … is our stride, captain.


Ben held his glass up in toast.


Garcia: The Thor, her crew and their success.


The Captain raised his glass, too.

Kells: Hear, hear.


The Captain drank deeply and Ben swigged the remnants of his whisky down. A flash of recognition crossed the Captain’s face.


Kells: Lieutenant, will you excuse me?


Garcia: Of course, Captain.


Kells offered Garcia a quick smile and nod, and took his leave. Several paces later, the Captain merged into the crowd. Ben flitted his glance around the room. It was a busy night, high in spirit and cheer. Chatter was starting to spill over a mumble and pockets of hearty laughter punctuated the ballroom.


With his focus set on the main bar, Ben weaved through the tables, nodding a hello here and there. At the bar, service was efficient and jovial. The diligence of the bar tenders kept the queue light. Still, it was a bar, and a bottle neck of two deep clustered around the midsection. Ben aimed for the end of the bar where the queue thinned out to an easy, loose flow. Ben slotted in at the bar and rested the empty glass on the counter. The bar tender serving nodded, noting Ben’s place in the queue. 


Ben caught the cadences of the counsellor’s voice over his shoulder. Ben turned to see that Alex was in mid conversation with Tara. With one hand still on the bar, Ben angled his torso into their conversation.


Garcia: :: Speaking above the din. :: Commander Brodie, Ensign Wilkins! How are you?


Ben held out his hand in greeting.


Brodie: Response?


Wilkins: Response?


Ben looked down at their empty glasses.


Garcia: Have you been served? :: Ben shook his head with a smile. :: Let me get you both a drink.


Wilkins/Brodie: Response?





Lieutenant Ben Garcia
Second Officer/HCO

Embassy Duronis II - USS Thor NCC-82607
Author ID number: G239102MR0

Spice King Designate of Duronis II



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