Cmdr. Alora DeVeau - "Correlation"

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Amanda Nordstrom

Jul 23, 2024, 11:12:32 AM (4 days ago) Jul 23
((Bridge, Deck 1, USS Eagle))

The ship shuddered again, as if it, too, urged her to pick up the
speed.  Alora didn’t even bother to speak up anymore, far too focused on
enacting the necessary changes.  Had Kettick or Zevash been there,
likely they could have done so in half the time, but Alora was not one
to so easily give up.  Moving over the console, her hands darted over
the controls in a blur, her body bent forward, eyes intent upon the
information that scrolled over her screen.  She ignored the sweat that
formed upon her brow, the beeps and wines of the computer as various
warnings blinked at her, clamouring for her to hurry, the dizzying
motion of her hands as they coaxed and cajole, rising and falling in a
frenzied display while she desperately tried to finish before the other
ship could claim them as a prize.  Suddenly, one hand lifted and with a
final, decided stab at the surface, she initiated the sequence.

DeVeau: Here we go!

She could only hope that Tomas’ plan worked.

Falt: Brace yourselves, everyone.

Although the visual remained unclear, the surge accomplished one feat -
the other ship let go of them.  With the tractor beam disrupted, that
was at least one advantage for them.

Hetz / Strathmore: Response.

Falt: Full impulse! Engines to maximum! ::blip:: and I want any
remaining power to the aft shields!

DeVeau: Got it!

With a significant glance at the officer at the helm, she set about
rerouting the power to give a boost to the shields.

Hetz / Strathmore: Response.

They turned tail and ran, making a beeline for the orbital platforms and
taking refuge on the lee side.  All hands embraced for some sort of
attack, but it never came, and they hid themselves as best they could,
taking advantage of the brief respite.

Falt: Good job helm. Now tuck us in as close to the platform as you can
and then bring us to a stop.

Helm: Aye, sir.

Alora nodded and swung around in her chair, calling to the Ops officer
on the bridge.

DeVeau: Coordinate with engineering. You know what to prioritise.

The Antican nodded and immediately set to his task.  Rising, Alora
crossed over to where Arthur remained under the care of the nurse.

DeVeau: How’s he doing?

Hetz / Strathmore: Response.

Just then, a familiar voice echoed through the comms.
Oddas: =/\= Away team to Eagle =/\=

Turning, Alora noted the expression upon Tomas’ face shift from one of
almost relief to that of suspicion - and with good reason.

Falt: Can we verify that’s the Commodore before we respond? Our Commodore?

Hurrying back over to her console, Alora immediately worked on the
message indicated.  Frowning, she noted some strange frequencies within
the communication, isolated it, then leaned back in her chair.

DeVeau: It’s her!  Sending it to you.

Hetz / Strathmore: Response.

The first officer took a good look at the information on his own
monitor, obviously wanting to make sure they were talking to the right

Oddas: =/\= Away team to Eagle =/\=

Falt: That’s good enough for me, open a channel.

When he spoke, he didn’t do so with the same tone as she was used to,
but she figured he had a reason for that.

Falt: =/\= This is the Eagle. =/\=

There was static for a moment before the commodore’s voice came through
once again.

Oddas: =/\= One more time Eagle, I think I have it. =/\=

Falt: =/\= This is the Eagle. Is that the crew of the Nulato? =/\=

Oddas: =/\= We're here - though we're not entirely sure where 'here' is.

Palpable relief was felt all around - it was her and they were alive. 
Hopefully they were uninjured, but if they didn’t know where they were,
the Eagle certainly didn’t.

Falt: =/\= That’s good news. There’s been a lot going on up here and I
need confirmation. If you’re free to talk please tell me what your
racing shuttle is called? =/\=

Oddas: =/\= That would be the Allahayer, the Madness of Speed,
Commander.  Good thinking. =/\=

At that, a wide grin spread over Tomas’ face.  It really was the commodore!

Falt: =/\= It’s good to hear your voice, sir. Do you have any injured? =/\=

Something unspoken hung in the air and Alora glanced at the first
officer, but remained silent.

Oddas: =/\= Nothing we can't handle, except for the shuttle itself. 
What's the status up there? =/\=

Falt: =/\= We’ve taken significant damage, and are currently being
pursued by a version of your sister… =/\=

Oddas: =/\= That seems to be a running theme on the ground as well -
there are Jem'Hadar, Vorta, and Bajoran Forces, all seemingly in some
sort of twisted alliance.  We're chasing down a lead on the cause of our
appearance, you should be getting a link-up to your science station. =/\=

Alora winced.  The Jem’Hadar were never easy to deal with, and the Vorta
were known as a crafty people.  With Bajoran forces thrown into the mix,
it was a miracle they hadn’t been taken captive. Turning, she focused on
her console in anticipation of the link-up Oddas mentioned.

Falt: =/\= Response =/\=

Oddas: =/\= Whatever you can do to help. =/\=

Falt: =/\= Response =/\=

With that, the channel closed and Alora bent over her console, though
she commented to the nurse who hovered near Arthur.

DeVeau: Hetz, it would be good to have a medical officer on the bridge. 
Stay put.  Arthur, keep an eye on our surroundings. We’re hidden for
now, but we don’t want any surprises.

She cast a glance over at the two officers, but a beeping from the
console drew her attention back.  Tapping at it, her eyes lit up.

DeVeau: Drex has established a digital connection with us!

Falt/Hetz/Strathmore: Response

Already, Alora’s hands danced over the console, typing out a reply.  She
only paused to review the information that suddenly came spilling over
her console.

DeVeau: Whoa…I’m getting a ton of data.  According to Drex, the Bajorans
had been working with some equipment they removed from one of the
orbital platforms when the power surge occurred.  He also somehow got
access to the Bajoran logs!

Falt/Hetz/Strathmore: Response

DeVeau: It’s possible something in there will tell us not only what
happened and how it happened, but it’s possible it could give us a way
to get back home.

She glanced over at the other officers on the bridge.

DeVeau: It’s a lot to go through.  It’s going to take some time.

Falt/Hetz/Strathmore: Response

Commander Alora DeVeau
Chief Science Officer &
Second Officer
Denali Station
Matriarch of the 15th House

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