MSNPC Tomas "Villkat" Falt: Body Double (Part One of Two)

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Tomas Falt

Jul 25, 2024, 7:28:59 PM (2 days ago) Jul 25
((A basement, somewhere in Shai Bel))
Villkat woke to shaking. For a second he thought it was the ground beneath him, but as his conscious mind returned he realised it was his friend, Enni, shaking his arm.
Enni: Wake up, Villkat. There’s a message.
He yawned and sat up. He’d passed out wedged in between the cold stone wall and floor of whichever basement they were currently hiding in. Someone, probably Enni, had thrown a rag blanket over him meaning he’d probably been asleep for at least an hour, which wasn’t bad going. He
could not remember the last time he slept properly. He slept, obviously, but never properly. Two hours in a row was the best he could hope for, a short trip into oblivion before he was woken; occasionally to attend to some urgent business, but usually by the nightmares that haunted him.
Most nights he’d wake up screaming, drenched in his own sweat, as the memories of what he’d seen burned his mind. Horrors he couldn’t bring himself to talk about, even amongst his friends in the resistance with similar experiences. Those same friends had tried to help him, but nothing had worked, so all he could do was fight sleep until he could stay awake no more and then wait for the nightmares to start again. At least this time he’d been woken up before that had happened.
Villkat: Got any coffee?
Enni laughed. The coffee had run out a long time ago…
Enni: No, but there is a message.
She handed him a note, hand written on a stained rag. Likely they only thing she’d had to hand to write on when the message had come through.
Leaving Ircash to board unknown vessel. 2nd unknown crashed to surface near Shai Bel. Suspect non-Bajoran crew. Ushow on edge. Keep your eyes peeled.
He raised an eyebrow. The matter was clearly important if D felt it worth the risk of contacting him about it. Plus, it was possibly causing her some stress else she wouldn’t have called him F. She knew about his aversion to real names or initials being used in communications.
Regardless, it warranted investigating.
Villkat: Rouse the team, we move out in 5.
His fellow human nodded, but as she began to move away he reached out and gently took hold of her wrist.
Villkat: Oh, and Enni, thanks for the blanket. 
((time skip))
It hadn’t taken his team long to find the crash site, although he’d admit the security alert initiated by a drone had been a major factor in that. By the time they’d reached the area the crew were long gone, but that wasn’t a major issue. If there was one thing his team was good at it was tracking.
He’d expected it to be a simple enough task to find the crew, and it had been, even with the all the extra Jem’Hadar after the security alert. What he hadn’t expected was what he’d see when they had caught up with them. Holed up in the attic of an empty building he’d looked through his homemade telescope across the street at the unmistakable face of Colonel Oddas!
It had taken all his self-control not to grab a phaser and shoot her from where he stood, but as he watch her he realised the similarity, whilst striking, wasn’t perfect. There were rumours the Colonel used a body double for public events. If they were true and her double had been seen unexpectedly in public? Well, he now knew why the actual Colonel was, to quote D, on edge. Her reputation would be at risk.
As he watched the double, and now he knew that was what he was looking at he could see their movements were slightly off too, he considered his next move. Part of him was inclined to just let everything play out, either the Colonel would be embarrassed, and possibly diminished slightly, by the discovery she used a double, or things would stay the same. Either way, doing nothing was less risky than doing something…
On the other hand, a double of Colonel Oddas, if suitably persuaded, could do a lot to further the cause of the resistance if the ruse could be maintained. Was that prospect worth the risk? After another couple of minutes watching he decided it was.
Villkat: They’re headed for the Science Directorate, that’s where we’ll go next.
MSNPC Tomas “Villkat” Falt
As simmed by
Lieutenant Commander Tomas Falt                          

Executive Officer                       

Denali Station   


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