Fleet Captain Oddas Aria: The Sandy Reward

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Nicholas St Gabriel

Dec 29, 2022, 10:01:22 PM12/29/22
to Denali Station

((Beach, Denali Station))

Aria wanted to get the formal part of the evening out of the way as quickly as possible - it seemed most of the crew were gathered and the XO had other plans for the evening.  She did not see a formal podium, which was an obstacle, not because she needed to refer to notes often, but because she preferred having the artificial barrier between her and the crowd.  The small object tended to give her hands something to do as the Bajoran attempted to conquer her fear of public speaking.

She stepped toward a natural apex of the crowd, drink still in hand, and raised the other, palm out.

Oddas: ::raising her voice:: If I could have your attention. 

Any: Response

Oddas: Thank you. :: taking a small sip and clearing her throat:: Let me say, thank you all for coming, and thank you, Commander Falt for putting this together.  Even those of us who avoid a party, it's good for us to celebrate a momentous occasion - in this case two, the success of another completed mission, and the change of another Federation Century.  Welcome everyone to the 25th.  In that vein, I promise to make this short.

She paused to give the crew a chance to respond, and for her to collect her thoughts.

Any: Response

Oddas: I want to start with those who held posts for a considerable amount of time.  These officers took charge of their departments, and led them as examples, beacons, and with the utmost dedication the rest of us strive for.  I of course speak of Mister Kendrick in the Security and Tactical Division, and Mister Falt in Science, who will receive the Department Chief Ribbon.  Additionally, I am entering an award of First Officer Ribbon for Commander Qinn who served us so well as XO,

Any: Response

Oddas: During our work to determine what happened to our missing officers during the last mission, one officer took charge of the Eagle when no one else could - found the officers, and did so with the grace, dignity, and honor expected of him.  I of course refer to Commander Dekas, who I am pleased to award a special Captain's Commendation for his work.

She made a small nod to the Aurelian and raised her glass appreciatively.

Any: Response

Oddas: Speaking Mister Dekas, he did not do that work alone, the Eagle had a small crew headed - including Lt. Neshala and Captain Fairhug.  Without their efforts, and those of Mister Dekas, we likely would never have seen our missing crew again, so the three have been awarded the Good Conduct Ribbon.

Looking through the crowd and finding each to look in the eyes was hard, but she tried.  It was one of the many pointers - lessons she had gotten from the Ijos, Alea in particular, for dealing with this kind of situation.

Any: Response

Oddas: Of course, it turned out the crew lost, was not just lost - but exploring a new-found underwater, and flooding, station deep below the ocean.  Despite fearing for their lives, they still managed to do what Starfleet is chartered to do - explore the unknown, find out, and expand our knowledge.  For this example of how it's done, Commander T'Lea, Ensign Kettick, Commander Kendrick, and Commander Falt are awarded the Explorer's Ribbon

She found herself nodding along to the crew reaction and taking another, small drink from her glass.

Any: Response

Oddas: It being Starfleet, all of this was not happening in a vacuum, and to help smooth things over our Counselor - Mister Yael was helpful brokering the last details of an agreement between Starfleet and the Cardassians, Mithglin, and Ferengi.  Due to these efforts, he and ::softly, slightly embarrassed:: myself have been awarded the Diplomacy Ribbon.

Any: Response

Oddas: Of course, at the time, we could not rule out what was going on - the explosion looked deliberate, but two officers were instrumental in an investigation that helped exclude outside interference and allowed those diplomatic efforts to continue.  Those of course were Mister Forsyth and Mister K'Nori, both of whom are awarded the Investigation Ribbon.

With a small wave to both officers, she drew in a deep breath - almost there.

Oddas: Finally, we have a couple of promotions.  Please excuse me if I don't attempt to pin pips on your colorful uniforms this evening.  ::beat::  The first is Lt. Stelek, who is on duty, but is promoted to Lieutenant Commander effective immediately.  ::pause::  Mister Kettick, ::she motioned for him to approach:: it is my honor to hereby promote you to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade, with all the rights and privileges hereto.  

She waited until the Ensign was next to her to offer a smile and a hand.

Kettick: Response

Oddas: ::jokingly:: Good luck.

Any: Response

Oddas: Thank you all for your continued hard work, for adapting to new circumstances, and for making me look like an amazing Commanding Officer.  You are an inspiration to me, the Fleet, and the Wilds for how a crew should be, how people can take of each other, and how to conduct yourselves in adversity.  Now please, let's find something to eat.


Fleet Captain Oddas Aria

Commanding Officer

Denali Station


Sense is never common. -Robert Heinlein

Wiki: https://wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/index.php/Oddas_Aria

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