Lt. Jg. Kim Stapledon - More Racers?

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John Smith

12:36 AM (9 hours ago) 12:36 AM
((Some Time Later, corridor - USS Constitution-B))

Stapledon:  =/\=  Kim to T'Ama

T'Ama: =/\= T’Ama here. =/\=

Stapledon:  =/\= Are you at all interested in the race they have planned tomorrow?

T’Ama: =/\= I was considering going down to spectate it. =/\=

Kim nodded.  There was something about her voice that suggested something might be up.  

Stapledon:  =/\= Just spectate?  :: She asked playfully::

T’Ama: =/\= Oh. I’m on medical leave for my eye and I don’t think I’m up for racing. =/\=

That didn't sound good.  Especially if they would be in a desert climate.  The sand might exacerbate an eye injury.

Stapledon:  =/\=  I understand.    Well be careful ::she said it smiling, not sure how it might be received::

T’Ama: =/\= Sorry. Thanks for inviting me, though. I’m not much fun right now. =/\=

Stapledon:  =/\=  No problem at all.

She thought another moment.  Would it be odd to invite her superior or ask him if he was interested?  Shrugging she tapped her combadge.

Stapledon:  =/\=  Stapledon to Shimisi

Shimisi:  =/\=  Response?

Stapledon:  =/\=  I saw the message..  How does racing sound to you?

Shimisi:  =/\=  Response?

Stapledon: =/\=  Oh really?

((OOC:  Can backsim))

And then there was Torrel.  Now that she was back from her mission it would be a good idea to get more into the thick of ship's society.

Stapledon:  =/\=  Kim to Torrel

Torrel:  =/\=  Response?

Stapledon:  =/\= Do you like desert racing?

Torrel:  =/\=  Response?

Lt. Jg Kimberly Stapledon
USS Constitution-B
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