BACKSIM: PNPC Savok - Throwing in the Towel

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Laria Herren

Jul 4, 2024, 11:11:36 AM (2 days ago) Jul 4

((En route to the lab - Paoike Colony, Drever IV))

He looked at the colony map on his PADD and sighed as he saw that half the road names had some relation to the colony’s leader. They barely qualified as proper streets needing names, and he’d named half of them after himself.

Savok: Now let’s find this lab. Is it on… North Bolen Road or North Bolen Street?

Savok lowered the PADD and squeezed it in his free hand. There was the soft crunch of the transparent aluminum screen cover which dug into the skin of his palm. The force of his grip had apparently been too much for the padd. He had removed his work gloves for the more delicate tasks in the lab to produce the vokaya solution, which meant that a few drops of green blood ran down the screen of the PADD and into the grass as he kept walking.

Evria: It's at the intersection of North Bolen Road and North Bolen Street, because of course it is.

Shimisi: The sooner we get there, the sooner we'll be able to get back to the ship and attend other business.

Savok: Scientific potential aside, I will be glad to no longer be here.

An outcome that was tantalizingly close.

Evria: We should be able to wrap this up and get you back to Anath soon.

He glared at his fellow botanist. It consumed every last gram of self-control not to shout at her in front of the entire party. Yes, she had a Vulcan mate herself at one point and no doubt recognized his issue. That was unavoidable. But insinuating that it was happening… that was over the line. And that was absolutely what she meant. There was no other explanation for her remark.

The chief tactical officer also seemed mortified that she would mention such a thing, covering her mouth in shock.

T'Seva: Mother!

Shimisi: But she's right, we could all be back with our people and to our ship. The destiny of this colony is in the hands of their inhabitants,... all we could do is lend a hand with their immediate problems.

Savok had nothing to say. Nothing that he was willing to share out loud. He was still fuming.

T'Seva: Let's go do science.

((Tagus’ Lab - Paoike Colony, Drever IV))

The walk to the science lab was painful. Evria had pushed on a very sensitive house of cards that had come tumbling down. And his hand was still bleeding. The first opportunity he had he was leaving. Mission complete or not. He’d done his duty. More than he was required to as a civilian.

Tagus: Welcome to my temporary home and lab!

Yirah: Response

Shimisi: We appreciate your help so we can help your colony. By helping us, you'll be helping yourself…

Tagus: Please, do come inside so we can get this show on the road as they say.

The lab was terrible, a barely acceptable field lab and a simple prefabricated house pushed together. He had seen field labs in tents that looked more organized and professional. Or, as Evria put it…

Evria: Nice lab.

Savok wandered around the room, trying to keep his cool. Everyone else was talking while he did his best to look busy and keep people from talking to him. He examined scans and focused on the sample containers set out on a workspace. Around him, discussions carried on without his input. He would have zoned out completely had he not heard his name. 

Evria: Here and here? Any adjustments, Savok?

He snapped to look at the other botanist. After a moment he approached and briefly glanced at the map where she had marked locations for pumps.

Savok: ::With a shaky voice:: No.

The Trill second officer looked at him with concern. He had gotten a lot worse and it was becoming obvious to everyone. Thankfully, she didn’t dwell on it and continued the discussion.

Herren: Alright.

Tagus/Yirah/Ada: Response

T'Seva: I think I can at least help set up a pump.

Evria: They're simple enough.

With a plan in motion he saw his opportunity to bow out and return to the ship. It was disappointing to him that he had failed to hold it together long enough to complete the mission. But he could face that failure and explain himself later.

Savok: I trust that you all can handle this?

He received a nod from the ranking officer, which is all he needed to consider himself excused.

Herren: I believe so.

Tagus/Evria/Yirah/Ada: Response (if any)

Savok: I must return to the ship. I am ill.

That was his only explanation aloud, but the look he gave Evria hopefully communicated what he wanted to shout at her “please stop talking about it, discretion is appreciated”.

Tagus/Evria/Yirah/Ada: Response (if any)

He couldn’t leave the room fast enough. He had tried to hang in there but had failed. It was time to throw in the towel and retreat to the Constitution. To Anath. Once he was out of sight of the lab he tossed the remains of his PADD on the ground and stomped on it repeatedly. Then he requested to be beamed to the ship and retreated to his quarters.

Savok of Vulcan

Civilian Researcher

USS Constitution-B

===as simmed by===

Lieutenant Commander Laria Herren

Mission Specialist/Second Officer

USS Constitution-B


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