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PNPC Atan Lera, This Is Scary, Can I Help?

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Jennifer R. Povey

Aug 8, 2024, 3:34:07 PM8/8/24
(( Atan Family Quarters - USS Constitution ))

School had ended early, the kids told to go back to their quarters and stay there, except for Daniel, who was 16 and a junior cadet.

Lera did as she was told, not sure what was going on. One minute she'd been looking forward to the promised field trip to Drever IV, the her quarters, no idea what was going on until distant sirens sounded.

Red alert, she knew from the orientation. Her mother slipped in and the door closed.

Red alert meant you stayed put, as a civilian, out of everyone's way. It meant you made sure you knew where the nearest emergency gear was, just in case.

It meant that something bad was going to happen.

Lera: Mom?

Evria: We're answering a distress call. Don't worry. Few things can take on a Galaxy class.

Lera managed a smile.

Lera: Who's in distress?

Evria: Some Federation outpost. Pirates, probably. They'll run.

She wished she had her mother's confidence. And Lera, it turned out, was right. The ship shook, and then shook again, and it seemed to go on forever with no sensory input to tell her what was going on...only the sirens, which were very loud to her Ferengi ears.

Sometimes being nocturnal when everyone else was diurnal really sucked.

Lera: They didn't run.

Evria moved to give her a hug.

Evria: It's okay. Trust me. And trust T"Seva.

She knew her mother had been through space battles before.

Lera: T'Seva?

Evria: She's the one shooting back.

That actually DID make Lera feel a little bit better. She wasn't sure about T'Seva as a sister, but everything she had seen made her look completely badass.

Lera: Oh!

And then the sirens stopped and the lighting returned to normal.

Evria: They ran. I will bet you on that.

Lera: :: teasing :: You don't have any latinum.

Then she broke out into an odd, hysterial mixture of laughter and tears, with Evria hugging her.

Lera: I don't want to be helpless like that again.

Evria: You're a child.

Lera: But I won't be a child forever, and I will learn not to be helpless.

Evria: You don't know what you want to do.

Lera didn't. Or, perhaps, she did.

Atan Lera

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