Lieutenant JG Lystra - Visit From the 2O And A Race Invitation

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Jul 5, 2024, 11:18:01 AMJul 5

((Primary Sickbay Facility - Deck 12, USS Constitution-B))

((Time Index: The morning after the mission.))

Lystra shifted in her biobed a little as she sat up on the thing. She’d been told she was to remain in Sickbay for observation for several more hours and it was driving her crazy. She felt infinitely better than the day before but apparently, discovering something you’re deathly allergic to that you previously were unaware of is a pause for concern or something. 

Thankfully, despite generations and lifetimes in space her species had just as robust of an immune system as most. She remembered literature of some of the first wanderers from her homeworld that ventured into space and the challenges of prolonged life in the void until the development of gravitic plating and environmental controls that could properly simulate their planet. 

At least the request for a PADD to have something to keep busy with had been accepted. She needed to finish up her own report from the surface. Though, if she was honest it was slower going than normal thanks to that message T’Aven sent out earlier. She flipped back to it.

=/\= Ship wide message =/\=

To: The Crew of the USS Constitution-B

From: Marine Captain T'Aven


The Flight Department invites the crew of the USS Constitution to a desert race on Drever IV.

The race will be undertaken with provided Argo Buggies along a predetermined route through the Drever IV Desert in the southern hemisphere. Each Buggy is suitable for two to three people. Form your own team, participate and best your fellow Crew members. Take dry heat of the environment into account.

This invitation encompasses Officers and Civilians, as well as guest of Paoike Colony shall you chose an inhabitant as your partner.

The race will begin tomorrow, noon board time. The Saloon will provide refreshments. Coordinates are attached.

Marine Captain T'Aven

for the

USS Constitution Flight Department

=/\= Ship wide message =/\=

She was chomping at the bit to get out of Sickbay and start preparing for the race and thought about who she could team up with for the race. Two faces immediately sprung into her mind, Ellie and Rachel. The former was a lot of fun to be around and just thinking about her she couldn’t help but smile. Ellie could be a fun partner to race with especially with the way Lystra drove, having a medic on hand might be useful. On the other hand Rachel had quickly become her best friend, had literally given her a hand, and was one hell of an engineer. The two of them would probably be a dangerous combo to race against. Then again, the Argos could carry three. 

She grinned widely to herself then tapped out a message on her PADD to Rachel and Ellie.

=/\= Private Message =/\=

To: Ensign Rachel Flores & Lieutenant JG Ellie Park

From: Lieutenant JG Lystra 

Pleaaaaaaaase tell me you both saw T’Aven’s shipwide?

If you haven’t, buggy race. On the demon planet. We can have up to three people. Soooooo, who’s with me? The three of us on a buggy would be badass, dangerous and nigh unstoppable!!!

I’ve been stuck in Sickbay for almost thirty hours. Pleaaaaasee say yes!!

P.S. Since this is a normal race and not holo training for an insane mission I’m guessing the buggies won't have phaser cannons. So I call dibs on driving. 

=/\= End Message  =/\=

She heard someone approach and looked up from her own PADD to see the new Second Officer. She smiled at Laria. 

Herren: Lieutenant Lystra, mind if I visit for a minute?

Laria stood by, not yet taking a seat.

Lystra: ::She nodded:: Of course! Uh, is there something you need ma’am?

Herren: No, not anything official. At least not in my official job description. I was here to pick up a report on the progress down on the surface and wanted to see how you were doing.

She smiled and held up the PADD she had in her hand then set it back in her lap with a wry smile. 

Lystra: Oh, well I was actually working on it since I’m stuck in here for another few hours. I’m doing better. 

Herren: I understand you ran into some difficulties down there. Glad to see that you seem not much worse for wear.

Lystra: ::She gave Laria a nod and grumbled:: Apparently those red mushrooms we found on the surface do not play nice with Boslic biology. I’m told that had I gone another hour without treatment it would have been fatal. 

Herren: How much longer do you think you’ll be here? ::She grinned:: If they keep you here much longer we might have to enlist Mr. Kincaid to smuggle in something to replace sickbay food.

She snorted at that and matched Laria’s grin. Kincaid had already been by, when that man ever got sleep was anyone’s guess. 

Lystra: Hah! He stopped by an hour ago. ::she looked down at her PADD:: Uh, I should have this finished soon. Been distracted thinking about the buggy race. 

Herren: Response

She gave Laria a wide grin that bordered on mischievous or diabolical and sat up a bit more in the biobed. She was pretty sure everyone knew both how competitive she was and how much she enjoyed races. Be they on foot or especially in an Argo buggy. 

Lystra: I’m looking forward to being able to race one of those without giant burrowing space worms trying to eat us. Although, it’s been far too long since I got to shoot a phaser cannon. ::She chuckled:: How’s the Second Officer life?

Herren: Response


Lieutenant JG Lystra

Tactical Officer

USS Constitution-B NCC-9012-B

Writer ID: A239410TR0

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