JP by Cpt Rajel and Cmdr Saveron - The Needs of the Many - Part 2

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Sep 15, 2017, 5:54:48 PM9/15/17
to IC Conny
((Saveron’s Quarters, USS Constition - Day 4 - after arrival at Starbase 104 ))

::The last was said with a glance at his father.::

Saveron: Saavok has distance education material from Vulcan, but school attendance has social and developmental benefits. ::He confirmed.::

::His son was growing up in a multispecies environment whilst accompanying his father, and in many ways was better adapted to it than Saveron himself, who left Vulcan later in life.::

Rajel: It most certainly does. I am glad to hear that you’re going to attend, Saavok. ::She turned her gaze to Saveron.:: What are your thoughts about the results of the mission?

::The theris-masu having steeped for the appropriate length of time, Saveron poured the hot tea into small glasses, setting one before each person.::

Saveron: One would express the preference that our relations with the Hinji will progress positively once the relief efforts create a notable improvement in overall quality of life. The Hinji would not have anticipated the upheaval of their religion when they petitioned to join the Federation. ::He observed.::

::Jalana, with her upbringing, would not doubt appreciate that.::

Rajel: I don’t believe that anyone can anticipate anything like that. And for a surprise like that, they handled it rather well. I don’t anticipate that it’ll be like that for everyone, but it’s a start.

:: Reaching out she took the small glass gingerly with both hands, her naturally cold fingers coated with radiating heat. She raised the glass, inhaling the tea’s scent. She loved smelling tea. Her lips curled into a smile before taking a sip of the relaxing liquid. ::

Saveron: If they can view the facts without the emotive overtones, it may usher in a new age of enlightenment, and cooperation with the Linarans.

::Who might no longer be viewed as the embodiment of evil by the more religious citizens, for their having evolved in the dark.::

Rajel: That would be my hope. I do not believe that they can look at it without emotions, but having learned that their goddess is an alien will hopefully bring the differences of the Linarans into a different light than it has been before. Especially with the co-habitation plans being in the works. It would make a lot of things much easier.

::The Vulcan didn’t understand other species’ need to load every event and decision with emotion; but he did acknowledge that they did it. The universe would be much simpler if every species embraced logic, but it would also be very boring.::

Saveron: Understanding that they are one species amongst many, all different but all equal, is a significant paradigm shift, but for those who embrace it, the Linarans become another amongst the many, and more familiar than others. As you note, this may do much to facilitate the colonisation of Leron II. ::Although there would always be obstacles. One particularly sprang to mind, following issues on Starbase 104.:: Given it’s proximity to the Leron star, and lack of shadowing planetary body; is Leron II suitable for Linaran colonisation?

::It would seem, on a sunlit world, that they could be at a significant disadvantage.::

Rajel: Actually yes. Further scans of Leron II have revealed an underground cave system in various locations throughout the planet, which could possibly work to inhabit the Linarans without being exposed to the sun. It’ll need some work, but will make it possible for both species to live on the same planet without being at a disadvantage.

::Natural cave systems were the logical place for the first Linaran colonists.::

Saveron: There is also the option of a temporal division. Hinji are diurnal; Linaran biology would lend itself to a nocturnal lifestyle.

::There was the option of shared facilities and even dwellings initially; occupied on a shift basis until sufficient buildings had been established. Such an arrangement might even help mutual understanding, and there would be no issues over getting the night shift staffed.::

Rajel: Yes, indeed. ::She took another sip, as her mind wandered. She knew what she wanted to say, just the how she still hadn’t figured out. Eventually the first thought popping into her mind just came out of her mouth.:: Starfleet HQ has received Valerius’ report and processed it already. Surprisingly fast.

::That was an unanticipated change of subject, though logically not introduced without reason. Saveron simply wasn’t certain what it was.::

Saveron: I have not directly interacted with Commander Valerius, nor been privy to the contents of his report. ::Nor the reason for his presence, but shipboard rumour had filled that gap. Plenty had witnessed the man relieve Commander Traenor.:: You consider that it will have an adverse impact?

Rajel: I haven’t seen it, but ::she paused, taking a deep breath.:: they recalled Maxwell for a thorough investigation.

::That was an affirmative.::

Saveron: I see.

Rajel: The official wording stated it would be ‘for the time being’. When or if we see him back here is in their hands now.

::Indeed. Yet the circumstances seemed… unusual.::

Saveron: I worked with Commander Traenor on the Za. He appeared to be a competent officer, and I was not aware of any issues regarding his conduct or commission. ::He fished.::

Rajel: I know that Maxwell had a couple of hiccups throughout his career, but he never got into trouble for it with HQ. Whatever Titus wrote must have given them reason to investigate. The upside is, that once it’s done, he can finally let go of the past.

::For a moment the Vulcan pressed his thin lips into a thinner line, the closest he ever came to looking unhappy. Then the expression was hidden behind his tea glass, and gone when he lowered it.::

Saveron: One will trust that the situation will be assessed appropriately and then resolved. ::He said simply.:: However, since I understand that Commander Valerius is not remaining in that capacity, it places yourself and the Constitution in a difficult situation.

::Both ship and Captain needed a First Officer, and Maxwell couldn’t man the position in absentia.::

Rajel: ::A smile played on her lips as she watched the tea in her glass gently sway from side to side as she moved the glass.:: That is why I am here.

::There was a moment’s thoughtful silence, as Saveron recalled Captain Kells bailing him up to talk about the need for a Second Officer.::

Saveron: I have learned to view such statements with deep suspicion, Jalana. ::He warned in a dry tone of voice..::

Rajel: ::The smile didn’t leave as she looked up into his eyes.:: Maybe with reason. With you being the highest ranking Senior Officer you would be the logical choice for the position.  ::Well logical to her, not sure how logical it was for Vulcans.:: And I really could use the help.

Saveron: I see. Your request honours me. ::Another sip of tea.:: Understand that I have never sought the Command track, but I cannot fault your logic.

::All through the conversation, Saveron’s son had been sitting quietly, drinking his tea and listening. Suddenly his father was the subject of keen scrutiny from Saavok.::

Rajel: Well despite my past, Diplomacy is not my strong suit and you do have a lot of experience even if not as First Officer, or you wouldn’t be at your rank. ::She paused thinking about her next words.:: And I believe this particular case would play into your preference to not go for command, as Maxwell will be back once the investigation is over. If it goes in his favour that is. So it’ll be temporary.

::That was logical. As Jalana pointed out, Saveron had the experience to full the position, if not the preference. With Commander Traenor presumably returning to the position in a few months, he would suit as a temporary incumbent.::

Saveron: If such is indeed your preference, then I have no objection. I shall execute those duties to the best of my abilities.

::What more needed to be said? It would be an interesting experience.::


JP written by

Commander Saveron

Acting First Officer

USS Constitution-B



Captain Jalana Rajel

Commanding Officer

USS Constitution B

Image Team Facilitator


A strange mix of anger and worry washed through him,
his hands trembled slightly, but he just clenched
fists and remained his position.
How could she be so reckless, hadn't she learned
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