Lt. Cmdr Ch'Nilmani - New Responsibilities (2 of 2)

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Diz'mim Ch'Nilmani

Jul 5, 2024, 4:04:04 PM (17 hours ago) Jul 5

(( Observation lounge - USS Constitution-B ))

With the commodore gone, Herren and Ch'Nilmani gave the newly promoted their full attention. There was still responsibilities to hand out.

Herren: Now then. I’m sure you’re all curious what all being an assistant chief entails. Or a chief, although the two of you ::She nodded to T’Seva and Azura:: already know what is involved.

Park: Yes, please!

Ch’Nilmani: With this promotion, you will be handed not only a lot of responsibility but a lot of power. You'll be expected to be in tune and run things when the Chief is unavailable.

Herren: Exactly, most of our chiefs are very busy people. As you can see by how not here they are. So there are tasks that will fall to you all. Sir?

The Andorian nodded, his antenna bouncing along.

Ch’Nilmani: Proceed, Commander.

Herren: Those of you who know me well will be unsurprised by the present I have for you all. PADDwork. I know this is thrilling stuff, but please try to contain your excitement.

Like a set of cards, the PADDs began to be passed out.

Herren: For you, Lieutenant Commander.

T’Seva: Thank you.

Herren: Here you go, chief science officer.

Ada: Thank you, Commander.

Herren: Welcome to department leadership, enjoy your new PADDwork.

Diz'mim watched. One thing that was an open secret among the higher ranks was the amount of paperwork that Starfleet wanted and expected. These reports were the lifeblood of knowing what was going on. Even if they were painful to write up.

T’Ama: Response

Herren: Congratulations Indrid. Although you’ll have to share with your new chief.

Yirah: Response

Herren: And for you, doc.

Park: Thanks!

With that done, Herren continued which was something he was glad for and had discussed in their earlier meeting. When it came to paperwork, Diz'mim did not do well with it. Herren seemed to love it so why not let her do it?

Herren: Ensign Ba’el… guess your department head had a conflict as well. Unfortunately, I don’t have any paperwork for you.

Ba’el: Response (if any)

Herren: Despite our best efforts, we can’t keep eyes and ears everywhere and complete personnel reviews can be too infrequent and too shallow to find and foster talent in every department. On each of your PADDs you’ll find service records and performance reviews for many officers in your department who may not have been promoted for a while. You work with these people day in and day out. Maybe there is a reason, or maybe they’ve fallen through the cracks. As department leadership, you can help bring these people to our attention and help them get the recognition and promotions they deserve. You can also promote your own people as chief. ::She looked to the newly-minted assistant chiefs.:: Or on your chief’s behalf.

Ch'Nilmani: Remember, when considering promotions, instead of just thinking about rewarding good work also think about what the officer will contribute to Starfleet. You not only have power of their career but you will affect the future of starfleet with whom you select.

Anyone: response

Herren: You also should not be surprised that I’ve called down to the Saloon to have this meeting catered. Congratulations to all our new department leadership!

Park: Thank you! ::looking at the others:: And congratulations!

Anyone: Response

(( OOC: I'm removing the convo with Ellie and the newly promoted as they would move outside of Diz'mim's focus. This conversation is happening as there's is. ))

Ch'Nilmani: That appears to have gone well. No one freaked out.

Herren: response

Ch'Nilmani: I don't know about you but when someobody made the decision to promote me to Lieutenant Commander, I had said "What? Are you joking? What's wrong with you?".

Herren: response

Wasn't thinking at all. I lucked out my CO had a great sense of humor.

Herren: response

Lt. Commander Diz'mim Ch'Nilmani
First Officer
USS Constitution-B NCC 9012-B
'17 Simming Prize Laureate
'22 Simming Prize Laureate
Simming Prize Trustee 2021-Present
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