LtCmdr. Akeelah D'Sena - Naturally

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Jul 6, 2024, 1:31:55 AMJul 6
to IC Conny

((USS Constitution - Security ))

Akeelah transferred the print to the database and pressed another button.

D'Sena: Please state your Fleet Identification number loudly and clearly for the computer to record, in case of clearance requests.

Felbri: RF - 175 - 921

Akeelah had access to those clearance codes anyway if she wanted, but she merely cared for the computer being able to record it properly, rather than remembering it. If she had intentions of tampering, she had enough choices. But rules were rules and she followed them.

Computer: Voice pattern recording confirmed for Ensign Felbri, Rendow.

Akeelah nodded and pressed another button.

D'Sena: Your clearances are recorded and given. OPS will have records on your assigned quarters if you will. Their main offices are on Deck Four. ::She took his PADD and hended it back over the counter.:: Welcome aboard, Ensign.

Felbri: Thank you.

Akeelah straight up looked at him, not quite sure what to say to that. After all she was doing her job. For a whole 4.5 seconds her fully black eyes rested on him before she simply nodded.

Felbri: Should I report to Ops then or is there anything else that I need to do to get checked in?

D'Sena: Aye, OPS will assign you quarters. Afterwards you will have to receive medical and counseling clearances before you can attend duty.

Felbri: Straight to the point.

Her solid black eyes looked at the man. Her voice did not show more enthusiasm as a Vulcan. Not that she was suppressing emotions or tried to achieve it. She was simply in her business mode, during duty.

D'Sena: Protocol. ::She paused:: Do you have any questions pertaining your position, clearances or other details of your placement?

Felbri: Response

((OOC: I know this was started at the end of the mission but I figured the time placement was not important so I pulled it further into the presence to be able to mention who his bosses are :) ))

D'Sena: Ah. The Chief of Operations is quite busy at the moment, but you may report to Assistant Chief of OPS Lieutant T'Ama.

Felbri: Response

D'Sena: Naturally. Welcome aboard, Ensign.

Felbri: Response

She nodded to him and waited until he had moved out of the office before she returned to her chair. Just in time, her legs had begun to shake. She'd have to make an appointment with Serok, make sure that everything was alright with her rehabilitation.

LtCmdr. Akeelah D'Sena
Security Officer

simmed by

Commodore Jalana Rajel
Commanding Officer
USS Constitution B
Image Team Co-Facilitator

Character Pronouns: He/Him
Player Pronouns: They/Them

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