Lt. JG Yirah - I'm a fun guy

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Jul 5, 2024, 10:05:37 PM (11 hours ago) Jul 5

((Tagus’ Lab, Paoike Colony, Drever IV))

Ada: ... But there's the matter of the people poisoned by this stuff. Can't just pump people full of salt water. ... Wait, yes you can. I wonder if an electrolyte solution, a diuretic, and some kind of enzyme to support the kidneys filtering it out would work? Could be a lot of salt, but if they're monitored by medical staff... Uh, anyone here more of a medical researcher? I'm a research psychologist, I don't really know pharmacology all that well.

Tagus: I’m afraid my specialties are in ecology and botany. ::he paused:: and none of my previous hosts had any experience that I can use for this.

Herren: Medical can handle the pesticide poisoning aspect. Anything else in the mycelium samples beyond the dicambafurlyoxyfen?

Kiamon looked to the other two. 

Ada: Nothing relevant to the mission, anyway. The computer identified some interesting rhizomorphic activity, and what appears to be a uniquely complex type of symbiotic relationship between the mycelium and various bacteria.

Yirah: Interesting.

Herren: Any objection to presenting this antidote to the larger group?

Tagus: You will hear none from me, Commander.

Ada: None.

Yirah: Let's do this.

Herren: Alright.

Herren: =/\= Herren to Rajel, Savok, and Atan. Looping you in for a report on a solution from the science team. ::Nodding to the scientists:: Go ahead. =/\=

Ada: =/\= Ensign Yirah identified a mechanism to render the compound inert: salts. The salts should bind to the compound through ionic bonds. All we need to do is get water salinated with the salts Indrid identified into the contaminated areas. =/\=

Indrid looked at Azura as she gave the report.

Evria: =/\= That should work. That should work. =/\=

Rajel: =/\= Can that be administered on a bigger scale? Will we have to utilize the irrogation system? =/\=

Savok: =/\= The network can be used to distribute salinated water directly into the root system without disturbing the composition of the soil itself. Then flush the solution out once the plants have recovered. It appears to have universal coverage. =/\=

Herren: =/\= Wonderful. =/\=

Rajel: =/\= Indeed, good news. =/\=

Ada: =/\= This one was mostly Indrid. =/\=

Indrid blinked with surprise as Azura mentioned his contribution. 

Savok: =/\= Myself, both Atan Evria and T’Seva, and Lieutenant Shimisi are on the way to the lab. The infrastructure is already in place from our mapping the network. =/\=

Evria: =/\= And the takeup speed is fast. This shouldn't take long. =/\=

Rajel: =/\= Fantastic, then we'll known for sure if it works soon. Once we do inform Medical so they can get going on their treatment as well. =/\=

Ada: =/\= Exactly. The salts Indrid identified are highly biocompatible. =/\=

Yirah: =/\=  Also, I suggest that we tell Bolen not to use dicambafurlyoxyfen. We don't want a repeat of this in the future.  =/\= 

Herren: =/\= We’ll see you soon. =/\=

Rajel: =/\= After this we all deserve some time off. Let's get it done, so we can pass some good news to these fine people. Thank you all for your hard work. Rajel out. =/\=

Azura smiled. 

Herren: Well done, all of you.

Azura turned to look at Indrid and nodded and smiled, as if agreeing with Liara.

Yirah: Thank you.

Tagus: Thank you. ::he looked around:: On behalf of myself and the colonists. Thank you.

T’Ama: Permission to return to the Constitution and seek medical care?

Herren: response

T’Ama: Thank you.

While they awaited the arrival of the others to Tagus' lab, Azura walked over to Indrid.

Ada: You did well, Ensign. Your solution is going to help a lot of people.

Yirah: I'm not an Ensign anymore. I'm a Lieutenant Junior Grade. :: he showed her his collar where Diz'mim had added his own pip.::

Tagus: Welcome to my temporary home and lab!

Herren/Evria/Shimisi/Savok/T’Seva: Response

Indrid moved out of the way, the house-lab was starting to get a little full with all the people.

Azura smiled at the others as they entered, and she moved out of the way so they wouldn't be crowded at the entrance. 

Tagus: Please, do come inside so we can get this show on the road as they say.

Azura turned the display panel on the scanners towards the group as a way to wordlessly indicate where they could also see what the scientists were looking at.

Herren/Evria/Shimisi/Savok/T’Seva: Response

Yirah: It's the model that we have been working with.

Ada/Tagus/Herren/Evria/Shimisi/Savok/T’Seva: Response

Yirah: I think so.

Ada/Tagus/Herren/Evria/Shimisi/Savok/T’Seva: Response

Lieutenant JG Indrid Yirah
Science Officer
USS Constitution-B
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