Ensign Jiroo Zaka - We Need Parts!

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Aug 9, 2024, 6:36:22 PMAug 9
to sb118-con...@googlegroups.com

((OPS - Hermes Station))

As the re-materialized Jiroo found himself in a quite chaotic environment. There were plenty of alarms and lights going together with a busy cast of personell talking and shouting to each other. He looked around and tried to orient himself, when he noticed there was actually someone aiming a phaser at them! Only now he realized that he was completely unarmed and he got a terrible sinking feeling in his stomach.

Aja: Identify yourself.

Rajel: I am Commodore Jalana Rajel, Commanding Officer of the USS Constitution-B. Your attackers left the system and we are here to assist. I would have announced our visit, but your comms are down.

Having no better idea, Jiroo raised his toolbox partly to show that they had good intentions, partly to shield himself.

Herren: I’m Laria Herren, the second officer. This is our assistant chief medical officer and one of our engineers.

Park: Response

Va: I am Captain Va Remy. ::she was still hesitant as she assessed them::

Aja: Response

Jiroo imagined the phaser was lowered slightly and glanced around. He recognized some of the warnings that went on around them. An idea formed in his head. Pointing towards a nearby console that had plenty of red and yellow flashing lights he raised his toolbox slightly higher again.

Zaka: I can see that life support is critical. I can help you fix that, if you let me.

Va: Yes, that’s one of many problems I’m afraid.

Herren: Among many indeed. Hopefully we can remedy that.

The initial tension seemed to be over and Jiroo relaxed a little bit. The situation was still serious with the heavy damage to the outpost, but at least they weren't in immediate danger of getting shot any longer. With that out of the way Jiroo thought it was time for him to get an overview on what was damaged, what needed quick attention and what were more long time repair projects.

Zaka: Do you have any idea about the amount of damage to the Outpost?

Rajel/Park: Response

Aja: Response

Va: Our internal comms and sensors are down so we can’t be certain of much. I know we had reports of injuries in the southwest wing before we lost comms. I’m quite glad you arrived when you did, Commodore.

He had feared as much. Without proper internal sensors, there was not way of determining what exactly was wrong. Maybe they could do a thorough scan from the Constitution and get an overview of the damages, but that would take some time. For now he thought it was best to identify critical systems and diagnose those to keep the population warm, dry and inside the outpost, while anything else was kept outside outpost. Life support, artificial gravity, inertia dampeners, structural integrity, that was his internal todo-list to focus on first.

Zaka: From our scans during the fight we could see that a lot of the outer structures were heavily damaged. I fear the comms array looked like it's a total loss.

Rajel/Park: Response

Aja: Response

Herren: Initial reports say that our ship suffered minimal damage. Our teams should be able to help repair the station and treat your injured.

Rajel/Park: Response

Va/Aja: Response

Herren: We know they were using some kind of Tholain tech. As for the damage…

Jiroo noticed the 2O turning towards the group, looking expectantly. Since he had discovered the nature of the weapons he might as well speak up about it, he thought.

Zaka: It appears they used high yield quantum torpedos. No idea how they got their hands on that kind of weapon.

Rajel/Park: Response

Va/Aja: Response

Herren: I would be happy to help coordinate repair and support efforts.

Jiroo glanced over to the console that caught his attention before. A lot of the warning lights that were an alarming yellow before had meanwhile turned to a panicky red, some even blinking in a rather alarming fashion.

Zaka: I would suggest I start with life support and stabilize that?

Rajel/Park: Response

Va/Aja: Response

Zaka: Maybe we can also start detailed scans from the Constitution, so we get an overview what parts of the station are repairable short term and what will need a bigger effort.

Rajel/Park: Response

Va/Aja: Response

He started to move over to the life support console and ran a first diagnostic. For now it kept everyone in the central part of the outpost alive. The outer parts were more spotty, some had lost temperature control, some had no CO2 scrubbing or oxygen supply currently. That didn't mean those sections were immediately uninhabitable and everyone would drop dead, but whoever was there would get very uncomfortable in the next hour and some sections would become deadly after that. Checking the energy and oxygen flows, Jiroo identified some sections that were wholly destroyed and cut them off from the grid. He could reroute these resources to critical areas instead of venting them into space.

Next, he checked for repairable damages. Oxygen generators were down to minimal levels, quite a few heat exchangers seemed to be busted. The main CO2 scrubbers at least looked serviceable considering the circumstances. All that he could fix, he knew, he learned that at the Academy. All he needed was parts, his little toolkit wasn't nearly enough to patch up an outpost. He went back over to the Second Officer as he was under the impression she was coordinating the efforts. While walking over he tried to remember what her name was. She had just introduced herself and he had also read it in the ships briefing on his way...

Zaka: Lieutenant Commander ::he paused, thinking for a moment:: Herren?

Herren: Response

Slightly embarrassed he nodded to himself. At least he got the name right. Now to the topic.

Zaka: I need spare parts to stabilize the essential systems. Who on the Constitution would be the right person to contact for that?

Herren: Response

Rajel/Park: Response

Va/Aja: Response

Ensign Jiroo Zaka
USS Constitution-B
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